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  • As awful as what happened was, you know what this article doesn't discuss? Why people are sending their disabled kids to a fucking boarding school in the first place. And then show what loving parents this kid has in the photos.

    • What is your experience with taking care of adult severely autistic men with behavioral issues? It's sounds love you're blaming the parents for recognizing that they couldn't their son full time.

      • They couldn't handle their son full time, so they spent a huge amount of money to send him to the opposite side of the country where they visited him for two weeks out of the time he was there and apparently never had any video chats because they didn't know about his eyes until that two weeks thing happened.

        And apparently he's easy enough to take care of for a two-week bike trip.

        You know what they could have done rather than spend all that money to send their son (who they definitely love very much since the article's pictures tell us so) to a boarding school where they never had to deal with him except for a couple of weeks every six months and never talk to him otherwise and gotten some in-home help. I just searched and it costs $254,000 a year to board someone there full time.

        Are you really going to tell me that their only option, for this son who apparently loves nothing more than to lay on his father's lap, hold his hand, and watch a Disney movie, was to send him across the country where they never saw him? Bullshit. They were tired of having to deal with him.

        I don't have to have personal experience taking care of a severely autistic man to have seen many very intellectually disabled adults out and about with people paid to care for them. I even have a friend who does it. And he does it for a lot less than $254,000 a year. And he wouldn't have let this poor guy blind himself.