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Workers are Resisting Calls to Return to Offices - Slashdot /story/23/09/03/1528258/workers-are-resisting-calls-to-return-to-offices

America's return-to-office has been a "lagging return," reports the Washington Post: Even with millions of workers across the country being asked to return to their cubicles, office occupancy has been relatively static for the past year. The country's top 10 metropolitan areas averaged 47.2 percent...

  • I think the big thing is most people do not want to go looking for another job and before for most people they would have to be pretty underpaid to do it. WFH is huge though and most people will dust off their resumes if they are forced to commute. I myself rate the value of wfh at 20 to 25% of salary. Granted salary is pretty important so I go with the lower 20% but it gets to that pretty easily with just the commute and there are a variety of factor beyond that. As one person mentioned the climate. I could easily make a case for 30%. So getting a come back to office mandatory makes it easy to look for a horizontal move that is wfh. Oh and of course your not going to leave a wfh unless the new position pays much much higher or is also wfh. An in office position would easily need to add 50% to pull wfh staff from another company.