First attempt at a Little Free Library, going live 9/9!
First attempt at a Little Free Library, going live 9/9!
First attempt at a Little Free Library, going live 9/9!
Non-Fiction Section here:
I love these little libraries around the PDX area! I'm normally pretty good on books so haven't used any but I love that they're a thing for people to have easy access to books. I just hope the Douglas Adams box set is kept together lol
@Dee We have quite a few as well. I rarely read print anymore, but they're just really fun to look through, and very handy for donations.
They are in a box, so we'll see! Same for Maus and Maus II.
There's another HHGTtG book by Eoin Colfer (with permission from Adams' widow) called "And Another Thing." In case you want to complete the collection.
I'm one of those that consider the H2G2 trilogy complete with the 5 original books.
Fair enough. I thought it was decent, but you could tell it wasn't written by Adams.
This is awesome. Did you build it? Where are you going to put it? Do you have more pictures of the complete library box?
It was a gift from:
This particular model:
Once the post and bench are prepped, it's going out on the corner on the other side of our privacy fence.
Bonus: Lorelei and Keanu crashed on the boxes:
You’ve got some good ones in there! Is that a bookmark in each book (the same as the card in the pics)? Good idea!
Yup, I had Vistaprint do me up 500 cards. We'll see how fast they go! :)
Great selection
Library is live as of 9/9, and the first two books have gone out into the wild!
Both non-fiction.
The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat - Oliver Sacks
Maus - Art Spiegelman - Pulitzer Prize winner
Both excellent choices!