Hard times
Hard times
Hard times
PSA: remember, if you see someone stealing essentials like groceries or whatever: no, you didn’t.
Hmm? See what?
stealing essentials
stealing only essentials, you mean.
Steal a bit of food for today, didn't see anything and the food bank may just be too far. If I'm on the ball, I'll try and pick up the tab. You touch the earbuds or lego, though, I'm finna report it.
I'm a grocery store worker and I'd rather just lower our stock count by 1 than have to go stand lookout at the exits of the store. Big chain supermarkets budget for theft and it doesn't affect the workers.
I understand the whole "why should I pay for things when they don't" dilemma but people stealing non-essentials likely suffer in other ways
There are food banks. Pay for their groceries if you want. If you advocate stealing you have no right to complain if you are stolen from.
Plus we pay for stolen groceries through higher prices. So honest people also hard-done by have to pay more.
I’ll copy the response I used when someone else responded the same way:
Sometimes they run out. Or are 2 hours away. Or are in a bad part of town. There are tons of reasons why someone would be desperate enough to steal food.
Nobody’s encouraging it. All we’re saying is this: as a direct result of the deficiencies inherent to our society and the socioeconomic structure it perpetrates, some people need food but can’t get it through legal means. Categorically refusing to make an exception for exceptional cases is implicitly saying that those people deserve to die.
There are food banks, don't steal.
Sometimes they run out. Or are 2 hours away. Or are in a bad part of town. There are tons of reasons why someone would be desperate enough to steal food.
Nobody’s encouraging it. All we’re saying is this: as a direct result of the deficiencies inherent to our society and the socioeconomic structure it perpetrates, some people need food but can’t get it through legal means. Categorically refusing to make an exception for exceptional cases is implicitly saying that those people deserve to die.
Apartheid apologist strikes again. Do you believe you're a good person mate?
Oh no, they'd rather just raise prices to cover the shrinkage.
...Or just raise prices because they want to increase margins and lie and say its because a massive increase in theft or inflation or whatever they want to say and then laugh about it on a public earnings call that you can raise prices however you want because consumers still have to buy certain goods no matter what.
If they concluded that they could raise prices to increase profit, they'd do so regardless of theft rates. Those are separate issues.
Well... I suppose they'd have to lose more than minimum wage... in my state that would be ~$14/hr. Let's call it 20/hr because of benefits and incidental cost of staffing.
Do your part! (/s)
I’m kinda surprised I’m seemingly in the minority of preferring self check. At least before they handicapped all the regular self checkouts and forced everyone to do self checkout. When it was truly optional, especially when it was “20 items of fewer” style, it was so much faster because I’m usually not buying a huge cart worth of items, and I can bag my own way. However now that Susan with her month’s worth of groceries for her family of 4 is also in self checkout, it makes it less efficient.
Even when Susan is taking a huge cart through, a single queue for multiple service providers (self checkout) is always going to be theoretically more efficient than multiple queues - one per provider (one line for each cashier). The best of both worlds are places that have a single area to corral you into line, and a row of cashiers where you can go to the first available.
Here's the thing most people don't understand. It's possible to bag your shit elsewhere. You can scan your shit, put it back in the cart, and literally go anywhere else and bag it up. Everybody and their mother are taking the time to bag their shit at the checkout and holding everyone else hostage while they figure out where to put their bananas and lube. I routinely take a full cart of shit, scan it all with the handheld scanner, and I'm out the door before Nancy and her 10 shits. The whole point is that the POS is just there to pay for your shit. If everyone just took their shit to the giant area in front of every store, or to their car to bag their shit, no one would be holding anyone up besides the truly inept.
Here's the thing most people don't understand. It's possible to bag your stuff elsewhere. You can scan your stuff, put it back in the cart, and literally go anywhere else and bag it up. Everybody and their mother are taking the time to bag their stuff at the checkout and holding everyone else hostage while they figure out where to put their bananas and lube. I routinely take a full cart to self checkout, scan it all with the handheld scanner, and I'm out the door before Nancy and her 10 items. The whole point is that the POS is just there to pay for your stuff. If everyone just took their stuff to the giant area in front of every store, or to their car to bag their stuff, no one would be holding anyone up besides the truly inept.
Here's the thing most people don't understand. It's possible to bag your shit elsewhere. You can scan your shit, put it back in the cart, and literally go anywhere else and bag it up. Everybody and their mother are taking the time to bag their shit at the checkout and holding everyone else hostage while they figure out where to put their bananas and lube. I routinely take a full cart of shit, scan it all with the handheld scanner, and I'm out the door before Nancy and her 10 shits. The whole point is that the POS is just there to pay for your shit. If everyone just took their shit to the giant area in front of every store, or to their car to bag their shit, no one would be holding anyone up besides the truly inept.
Here's the thing most people don't understand. It's possible to bag your shit elsewhere. You can scan your shit, put it back in the cart, and literally go anywhere else and bag it up. Everybody and their mother are taking the time to bag their shit at the checkout and holding everyone else hostage while they figure out where to put their bananas and lube. I routinely take a full cart of shit, scan it all with the handheld scanner, and I'm out the door before Nancy and her 10 shits. The whole point is that the POS is just there to pay for your shit. If everyone just took their shit to the giant area in front of every store, or to their car to bag their shit, no one would be holding anyone up besides the truly inept.
Not to mention Susan has no idea how computers or barcodes work.
Their own damn fault for trying to cut corners by eliminating cashier jobs
It really should be 5% off if I have to scan my own crap. Especially the way CVS et al do it. Home Depot is the only one I don't care about because they just give you a wireless scanner and let you go to town, it's honestly faster that way and mutually beneficial.
Yeah I really hate it when they give you self checkout but make everything function way way worse than what the cashier uses. I've never even considered shoplifting before but I've come pretty close on machines that refuse to scan because they're stuck on something 5 items ago when I'm moving quickly. Especially if it still beeps when I scan new items but refuses to actually scan it because it's hung up on something that it was slow to get the weight of -- really throws me off. It's not my job to baby your machine for you. I'm not getting paid for it. Just let me scan my shit and go.
I was a cashier. Cashier jobs suck.
The problem is society in general. We SHOULD be getting rid of every non-rewarding job we can. But we also need to support the people that would otherwise have these jobs.
Everyone I go to the checkout, I get followed by the mall cop. I know it's just me because I don't see it happening with anyone else as it is too obvious. Thing is I would never think to steal anything. Never will. I know what I want to buy and I know if I have enough or not.
I think they follow me because I'm brown. Oh to have the privilege to roam around a store free and even deal in villany and mischievous behaviours.
I'm a boring white guy. I'll steal something in your honor.
Ha, yeah. I like it when I set off the alarms at stores and then ask, you want to look at my stuff? They just wave and say, naw, your good. Couldn't get caught if I tried.
I'm a white guy with a big nose and a solid beard, and I get "random" TSA security checks just about every time I fly. It's almost as if there is a reason for all this ::: spoiler spoiler Its definitely racism :::
See what you need to do is act just suspicious enough to keep their attention on you for no reason, and off the people who actually are stealing.
Teamwork makes the dream work!
Yeah that's not what I do. I just get tagged by racist people apparently
It’s become like a hobby of mine to not pay for a single item every time I check out at Walmart or Kroger. Fuckers have their margins higher than ever and their starting pay is $12-14/hr. If they want to reduce theft then they can hire people to actually work some of the 20 empty check out lanes they have.
Don't do that, they keep track. When you go over $1k, you get fucked and picked up for a felony.
That sounds absurd. There is easily 5000 regular shoppers in a grocery store. Plus people buying there irregularly. They would need to reliably identify every single one of them, with face recognition only having 80-90% accuracy. and If we talk 5$ missacounted per shoppinge once a week that is 4 years of shopping.
The amount of data needed to be stored and analysed for that is insane.
And then we are not even at the point, where they can prove theft on every single instance, because they need to prove that the system did not malfunction, or a simple user error occured.
I call bullshit on that.
I’m so far below $1k that it isn’t a worry, it’s only small dollar items. That and they aren’t catching me every time, even with all the cameras. Even if they did know every single time I “missed” an item at self check out, I’d be surprised if I’d taken more than $100 of food by now. That and they’d have a hard time proving it was intentional every time and not a simple mistake.
I really confused the person monitoring the self checkout on one occasion several years ago.
I paid with cash, and was supposed to get something like $2.17 back in change. The machine gave me the seventeen cents just fine, but instead of two dollar bills, I got a one and a ten.
It took a couple tries to get the worker to understand that the machine gave me too much back.
If that was me I was trying to help you lol.
Next time just accept your Bank Error in your Favor card. Corpos ain't hurting lol
I've had people try to slip me deals when an error occurs but I'm so genuinely in the moment I can't see it. Leads to awkward exchanges where they're trying to push free food on me and I'm just like "nah just a mistake bruh here ya go!"
And then facepalm 10 minutes later when the situation catches up.
Fuck self checkout all my homies hate self checkout
People actually hate these things?
It might be regional. Where I live they just skip the whole call the manager thing and the manager is the one monitoring the self checkout line and is the one you go to to ask for help. Thankfully I don't buy much of anything that'd be 21+ so I don't mind just going to the one open cash register to do that there.
It also depends on the system it's using, as well as what you're buying.
If you're buying anything thay requires ID, or requires being brought in from the back (a fridge, for example), or if you just have a ton of stuff, yeah, don't bother with self-checkout. But if you're just going in to buy a phone cord or a soda, yeah, sure.
And there are some god-awful self-checkout OSes that scream at you to PLEASE PLACE ITEM IN THE BAGGING AREA, or HAVE YOU SCANNED YOUR FREQUENT SHOPPER CARD? and those can piss off and die. But there's some that don't do that, and are set up to actually be user-friendly!
The Home Depot near me somewhat recently changed out their self-checkout machines with UI and UX in mind, and holy shit, it makes so much of a difference. The screen is very uncluttered, high contrast colors are nice for drawing attention to the usual buttons to push, and the buttons per screen (scanning > payment type) change the side of the screen the buttons are on so if you just spam-tap, you won't accidentally hit the wrong button.
I'm confused too, self checkout is the best thing ever, no social interaction and pretty much equally fast, while allowing for more checkouts in the same amt of space. Though tbf only if done properly. One store here started having them like 10 years ago and there was like a 10% chance each item that you'd have to call over an employee bc the scale didn't work. Haven't had any problems with the ones i encountered recently.
People who can't figure easy things out or are scared of electronics/anything newer than a butter churn sure are.
When do we get the employee discount for doing their work?
If you stand in line for 35 minutes with 20 angry folks waiting for the one dude to learn how the self checkout works ...... yea
Suck it Walmart.
Oh, oops! I fortgot
I got march of shamed once because I genuinely forgot, it somehow shortcircuits my brain when I need to wait for approval, thinking I've already paid and walk out after waiting for the person to come tap some buttons :|
Not again, I’m so clumsy.
"I'm not good at learning new things and this is kind of like learning a new job just to shop here, haha"
Please use instance agnostic links in future. Since v0.18 they get generated automatically - like this /c/shoplifting@lemmy.ml
I always see self-checkout as outsourcing the cashier's job to a slow untrained amateur (the client) whilst doing away with paying for that work.
You need to be a sucker to choose to do work for the profiting of others without getting anything at all in return for it (at best, what you get is less slow checkout that the manned tills which they purposefully made worse than before in order to push you into self-checkout, which is not in fact better than what you had before, so not really a "benefit").
Even in the most purely amoral "greed is good" judgement, it doesn't make sense to do the work without at least getting a discount.
I get absolute no social interaction from some bitch faced employee who doesn't even put stuff in my bag so I might as well do it myself.
It's absolutelly possible to just go through the thing as if the cashier was an automaton, in which case it's still faster than self-checkout.
Personally I like the challenge of getting a laugh out of a tired cashier (especially if it's a pretty woman), but nobody forces you to engage that person beyond a purelly utilitarian acting your side of the process you're part of whilst the cashier acts theirs as if you were both machines.
It's a weird problem to have not to be able to stand facing another human who doesn't really care about you enough (or has the time) to engage in small tall, whilst being fine with standing facing a machine with particularly unappealing software which cares not at all for you and won't engage in small talk ever, but I suppose if using the machine solves your discomfort with machine-like human-action then it's a valid reason.
I'm gonna be honest, I fucking hate standard checkout. They are slow, there's always a line and usually only 1 in 4 checkouts is open, at least that's like it where I live. I know in the US there are like a thousand people working at checkouts and people use the cashiers as therapists or whatever, but that's not it where I live. Usually self checkouts occupy 1/4 of the space, or even less, than a normal checkout, are faster and are always open.
Even better, where I live they've started implementing mobile scanners that you pick up when you enter the store, scan stuff as you go, and then checkout in literally 10 seconds. Just walk up to the self checkout machine, scan the special barcode and pay. There may be random checks where you need to go through a standard checkout and confirm the self scan. I believe they use an algorithm where, if your scans are usually correct, you get less and less random checks, until it's basically none (or the opposite).
In the main supermarket where I live there are, iirc, 44-46 checkouts in total. 14 are standard checkouts, usually 6 or so open, then there are like 12 or so self checkouts and like 18 self scan checkouts. The standard checkouts occupy more than twice the space as all the others while doing a fraction of the throughput.
BTW, I believe the discount is the time I don't have to wait in line. If you also want to sneak out something though, you do you, couldn't care less, it's not like you are stealing from the poor.
Well, as I've wrote somewhere else, I have some minor expertise in evaluating business processes because of my job and I lived in London (UK) during the time when the largest supermarkt chains really started pushing self-checkout (the retail market is quite concentrated there)
I've also seen some attempts at that done were I am now, Portugal, in some supermarkets as well as how cashier operation can be done extremelly efficiently at the Lidl supermarket I used to shop in when living in Berlin.
From my observation when they install self-checkouts the supermarkets will not only reduce the numbers of manned tills but seem to purposefully reduce the number of people manning the available tills so as to push people to use self-checkout, and this happenned both in that transition in the UK and here in Portugal for the few supermarkets trying that, all noticeable because checkout via manned tills becomes slower when self-checkout is introduced compared to before that, something which logically does not make much sense without the "pushing people to use self-checkout" motivation (logically, with more tills in total waiting times at any till, manned or not, would become shorter, not longer).
Also there's an interesting psychological effect applicable here which is that time passing when waiting feels a lot longer than time passing when busy (such as when doing the actual self-checkout), which in this situation means that even if the total time from queuing to leaving is longer because it takes you longer to scan all articles and pay, it can feel shorter if the waiting time is shorter.
(A interesting "sciency" experiement here is to actually measure it with a chronometer)
So yeah, if you look at it from an "in the moment" and not at all systemic point of view, it does seem that when there are self-checkouts they're faster than manned tills, both because you're not really counting operating-time like you count waiting time and because the supermarkets very purposefully underman their tills to push people into self-checkout, probably because their long-term objective is to cut down on manpower hence boost profits (which is also why they won't give you a discount for using self-checkout as that would go against the whole profit-enhancing motivation).
And I still don't know how I eat bits of pie
Hard times
When you steal the company just raises prices on everyone else to cover what you stole. You aren't stealing from a shitty faceless corporation, you're stealing from everyone who pays. As a paying customer, fuck you.
This just isn't true. Walmart specifically has steadily increased prices, even though they are constantly making money.
In fact, they believe they can perpetually grow and when they don't grow they pin it on people stealing.
Walmart loses about 1% of its annual revenue to theft. Sure that is pretty significant, but then you also have to realize that Walmart is typically the #2 company on spending for lobbyists. Usually influencing labor laws.
Additionally, working class wealth has slowed to almost a stop. Since 2008 wealth generation for the average American is increased by about 1% each year. In comparison to the several hundred percentage that the top 1% has increased.
You are advocating for a shitty faceless corporation and believing that stealing from them is actually harming others. They have made enough money to not only feed every single American, but also pay them a living wage, yet their employees are barely making that.
If they didn't have anybody stealing, prices would still be as high as they are, Walmart would just justify it with an excuse.
They have not stopped increasing how much money they take. Every year they make more, charge more, and we don't move. We stay right where we are and get to watch what was once a liveable wage turn into a nightmarish struggle.
You aren't the victim of others, you are the victim to capitalism.
Money is a fake concept anyway. NEVER pay fare. NEVER buy your food. Always steal. It is the right way, the right thing to do, and will steer our communities to communism which is the only system which has ever worked. Except for the psychotic despots. But that's different.
man if you want to be sarcastic about communism you have to at least understand what communism is.
also need to learn about the concept of state capitalism
We do not think there was a struggle between capitalism and com- munism across the twentieth century. For us, communism never ended in that century because it never arose there. Our conclusion is built on the fact that communism – if understood as a distinct, non-capitalist class structure – was neither a significant, nor a sustained part of the history of any of the nations conventionally labeled communist. Using the USSR and the PRC as exemplars, we argue first in this chapter, and then in a subsequent chapter, that those nations actually displayed cap- italist and feudal, not communist, class structures.
We do not doubt the sincere Marxist consciousness and anti- capitalist commitment of the revolutionaries who inaugurated the USSR and the PRC. However, notwithstanding their battles to estab- lish and defend socialism and to move toward communism, they could not and did not install communist class structures as the prevailing social organization of production in either country. Instead, they estab- lished particular state forms of capitalism (USSR and PRC) and state forms of feudalism (PRC) as means to improve their nations’ economic and military strength and their citizens’ standards of living.
Thus, by the second half of the twentieth century, the dominant conflicts occurred among (1) mostly private capitalisms (the US, Western Europe, Japan, etc.), (2) a state capitalism in the USSR and Eastern Europe, and (3) first a state feudalism and then a state capitalism in the PRC