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Idk what to do

I have incredible tooth pain rn and I'm not employed and don't have dental insurance. To my knowledge a hospital won't do anything unless it's an emergency. But it's not like I can do much of anything besides attempt to sleep through it and treat it with oral benzocaine and oragel. It's been like this on and off for the last 4 years. I'm so distraught that I'm considering waking into traffic. I hate this and just want to stop existing. Is there anything y'all can recommend? I'm in Pinellas county Florida if that helps. Currently donating plasma and the sodium citrate is seemingly making the pain worse.

  • In my cursed experience, this pain typically subsides after a few days - however you want to look out for any signs of infection. Typically what happens is a feedback loop between irritation causing swelling causing teeth to move around causing more irritation causing more swelling. Even though over-the-counter pain meds do very little for the pain, you should take ibuprofen to help reduce the swelling (I AM NOT A DOCTOR).

    If it is infected, you will need a prescription for antibiotics. Infections can potentially be very dangerous. Without solving the root cause, infection can return down the road, requiring more exotic antibiotics to treat.

    I just hat a bunch of teeth yanked after being in the same situation for many years. Death to America.

  • Definitely get it looked at by a dentist when you can. Tooth extractions aren't as expensive as a lot of dental procedures.

    Until you can get to a dentist, spend about 2-3 minutes soaking that part of your mouth in a warm water and salt mix, 2-3 times a day. This will help prevent infections and can cure a mild one.

  • If you don't have any money, this probably won't help, but I've gotten dental discount plans before to save myself a couple hundred dollars on getting 2 teeth pulled.

    I seem to remember fish antibiotics being a solution for some people. I've also been lucky enough that I've gone to a minuteclinic place and met a nurse or doc that was nice enough to give me a rx for antibiotics without charging me for the appointment. Amazon has been doing some telehealth type stuff too. IDK if they'd give you just the rx for elsewhere, but Publix used to have a list of free meds you could get with RX, now they offer like a discount on some of them.

    • Be REALLY careful going this route, but yeah, they do sell erythromycin powder at most aquarium stores to treat topical infections on aquarium fish. I have no idea how that shit is dosed. Have a back story just in case someone asks. Like "I was just at my mom's house and noticed one of her gouramis has a bacterial infection on its side. It's not fungus and it's definitely not ick."

      For antibiotics I'd rather try an UrgentCare or something first. It is counterproductive to take antibiotics without the correct dosage and schedule. It can lead to antibiotic resistance, which is very bad (because then the solution for infection becomes amputation).

  • Have you looked into local dental schools? I don't know how it is around you but where I am you can get work done for discounted prices since you'll have students working on you.