Third time's the charm!
Third time's the charm!
- OS: OpenBSD 7.5-current amd64
- Host: Lenovo ThinkPad T400
- WM: cwm
- GTK Theme: Mint-L-Dark-Purple
- Icon Theme: GNOME-Noble
- Font: spleen
- Shell: ksh
- Browser: Tor Browser
- Editor: nvim
- Terminal: Sakura
- I plan to make my own GTK and Qt themes for this machine, but Mint-L is a pretty good fit for now.
- OpenBSD-current is fairly unstable. I'll be switching back to -stable or -release when 7.6 is released in October.
- I picked the Polybar colour scheme from Amethyst (the character from Steven Universe). This is what I will use for the custom GTK and Qt themes.