Despite what the media might have you believe is the most important thing to have you pay attention to (that Biden is old), it seems that the general public is more interested in learning about something else: Project 2025. Not that many appear to be...
This is good news, while it wouldn’t be enough to sway diehards, it will sway the undecided who don’t want to see the nation become a shell of its former self. Conservatives who are trying to distance themselves from their most desired plan will make mistakes and screw up enough to hopefully get caught out. Here’s hoping at least.
It seems that people are already aware that Biden is damned old, and their response to the media’s cries have been, “No shit, Sherlock, but what’s this 2025 thing?”
A kind reminder from Germany: If anyone tells that they "didn't know what they were getting into" and that "it didn't seem as bad, they cant really mean it" and "time in power will pacify them and they won't push through with their claims" - we already had this story and these excuses. I hope that we all can prevent the fascists from getting into power. I really don't want stuff I've read in history books to repeat in my lifetime. The more people know about P2025, the better - but to be honest I fear that most will just ignore it and go on with their day.
I’m hoping I’ll see more stories about this in the mainstream news, along with Dems reminding voters that Republicans said for years that “Roe was settled law,” and “they’re not going to overturn Roe.” Ending their statements with, “when someone tells you who they are, believe them.”
People don't think it's possible to do all of this. After reading the entire thing, it's 100% possible, but I don't think people are seeing this as the end of democracy in the U.S.
Women, minorities, public education, the environment, work reform, social services and even protesting are straight up done. Sounds extreme, but I'm not seeing how you vote yourself out of this after firing everyone and replacing them with people only loyal to the president.
Reminder from Hungary: Go and vote for Biden or whoever the democrats will replace him with. Fidesz'es overreach is too big, they destroy everything they don't like, and nowadays more and more people that were originally scared by the mass shootings and the ease of availability of guns would like us to have that same kind of access. Our only hope is either somehow the biggest allies of Fidesz disappear in one way or another (death, etc.), or the Ukrainians would really sell those weapons on the black market to us the Hungarian citizens.
I remember many art and similar projects die, because Fidesz defunded the art, then their cronies took over everything and only let artists that pushed blatant pro-Fidesz propaganda.
just wait until people start googling why bridges are collapsing, buildings are self demolishing, and people are shitting out their intestines because of the drinking water, thanks to scotus's deregulate the world and everything in it decision
It's sad when the best candidate that the Democrats can field against a Fascist who literally tried to stage his own Beer Hall Putsch against Congress and kickstart the Fourth Reich... is a senile fossil who should be in a care home, not the White House.
Make sure that you tell anyone who is searching the document for topics they care about to use alt-right, MAGA, and dog whistle terms for the topic. The people who wrote it didn't always use normal words to hide what they are actually talking about.
It's so weirdly worded. Everything is veiled just enough that people can say, "that's not what it means." I've read 40 out 50 pages and found a half dozen typos.
ending public schools doesn't sound too crazy until you realize how much private schools can cost. Parents gonna get some sticker shock if these plans go through
Edit: Easy people, I am by no means suggesting public education is a bad thing just that I know a lot of people who never went to public school.
It's just a suggestion list of things that someone would want a republican president to do. Trump has already stated some of the stuff is ridiculous and he obviously doesn't support it