Good game soundtracks?
Good game soundtracks?
I've been looking for some more instrumental music to listen to while working, besides putting FF and Stardew on loop.
Good game soundtracks?
I've been looking for some more instrumental music to listen to while working, besides putting FF and Stardew on loop.
Obligatory Nier series music mention.
Surprised to not see FTL mentioned yet.
I'm loving the track Balatro has too. I wish that game had more music like the one song it has.
Chrono Trigger was fantastic. Look specifically for the instrumentals/orchestral on YouTube. 🤙
Thanks for commenting this so I didn't have to!
Another vote for the Bastion soundtrack by Darren Korb.
Seconding Bastion! That soundtrack got me though so many grad school papers/ projects. I keep telling myself I'll get around to actually playing that game, but I can't shake the feeling that the second I hear "Build that wall" I'ma have some ptsd flashbacks.
Ori and the Blind Forest. Every song in the soundtrack is brilliant
I beat you to it, but not by much ;p
Cuphead is a banger if you like that kinda music.
Nier Automata as well. Very different, but hauntingly brilliant.
Also, fallout radio if you're feeling that real classic sound.
Also, fallout radio if you're feeling that real classic sound.
Gotta love the Ink Spots!
The Dustforce OST maybe?
Same artist who did the music for TUNIC. While its soundtrack isn't great to listen to alone in my opinion, it is phenomenal in game. To the point where watching the trailer gives me goosebumps.
Also, I emailed the artist once to ask permission to use the Dustforce soundtrack in a YouTube video I was making. They gave me permission and I sent the video to them when it was posted and they said very nice things about it.
Rimworld has an amazing soundtrack
Thanks for the recommendation. Listening now. I'm a few tracks in. Gorgeous so far.
Anything Final Fantasy?
That was my first thought but they mentioned FF already.
Oh fuck, I should learn to finish sentences, I’m not sure I can blame this one on my unregulated adhd lmao
Super Meat Boy - Ballad of the burning squirrel
Super Meat Boy - Forest Funk
Super Meat Boy - Betus Blues
The composer for Super Meat Boy has done lots of great tracks for Binding of Isaac and Crypt of the Necrodancer too (Danny Baranowsky)
Enter the Gungeon - Abbey or Die
Enter the Gungeon - Behold the Boss Eater
Enter the Gungeon - Boss Battle Beating
Metal Gear solid theme
Nine Sols - Collage
Hades soundtrack (all of it) + if you search for the composer (Darren Korb) then you'll find loads more great soundtracks he's done (notably for Bastion).
Hollow Knight soundtrack (all of it + the piano cover version)
Street Fighter 6 - Viator (theme for Ryu + there's a real cool metal cover that is on YouTube by an indie metal band)
Wipeout HD soundtrack (all of it)
Super Hexagon (all 3 tracks)
Hotline Miami soundtrack
Dead Cells
Lots of people have rightly mentioned FTL
Frank Kelpacki has done tons of great soundtracks across the whole Command and Conquer series and it's worth searching through.
If you're into chip tunes, then it is also worth checking out Streets of Rage 2 soundtrack.
In case you haven't noticed, I'm really into video game instrumentals. If anyone else is interested, there's a great podcast called Sound of Gaming by BBC radio 3 that is worth going through the back catalogue of episodes.
Super Meat Boy's OST slaps. I decided to check it out after realizing it was from the same guy that made Crypt of the Necrodancers OST.
I then spent hours trying to figure out where I've heard "Hot Damned" before. It was Siivagunner.
Maybe try soundtrack from Celeste, Transistor, Gris
Pokémon music. Especially the route themes and battle themes. If I had to list the bangers it would take hours
Donkey Kong Country, especially 2. From the original, I recommend Aquatic Ambience. But for DKC2, honestly let the OST play. There's so many greats.
Stickerbush Symphony the GOAT. But yes, so many great picks in here.
That's also my top pick!
Severed Steel (Chewing Glass Pt 1 and 2 by Floating Door)
BONEWORKS (BONETONES by Michael Wyckoff)
Hotline Miami (various EPs and singles by Various Artists)
Elite: Dangerous (Elite: Dangerous OST by Erasmus Talbot)
Dusk (Dusk OST by Andrew Hulshult)
Amid Evil (Amid Evil OST by Andrew Hulshult)
Hotline Miami
yussss... solid working music too.
It's great stuff. As a bonus, an artist named Alex Yarmak has put together two albums where he covers the entire OST of each game in a heavy metal style. Great stuff if you like that kind of thing.
I didn't expect to see hulshult up in here along with floating door.
The strafe soundtrack by toytree is also really nice
Gothic 2! Full soundtrack, or a compilation of just ambient tracks
Persona 5. I have p4 tracks also.
The Return of the Obra Dinn! Fantastic OST (maritime/sea shanty inspired) and a truly unique game too.
Lucas Pope is a genius.
Hardspace: Shipbreaker has a beautiful ambient folk vibe:
I was wondering if anyone else enjoyed this soundtrack. I love it!
Stellaris is great sci-fi future ambient music to focus to.
Stellaris has a fine soundtrack, but I found myself vibing way more playing it with FlyByNo's soundtrack for Endless Space. Endless Space didn't have the staying power with me that Stellaris did but that soundtrack is * chef's kiss * .
Guild wars 2 has so much variety i would not know where to start. Would just search it on youtube and find the fitting mood i guess.
Jeremy Soule made some soundtracks.
Guild wars 1 and 2, Skyrim ...
I can provide some examples if you are looking for something specific but to list some games that haven't been mentioned yet, there's:
The Touhou games along with the remixes/covers and fan games like the two "Touhouvania" games.
Most of the Castlevania games.
Most of the Sonic games and fan games like Sonic After the Sequel and SRB2.
And to go with something really obscure, Chaos Legion.
Adding on to this to specifically recommend the Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 soundtrack. Oscar Araujo did masterful work on this, so much so that I even went out and bought the album, even though it was almost impossible to get my hands on it. But you can listen to it on YouTube.
Personally I prefer Bastion soundtrack over Transistor but both a good.
Nothing hits harder then good old Zelda Music! Best of the best in my books ;)
oh man i have a spotify folder full of playlists, including
but it's missing metroid prime (esp. chozo ruins and phendrana drifts) and professor layton (any of the puzzle themes).
Any of Marty O'Donnell's Halo soundtracks
Elite Dangerous, both original OST and Odyssey (for the planetside background music)
Castlevania Symphony of the Night.
My brother had a string quartet play one of the songs at his wedding. It was so beautiful.
TUNIC. I also highly recommend the game, it's in my top 5.
The Ys series OSTs, especially the PSP titles. Nice mix of metal and violin.
Hollow Night. The City of Tears track in particular.
Any covers made by Orchestral Fantasy on YouTube. He focuses mainly on classic 16-bit titles and pretty much nails each one.
Nice mix of metal and violin.
Juuuuust in case you're not already familiar with symphonic metal... It's pretty fuckin great.
I do like symphonic metal, and that's a great song... it gave me goosebumps. I'll be sure to check out more of Blind Guardian's work. Any other suggestions are welcome! Maybe stuff similar to Epica's Omega album, and instrumental pieces similar to Essence of Datum, Mohamed Shawky, Rivers of Nihil, & Naxatras, if you've got the time :D
I'm a sucker for a cello. When I'm testing new audio equipment I put on Austin Wintory's soundtrack to Journey. So, so beautiful.
Also love cello, and it's why I keep hoping the long-rumored new version of Final Fantasy Tactics will surface soon. Even with a fifth console gen soundfont, Sakimoto's strings are so good in that soundtrack.
Second on the Octopath Traveler II music. Even my son who is 9 and plays it as well as a ton of other games has only ever commented about how the music is really good on Octopath Traveler and no others (and I had never mentioned this to him). It's definitely the best music I have every heard for a game. There was a glitch one time where the music wasn't playing for some reason and I realized how much the music made the game come to life, NGL, I think it brings like 99% of the emotional engagement to it.
I've been playing so many soundtracks for my background music at work. Of course, nostalgia makes some songs slap harder than they deserve to, so your results may vary, but some of my favorites have been:
Mega Man series
Warcraft (I'm especially fond of Warcraft 2 songs)
Donkey Kong Country series
Variety lists (one hit wonders from games you nearly forgot)
Spotify has a lot of video game playlists, and even some covers in different styles. Right now we're listening to metal versions of classic games.
If you like prog metal and hard rock, I've yet to find a better soundtrack than Guilty Gear XX. The fan favorite is "Holy Orders (Be Just or Be Dead)", but for my money, the best songs on the soundtrack are "Existence" and "Awe of She".
First time I heard this was in a buddy's car and it was bumpin' hard. I asked him who the band was and was totally surprised when he told me it was from a video game. Very very solid stuff v all the way through
Mass Effect 2 and 3 might have what you’re looking for.
Baldur’s Gate 3 as well.
Everything by Jeremy Soule. Especially Guild Wars 2 and Skyrim.
Crysis 2
A Hat In Time
Total Annihilation
Persona 3/4/5 (not all tracks are instrumentals, but most of them are and they are straight bangers)
Katana Zero Danganronpa 1, 2, V3 Silent Hill 1, 2, 3 (all I can vouch for, but I hear the later games still have banging soundtracks) Crosscode Kingdom Hearts 1/2 Nier Automata Minecraft Donkey Kong Country 1/2 VA-11 HALL-A Catherine Full Body Deadbolt Risk of Rain 1/2
Some of these you'd have to sift through, like Silent Hill is one part industrial creepy noise, and one part absolutely incredible hip hop and rock
The Nitronic Rush soundtrack is some really awesome techno. It feels very Tron-esque at times.
little big adventure 2
sim city 4
There was something magical about Little Big Adventure that no game has been able to capture afterwards.
Total Annihilation
Diablo 2, Deus Ex Human Revolution, Mass Effect 1
If you like metal... the tracks from 2004 Painkiller rocks.
That nobody mentioned Transport Tycoon Deluxe is criminal. I recommend the live-action version recorded for the mobile release:
OpenTTD Downtown Cab Ride is a masterpiece!
ATM I love the soundtracks of:
Shadow of the Colossus OST
Star Control 2: The Ur-Quan Masters has some great tunes.
Edit: and The Talos Principle
How is there not a Single mention of celeste? It is one of the few things that can keep me focussed for hours.
Lots of Elder Scrolls and Elder Scrolls Online
Lots of Metal Gear stuff
Kingdoms of Amalur
Shadow of the Colossus
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon (badass 80s music)
Assassins Creed 3
Doesn't look like anyone listed the Ori soundtracks by Gareth Coker yet, they're amazing. Also can't go wrong with WoW if you're looking for more classic fantasy style.
The persona series has some great songs