86-year-Old Woman Beaten Because She Looked ‘Trans’
86-year-Old Woman Beaten Because She Looked ‘Trans’
86-year-Old Woman Beaten Because She Looked ‘Trans’
I know I’m not trans and thus considerably less of a target overall.. but this shit scares me so much.
I have been accused of being a man on multiple occasions due largely to having a deep gravely voice and no willingness to hide my true personality.. I wrestled, was in the military, and have mostly non-stereotypically-feminine interests.. so despite being a whopping 5’2, 120lb, feminine-presenting afab, people (actually it’s been 100% men doing it) misgender me quite a bit more than one would expect..
And coming from a conservative area, that is frightening every time it happens. Most of the men who do this are 2-3x my size and would probably kill me.
Trans woman here. I've noticed so much hate online coming mainly from men. And this is primarily why we want people to stop attacking and/or killing trans people and stop the TERF rhetoric. It's affecting all women that don't follow absolutely stereotypical feminine ideals. When my partner and I went to New Hampshire, they were the one that almost got attacked while waiting in line for pizza, not me, the trans woman that was walking around the same convenience store right in front of him.
@ApathyTree @Beaver Doesn't matter if you are trans or not. All women are under attack, this is not just about trans people. We were an easy target to start with but everyone who is not a cishet white male conservative is a target.
He said he thought that she was transgender and therefore was “a predatory pedophile,” repeating language often used by anti-transgender activists.
Alex Bailey, 30, said that he had taken so many drugs that night that he was in a state of “induced psychosis” and believed that the victim, Marie MacGowan, was a “man dressed up as a woman,” according to the Irish Times. She was actually trying to find her way home and was lost when she was attacked around 2 a.m.
almost as if the heart of transphobia is misogyny.
It's mainly fetishism and fear of them.... otherism, you could say...
I'm so glad the terfs have been working tirelessly to keep women safe
Just 3 fixing years, what a menace to society, JFC.
There really needs a stipulation in sentencing that takes into account when you have effectively ended someone's life without killing them. This poor woman might as well be spending the rest of her life in a prison, why shouldn't her attacker face the same punishment?
I hope the same thing happens to him one day. Oh sorry, he looked very straight and statistically these are the biggest child molesters.
What the actual fuck is wrong with you?
Hopefully that comes with some serious re education because he is a fucking simpleton.
Who watches klanses the watchmen klansmen?
Alex Bailey, 30, said that he had taken so many drugs that night that he was in a state of "induced psychosis"
Was this part of the situation ignored? Is Bailey dry now? Is his sobriety a mandated condition of his freedom?
After they come for trans folk, and no one speaks, addicted ne'er-do-wells are going to find themselves only one or two lines down the purge list. Hate-driven politics is a device to control the people as the ownership class leaves the society to rot for personal gain.
At least that's the common driving force behind self-medication and hate crime here in the US.
This is why I have offered every trans friend I've ever had shooting lessons, and/or basic self defense training + tools.
I've tried it with cis friends too, but it tends to get taken wrong for some reason.