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  • Super Meat Boy - Ballad of the burning squirrel

    Super Meat Boy - Forest Funk

    Super Meat Boy - Betus Blues

    The composer for Super Meat Boy has done lots of great tracks for Binding of Isaac and Crypt of the Necrodancer too (Danny Baranowsky)

    Enter the Gungeon - Abbey or Die

    Enter the Gungeon - Behold the Boss Eater

    Enter the Gungeon - Boss Battle Beating

    Metal Gear solid theme

    Nine Sols - Collage

    Hades soundtrack (all of it) + if you search for the composer (Darren Korb) then you'll find loads more great soundtracks he's done (notably for Bastion).

    Hollow Knight soundtrack (all of it + the piano cover version)

    Street Fighter 6 - Viator (theme for Ryu + there's a real cool metal cover that is on YouTube by an indie metal band)

    Wipeout HD soundtrack (all of it)

    Super Hexagon (all 3 tracks)

    Hotline Miami soundtrack

    Dead Cells

    Lots of people have rightly mentioned FTL

    Frank Kelpacki has done tons of great soundtracks across the whole Command and Conquer series and it's worth searching through.

    If you're into chip tunes, then it is also worth checking out Streets of Rage 2 soundtrack.

    In case you haven't noticed, I'm really into video game instrumentals. If anyone else is interested, there's a great podcast called Sound of Gaming by BBC radio 3 that is worth going through the back catalogue of episodes.

    • Super Meat Boy's OST slaps. I decided to check it out after realizing it was from the same guy that made Crypt of the Necrodancers OST.

      I then spent hours trying to figure out where I've heard "Hot Damned" before. It was Siivagunner.

  • Severed Steel (Chewing Glass Pt 1 and 2 by Floating Door)

    BONEWORKS (BONETONES by Michael Wyckoff)

    Hotline Miami (various EPs and singles by Various Artists)

    Elite: Dangerous (Elite: Dangerous OST by Erasmus Talbot)

    Dusk (Dusk OST by Andrew Hulshult)

    Amid Evil (Amid Evil OST by Andrew Hulshult)

    • Hotline Miami

      yussss... solid working music too.

      • It's great stuff. As a bonus, an artist named Alex Yarmak has put together two albums where he covers the entire OST of each game in a heavy metal style. Great stuff if you like that kind of thing.

    • I didn't expect to see hulshult up in here along with floating door.

      The strafe soundtrack by toytree is also really nice

  • I can provide some examples if you are looking for something specific but to list some games that haven't been mentioned yet, there's:

    The Touhou games along with the remixes/covers and fan games like the two "Touhouvania" games.

    Most of the Castlevania games.

    Most of the Sonic games and fan games like Sonic After the Sequel and SRB2.

    And to go with something really obscure, Chaos Legion.

    • Adding on to this to specifically recommend the Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 soundtrack. Oscar Araujo did masterful work on this, so much so that I even went out and bought the album, even though it was almost impossible to get my hands on it. But you can listen to it on YouTube.

  • Nothing hits harder then good old Zelda Music! Best of the best in my books ;)

  • Elite Dangerous, both original OST and Odyssey (for the planetside background music)

  • Persona 3/4/5 (not all tracks are instrumentals, but most of them are and they are straight bangers)

    Katana Zero Danganronpa 1, 2, V3 Silent Hill 1, 2, 3 (all I can vouch for, but I hear the later games still have banging soundtracks) Crosscode Kingdom Hearts 1/2 Nier Automata Minecraft Donkey Kong Country 1/2 VA-11 HALL-A Catherine Full Body Deadbolt Risk of Rain 1/2

    Some of these you'd have to sift through, like Silent Hill is one part industrial creepy noise, and one part absolutely incredible hip hop and rock

  • ATM I love the soundtracks of:

    • Civilization 6
    • Genshin Impact
    • Persona 3
    • Rimworld (+ P-music mod)
  • Star Control 2: The Ur-Quan Masters has some great tunes.

    Edit: and The Talos Principle

  • Doesn't look like anyone listed the Ori soundtracks by Gareth Coker yet, they're amazing. Also can't go wrong with WoW if you're looking for more classic fantasy style.