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What are you playing this weekend? 06/16

Hello Everyone!

It's time for this week's, "What are you playing" thread.

I wasn't able to give as much time to gaming as I thought, who knew running a community can take so much time. Even when all members are so great, and I don't have to moderate anything.

I am still playing The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, mainly focusing on side quests and exploration right now. With so much to explore, this is going to take a long time.

Other than that, me and wife just got NSO Expansion pass, and started the Happy Home Paradise DLC, while resuming our Animal Crossing play-through. Just cleaning the long neglected island, and helping Harv build the shops.

What about all of you? What are you playing?

  • TOTK still, because once Pikmin 4 comes out I will switch to that

    still haven’t even beat a single ‘regional phenomena’ yet… can’t stop myself from randomly exploring, which is honestly my favorite part of botw/totk anyway

  • I play Fire Emblem Engage. Just finished a Ironman run and maybe try to beat the DLC mapps as well with my now limited army

    • Someone else also mentioned in the post that they are playing Engage, and I asked them how they are liking it, and going to ask you the questions.

      How are you liking FE Engage? Have you played Three Houses? Most people I know prefer Three Houses over it, and didn’t like Engage much.

  • Some TotK and some Monster Hunter maybe some Advanced Wars sprinkled in.

    So much to do so little time!

    • Haha, I know that feeling. I have such a huge backlog of games. Still haven't played Astral Chain or Super Mario Bros U Deluxe... so many games, and so little time.

      Which Monster Hunter are you playing? Rise? I may start World with some friends soon, not sure how much we will play.

  • I am still playing The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, mainly focusing on side quests and exploration right now. With so much to explore, this is going to take a long time.

    This is me right now. I owe myself do some exploring of the depths and sky islands. Having played BOTW the surface is so familiar that I kinda went quickly around it and probably advanced way too quickly on the main quests. It's time for me to slow down and do the exploration.

    • I played BOTW at launch, so while I do recognize few places here and there, for me most of the land mass is new, and with the different abilities, and all the caves and wells, there is so much to explore.

      Sky islands I have explored least of, and need to focus more on. Specially because there are some things you can only get on Sky islands. 😀

      • Yes, of course. I need to explore more caves and wells too. And even familiar places have changed. But I feel like I went too fast because, despite the changes, it's still very familiar. It took me no effort to get to the main villages, because I kinda knew how to get there. It felt familiar yet new.

        But that familiarity kept me from exploring the new places -and the dangerous places in the surface too-. I want to focus on that now. It's gonna be fun.

  • I finished Yoshi's Crafted World, finally after like 3 years of owning it. So now I've decided "welp I guess it's time to play Breath of the Wild". Enjoying it so far, I do need to get to Kirby tho... which I was planning on doing once I finished Luigi's Mansion 3, Paper Mario and Yoshi's Crafted World, oh well.

    In non-Nintendo stuff, I've been playing Fallout 4 on PC because I've gotten that itch. I've only ever played in PS4, I think I got it on PC when it went on sale. It's really weird playing it with a mouse and keyboard, but it's a lot of fun building a new character and trying to figure out their personality... she feels like very sarcastic and mean but will soften up when you get to know her.

  • After a few months of moving about between hotels, I finally got everything all set up a my new place, so I've been enjoying some splatoon 3 again, along with legends arceus.