Divorce case scenario
Divorce case scenario
Divorce case scenario
Bird law
Madler Birdman
While sad, this seems like sad than the court ordered separation of a divorced couple's Beanie Babies collection.
“We can help you be adults at the low cost of legal fees and forever infamy on the global internet”
Check out the expressions of the ppl watching from the back.
Apparently stuff like this happens all the time. I remember a county clerk telling me stories about a lot of next level petty vindictiveness going on at court ordered auctions during divorces. People bidding stuff like dining room chairs and TV's up to thousands of dollars just so their ex-spouse couldn't have them.
Ironically, this was at the court ordered auction of my house during my divorce. An auction that I asked for because my ex kept making completely outlandish claims as to what the house was worth. I won with a bid of $1.00 because I was the only person who showed up. My ex-wife was really pissed when she got her check from the county for $.50.
Weren’t beanie babies kind of expensive / a collector’s item back then?
Odds are the parrot outlives both and is less of an asshole.
I dunno', birds are pretty good at being assholes when they want. ... granted so are humans.
Seems reasonable
this was in Ace Attorney
I don’t know what he’s complaining about. What did he think he’d be working with? That is the day to day of law. Settling conflicts people can’t on their own.
Somebody paid for this service and will have to live with that until their expiration.
thats just the aftermath of turnabout goodbye