One of the most problematic parts of this horrible game is the ability for players to upload their own "skins" – essentially, each player can create a character for themselves in simple photo editing apps such as photoshop. This means that the selection of characters is limited only by the players' imaginations. On the surface, this seems to be a positive of the game, but it turns out that it is not.
This unlimited customization dangerously blurs the boundaries of gender and sex, and, especially considering the predominantly young player base of Minecraft, can be very confusing in terms of gender. One of these confused young people is my son, now 21 years old, who, it turns out, had been using the default "girl" skin of Minecraft, often shown in marketing alongside a more fitting masculine character. While this is not concerning on its own, having done so since the age of 11 will surely have contributed to his gender confusion.
Ever technically minded, my son set up a multiplayer server to play with his boyfriend when they were 14 years old and just started dating. Unfortunately, due to Minecraft's neglectful failure to include any filters or safeguards against dangerous and confusing ideological statements, it served as a funnel for the two of them to encourage each other in their "transitions." Yes, that's right – my son's boyfriend is also gender confused. What's worse is that these two, who are perhaps the worst possible people for each other, are engaged to get married in a "lesbian" wedding later this fall. I, of course, was not invited. Heaven forbid I try to save my son from his horrible confusion.
Actually a very sweet story about a young transbian and her t4t girlfriend discovering themselves and finding love and acceptance online in secret from an unsupportive family
Yes, that's right my son's daughter's boyfriend girlfriend is also gender confused trans. What's worse is that these two, who are perhaps the worst best possible people for each other, are engaged to get married in a "lesbian" wedding later this fall. I, of course, was not invited. Heaven forbid I try to save remove my son daughter from his her horrible confusion happy life.
Rebranding "videogame violence is responsible for all the things we dislike" to "videogames including women as a character option is responsible for my child becoming trans".
I, of course, was not invited. Heaven forbid I try to save my son from his horrible confusion.
This unlimited customization dangerously blurs the boundaries of gender and sex
In other words, “I want gender and sex to be the same thing, but I can’t unlearn that they’re different. And instead of accepting that fact, I’ve decided to be a huge a-hole.”
The only thing worse for a transphobe than gender being malleable despite them very much wishing that was not the case is "biological" sex being malleable as well.
The website is really fucking funny. The goofy acronym name and the fact that it has an entire category just titled SONS just makes it seem like something out a comedy
Also, as much as he tries to pin the blame for his child turning out trans on Minecraft and the ability to freely customise your avatar, the author gives the game away entirely here
This means that the selection of characters is limited only by the players' imaginations
My dude, the "gender confusion" was coming from inside the house all along
First blames the game for being single player, "if only she had played with the chuds online they would have shamed them into never coming out of the closet". Then says their daughter did set up a multiplayer server but because the game has no moderation (a complete misunderstanding of the game's infrastructure and how such a task could even be accomplished short of banning all chat directly, which wouldn't even work because out of game chat and voice clients still exist) and now "oh no the trans activists were waiting for a random Minecraft server with innocent child to pollute their minds with the thrill becoming a woman, and no I never supervised their play sessions, I was busy watching my own shows".
The whole thing screams the child is my property how dare it make decisions that I disagree with for their best interest. No I will not even talk to my child about what their going through they should just suck it up and get over it like we did in my day.
Just the idea that video games ought to limit your character's gender to the player's actual gender is so unhinged. I'm a cis man, and I often play female characters in RPGs. It has not transed me, and it has nothing to do with wanting to be a woman in real life. I just like playing different characters (and frequently the female voice actor in things like Bioware games is just way better).
I flop around depending on what game it is but I generally play a woman 60% of the time, if there's also an option for a short race like gnomes then that's absolutely going to be my plate wearing 2h axe character.
That article is easily the funniest PITT has ever posted, I'm glad someone posted it here for all of us to laugh at collectively!
Here's another fun fact about PITT ("Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans", very funny acronym): about two years ago they decided they wanted their Wednesday posts to all come from detransitioners. That worked for maybe a month, but clearly they massively overestimated how many detransitioners would be willing to write shitty transphobic articles for their shitty transphobic newsletter. For another month or two Wednesdays just didn't have posts, until one Wednesday it was a normal post from another shitty parent and that's what it's been since. They just quietly dropped Detransitioner Wednesdays because they couldn't find people to write them. So funny.
Look everyone goes through a phase where they think a cantrip or two would be fun. It is, but you gotta come back to reality after you know. You have to grow up and do what society demands at some point.
I was “gay” in high school, but used a girl from a yuri anime to represent myself a lot online at the time (my then bf used the character’s love interest it was a whole cringe/cute thing) and one of my friends asked if I was trans because of it and I was like “lol no it’s just a thing”
Anyway, like a week later I was playing RuneScape and the quest where you have to change your gender at the makeover mage to beat a puzzle and I started to feel weird when all the npcs would call you “miss” or “girl” so I messages my friend like “actually maybe”
and that’s how video games and anime transed my gender
I think I had a similar experience but it didn't really register during that quest, instead I went back to the makeover mage years later and just told all my friends I was doing the quest then.
What gives a parent the right to "save" their adult children from so-called "confusion"? I hate that controlling nature. Good that the author wasn't invited, what a shitstain of a human.
This is funny because I have a friend who I've known since before she transitioned and she was real big into k-on too. Instead of guitar though she became a Rust developer.
This unlimited customization dangerously blurs the boundaries of gender and sex, and, especially considering the predominantly young player base of Minecraft, can be very confusing in terms of gender. One of these confused young people is my son, now 21 years old, who, it turns out, had been using the default "girl" skin of Minecraft, often shown in marketing alongside a more fitting masculine character. While this is not concerning on its own, having done so since the age of 11 will surely have contributed to his gender confusion.
Most games have some form of gender customization/selection at this point. How are you supposed to stop someone from choosing an "incorrect" gender? By requiring a genital scan or something?
Also the "girl" skin is pretty clearly intended to be gender-neutral and is based on a real-life man.
Once again Substack provides space and publicity for the meanest kind of Internet bigotry. I don't know why anyone would want their writings to appear next to this trash.
I like the implication that, instead of unlimited customization, you must tell someone your correct gender. And no, you can't just tell the game what you want, so it would have to be some gender authority who over sees bibio games who then offers you a limited selection of customization.
It would also presumably be the same person who checks children's genitals before they're allowed to play sports in elementary school just in case the woke mind virus tries to corrupt the purity of competition of 4th grade wrestling.
I had way too many brain worms set into myself by society, so I actually hard avoided the female player character stereotype, among other things. Didn’t want to be weird, and I definitely didn’t want to show or validate any repressed fears, was VeryNormal in avoiding it.
It was a major outlet for me as a teenager. At some point I must have felt teased by it and stopped playing women characters, at least around my friends.
I remember reading an article a long time ago about what they called "cross-gaming", playing as the opposite gender in a video game. It said that it may be an indication of " transgenderism".
One of my earliest signs of being trans actually comes from minecraft. I thought the girl skins were all very cute, and I downloaded one for myself and used it for like 10 minutes, before quickly switching back because I was terrified that any of my friends would notice. So yeah, I'd say minecraft is responsible for turning me into a homosexual transgender marxist
Big oof, it's impostor syndrome time. I'm trying to remember when I first started playing femme characters as my mains in various games, and I don't think it was very long before my egg started to crack. At the time, I explained it away by pointing out that I had a much easier time coming up with feminine names to fit a specific character/build (because of fucking course I am a nerd with a copy of the Silmarillion on my desk, and I'd thumb through the Elvish dictionary at the end to combine root words and suffixes to come up with names for characters). At least back in the WoW Burning Crusade/Lich King era, those were usually alts and all of my mains that I rotated between for raiding and whatnot were still male. (I mean, honestly -- how the hell are you going to come up with an appropriate avatar for a death knight named "Goofus" with Blizzard's femme orc options? To say nothing of the femme Tauren models not really fitting the Masters of the Universe villain vibe that is implied by the name "Burgor.") My first Skyrim character was an Imperial named after . In ESO, I just made one of my (male) cats as a derpy Khajiit. I don't think I switched off of the regular Steve body in Minecraft until a few years back; I always play first-person, so the avatar never really mattered much to me.
My first fem main character that I can remember was a hobbit Valkyrie build that I slapped together for my brief stint in Lord of the Rings Online, and I think I did something similar in Guild Wars 2. I also remember liking the female Barbarian voice actor better than the male one in Diablo 3; when I came back to D3 several years ago to try out the seasonal mechanics, I pretty much exclusively played femme characters, aside from my original monk from 2012 who was still decked out in his auction house yellows (no, I did not pay real money for them). The D3 femme Necromancer may have been the first time I experienced extremely intense gender envy. This was also around the time I started almost exclusively playing female Breton builds in Skyrim, ostensibly because I was min/maxing for magic resist for runs on Legendary (but also because the Skyrim male Breton model has a really fuckin' weird hairline). But yeah, this was all within the past 5-6 years or so, and I didn't start identifying as trans or even genderfluid until 2020-2021.
Looking waaaaay back, though, I suspect that I was getting some low-level gender euphoria from playing as a femme blood elf fire mage back in my WoW days. I remember feeling this giddy sense of contentment, like my male mains were a day job that I dreaded and this was a nice break. Has anyone else had that?
(I mean, honestly -- how the hell are you going to come up with an appropriate avatar for a death knight named "Goofus" with Blizzard's femme orc options? To say nothing of the femme Tauren models not really fitting the Masters of the Universe villain vibe that is implied by the name "Burgor.")
Back in the day I had a Tauren Druid alt that was named Posilac. Very few people got the reference.
See, kids these days will just name their Tauren "Mommymilkers" and pat themselves on the back for being clever. And by "kids," I mean grown-ass adults who should know better than to steal Zoomer valor and just show a little damn creativity, you know?
I have played very little minecraft and I'm fine with that. This was a hilarious read though. Also if they call us gender confused can I call them gender deranged?