Perfectly reasonable reaction tbh
Perfectly reasonable reaction tbh
Perfectly reasonable reaction tbh
If anyone has both of those flags hanging at the same time, they don't understand what the top one means.
And the amount of Maga fucks that have both in my state is to high. That and the blue lives matter Punisher sticker. They show just how stupid they are.
In Kansas you can get the yellow snake as your license plate.
I have seen three so far. All three of them had thin blue line bumper or window stickers.
I've seen a few without it. None that made me think they weren't steppers tho.
I'd argue they don't understand what the bottom one means, but I'm ready to meet you in the middle and say that they don't understand any of the two
Top flag: "don't tread on me"
Bottom flag: "when there are perfectly good minorities you should be treading on right there!"
Yeah I was thinking that those two flags are completely incompatible. I kind of respect the one that isn't a gang symbol. Her reaction was still appropriate.
Once, years ago, went out to a restaurant with some friends and had a couple drinks. Wasn't paying close enough attention to my intake, and ended up a little too tipsy to drive (not, like, belligerent drunk or anything, just not safe to drive). Hung out sitting on the hood of my car watching videos on my phone for a while with a friend until he had to leave. Before he left, this super cute guy started talking to us. We hit it off, and dude and I started getting flirty. Went back to his place because it was walking distance, did the deed, and when we were done I went to get some water from his kitchen.
Wherein I see not one, not two, but no less than a dozen coffee mugs, posters, fucking rugs, and all manner of paraphernalia with right wing nonsense. We're talking he had a fucking swastika area rug. I begin the heavy breathing of a scared little gay boy (6'3 and nearly 300lbs/190cm 135kg), and he notices my discomfort. He acts like this is nothing unusual and says he's just a collector of WWII shit.
Yeah, bro, maybe you are. But that doesn't explain the don't tread on me poster, the trump 2016 merch, and fucking birth of a nation movie poster!
I got the fuck outta there before his lawyers had a chance to try out a gay panic defense.
...says he’s just a collector of WWII shit.
Isn't is funny how nobody collects the stuff from the Allies?
Only my grandparents stuff from when they kicked Nazi ass. They’d be horrified at todays bullshit.
There actually is a pretty large WW2 Allied collector and reenactor community. I know a guy with a Jeep with a mounted quad MG.
Just don't ask too many questions about the other team.
To be fair, it is more intriguing to collect the stuff of the objectively bad guy. A lot of it is like, it feels almost unbelievable, so nazi memorabilia helps ground that reality that, yes, it actually happened (and how it might have happened)
Of course there is nuance to this, though
Everyone loves an unterhund?
Probably just Axis being the driver of history at the moment.
It started there, and what Allies did is they put this down.
People tend to be more interested in what started the fire and what has let it burn; what has left a dent in history. Doesn't mean they lean to Nazi ideology.
(Disclaimer: I collect neither and am not interested in war history, or war in general)
I begin the heavy breathing of a scared little gay boy (6'3 and nearly 300lbs/190cm 135kg)
Holy shit I died
Thank you, I'll be here for the foreseeable future... As I can't afford to leave
Wait, are you a gay man or a female? This story's context changes drastically with your answer.
Ugh, gay guy here, totally relate. Hate it when the cute gay guy is a fascist. Has happened multiple times for me.
Never noticed the silhouette in the window.
Looks to be. But I don't get this one?
I'd steal the TV too
If they're against the state, it's not theft, because the state is what grants the right to property 😀
I read those flags as such:
"Don't tread on me"
"Ok tread on me"
Typical Switch.
The Stirner glasses are a nice touch.
I was wondering what the glasses were referring to. I guess you mean Max Stirner?
German post-Hegelian philosopher, dealing mainly with the Hegelian notion of social alienation and self-consciousness. Stirner is often seen as one of the forerunners of nihilism, existentialism, psychoanalytic theory, postmodernism and individualist anarchism
I'm a bad leftist, I'm terrible with theory and history.
Yes, they're talking about the woman wearing glasses akin to those worn by Stirner in Engels's sketches.
Finally some egoist content
Thin blue line is so fucking cringe. You're in the US eating doughnuts and beating on black people, you're not some hero defending society.
Wait...? Is it a lesbian couple or not?
Dark hair one looks like a guy to me. Artist uses discernible breasts to convey the light hair one is a woman.
The art isn't great, but there also appears to be a bulge.
discernible breasts
Now there's a username waiting to be taken
Does it change the meaning of the post if they are? (Hint: no it doesn’t)
Oh that's what you thought I meant?
Why change the sex of the person fleeing the apartment?
Because the odds of a woman having flags hanging in her bedroom at all, let alone those flags, is very small
Thank you for an actual answer, much appreciated!
Why complain about it being changed?
Edit: I am, in fact, a silly billy
Putting on glasses doesn't change someone's sex.
Nobody ever suspected Clara Kent of being Superman.