German exec jailed 7.5 years for manslaughter after dropping newborn from the window, claiming stress at work led to the accident.
The motive behind Jovanovic's actions was reportedly her fear that motherhood would jeopardise her professional career as a lawyer for a prestigious car brand.
This is sad, and it’s a shame the prosecutors are only going to be interested in a conviction. This woman is obviously suffering, and needs medical help for her postpartum depression.
Hmmm. It looks like Germany has fairly strict limits on the availability of abortion; it's on-demand up to 12 weeks, but requires mandatory counseling first. It seems like perhaps expanding abortion access to on-demand up to the point of realistic fetal viability and eliminating the counseling requirement might--might--have led to a different outcome here.
I wonder if she had attempted to terminate her pregnancy prior to this point?
For the people saying that she should have just adopted the infant: that's extremely difficult for someone to do, even if they know that they don't want a child or are not capable of caring for it. I've seen multiple teens end up keeping children that they didn't plan on, didn't want, and had no means to care for, all because they couldn't go through with an adoption in the end.
I'm not sure she's actually wrong in the part about it Jeopardizing her career, because let's face it sometimes that's true. However did that not occur to her before she had the child? Surely she should have known that and not had a kid if that was her main priority.
Let's set aside motive and treat this woman's obvious problem with her mental health. The last thing she needs is criminal proceedings and punishment that achieves nothing apart from getting conservative dicks hard.
This is horrifying. Unfortunately this is a problem because most countries do not allow abortion after a certain period of pregnancy; and there is oftentimes no exceptions to this that isn't "a Rape charge on someone they might have slept with."
This means that certain women can get "stealth-ed" by someone1 and not realize they're pregnant until they're too late past the abortion deadline because of their biology and inexperience with being pregnant. It's also random and uncommon enough that authorities and lawmakers do not make accommodations for this situation.
1 - This also includes other situations such as uncommon birth control failures.
In this case; anti-abortion laws are intended to be cruel.
Unfortunately, women who are unknowingly pregnant also can't get help. I think it's likely the woman did not know she was pregnant until some point nearing the birth in the 8th or 9th month. If you're a woman who isn't native to the country, don't know it's laws, don't know where to get help and stuck on a business trip or company provided residency visa; I could see how easily one could be quite panicked.
I don't think she did the right thing. Unfortunately it's a rare case of some grey areas which too often we tend to treat like a black area of wrong.
People without kids are often discriminated against when it comes to raises and promotions. Maybe I should move to Germany. Or just grow a pair and lie, what's stable diffusion for anyway.
Insane. I can't imagine a woman doing that to her own newborn baby. Defenestrating a baby would also ruin her career, so I guess she has a lot of other things going into that decision.
Defence attorney Malte Hoech, 53, presented a contrasting view, arguing that the incident was a tragic accident. Hoech claimed Jovanovic was unaware of her pregnancy and overwhelmed by the sudden birth.
So your client is intelligent enough to earn a law degree and achieve a high rank at a prestigious multi-national, but too stupid to figure out she's preggers? Yeah, that's believable.