Janeway to Tuvix
Janeway to Tuvix
Janeway to Tuvix
It's a complex episode that epitomises the very best of Star Trek writing.
However, what is telling is how a minority of fans think that because Neelix and Tuvok died in an accident, Tuvix needs to die in order to set that right.
Morally, I think it is wrong to sacrifice Tuvix and that they are a living being with a right to exist regardless of what accidents and what deaths preceded their creation. If I was in Janeway's position I wouldn't have made her choice, but I can understand why some people might have, and consequently been terribly haunted by their own decision. Though I would still disagree with it.
I think the reasoning is pretty solid, stemming from the many vs the one.
Keeping Tuvix saves 1 plant. Removing the plant and splitting Tuvok and Neelix back saves 2 lives.
Is it still shitty? God damn right it is. But it's still logical, even if a bit sterile.