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  • Mint w Cinnamon DM. Or Mint (Debian Edition) w/Cinnamon as desktop.

    Ubuntu or Debian based. Beginner friendly, though not limited to just beginners. Cannot answer the g#ming focused questions because I’m not a g*mer, sorry.

  • I recommend anything Debian-based for the same reason I chose Debian first: If you have a problem, there will be somebody else that did as well and likely fixed it. If you are new, I would suggest Linux Mint or Ubuntu. Another plus is that non-free software is available for these distributions, like Zoom and Discord.

    Gaming on Linux is an active area of development, almost single-handedly done by Valve, so this can be hit-or-miss. In general AMD graphics cards fare better with drivers, while nVidia has almost comically piss-poor "official" drivers.

  • I like Fedora with GNOME desktop environment, especially if you have a touch screen on your device.

    Cinnamon DE on Linux Mint feels a lot like Windows, if that's something you want.

    Day to day, the desktop environment is a more impactful decision than the specific distro.

  • I mean, it all comes down to personal preference. Under the hood they're all pretty much the same, with the exception that some distros use a different package manager.

    You'll probably want to stick with one that uses the apt package manager it's very straightforward (all Ubuntu based distros use this).

    Ubuntu is the most popular and works out of the box. Personally, I am a huge fan of the KDE environment it's very customisable and looks super slick. Kubuntu and Neon are probably the most prominent distros that use KDE.

  • I will always reccomend Fedora. It's definetly forward thinking while being stable, and it's easy to game on (most distros are). DNF is also an easy package manager to learn, and looks much more organized than apt does (in my opinion) so you can actually see what's happening. Fedora does also get updates sooner, which can include performance or driver updates.

  • Don't want to think, more used to using Windows -> Linux Mint (Cinnamon edition)

    Don't want to think, more used to using Mac -> Ubuntu

    Picky, have a weekend to kill -> Look through the screenshots for Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and all the Linux Mint variations. Download all the ones that look nice, and try them out on a live USB. Spend some time to fiddle with the file browser, web browser, and software center. Install your favorite.

    Willing to tinker with stuff to fit your exact crotchety old fart preferences, so long as you rarely have to do anything to maintain it -> Look through the desktop environments (Gnome, MATE, Cinnamon, KDE, etc etc), choose your favorite, and look up how to install it on either Debian or Fedora.

    Would enjoy ongoing tinkering and maintenance as a hobby to get it just right for you -> Arch

  • It depend of your linux skills and what you want. For beginners i recommend mint, for advanced users i recommend debian or arch.