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  • People aren't honest enough with each other and their own needs. Meanwhile we build other dependencies in long term relationships that have nothing to do with physical attraction, but are in most cases more important for all kinds of reasons.

    Monogamy is the basis of a lot of unnecessary suffering because it's resisting a very real need we continue to have even when our relationships become romantically stagnant. If we could all just be honest about it with our SOs without fear, and work together as we do anyway to maintain other commitments to each other, we could have a culture where there's a lot more freedom to seek more intimacy and love in a way that isn't dishonest, that isn't "cheating".

  • Its not the most sensitive info here, but you shouldn't censor things using non-opaque markings. It's pretty trivial to throw the image in an editor, crank up the brightness, and see what's behind the censor in this case. Just wanna let you know in case you happen to do this to some sensitive info

  • Yeah, I never understood it either. Either have an open relationship with consent, or communicate whatever needs you have that you want to fulfill by cheating properly, and accept that it may not work out if there is truly no way to meet them. I guess I can at least abstractly understand when it happens spur-of-the moment and under the influence of drugs/alcohol, but I still can't properly put myself in those shoes.