Android users, what's stopping you from switching to an iPhone?
Android users, what's stopping you from switching to an iPhone?
Android users, what's stopping you from switching to an iPhone?
Apple. I want nothing to do with a closed ecosystem and I loathe how central AppleID is to absolutely everything.
I have fdroid and a few custom apks that wouldn't be available on their store, so those would be hooped as well.
Apple and I have very different notions of what it means to own something.
Honestly, just navigating the phone is a giant pain in the ass. I bought my wife an iPad and finding basic settings or locating an app is a nightmare. Any time she needs help with it I feel like I'm pulling teeth.
This is part of it for me. Apple decides how a device should be used and you have to learn a new "intuitive" interface that is unlike every other computer device.
They have streamlined everything to the point that you can't deviate from their use flow and it drives me insane trying to do a task in an alternative way from how they envision it being done.
Android is like using a computer, IOS is like using a computer of you have never used one.
The back button being top left still baffles me to this day. Let's put it in the most hard to reach spot.
I don’t really get this. As an android user since 2009 and the evolution of android os I am now for the last year an iOS user, and the interface is the same as it was for me and my last phone. Swipe up to get to the Home Screen, long hold to see tabs running and swipe from the left to center to go back. Is this because my last phone was an LG?
a better question is, why would I want anything else? An iphone seems like a sharp downgrade.
I wouldn't buy a car that could only drive on roads approved by the maker, so same goes for phone.
Paying 20% - 40% more for dumbed-down OS that limits what software I can use. I mean literally any one of those alone is a deal breaker. It was never gonna work.
every time I have to use anything apple related, I'm instantly annoyed by the horrible user experience
My dealbreakers:
I love my iPhone BUT I would LOVE to be able to drag and drop FLACs and MP3s to it… the only reason I have iTunes is for the zero effort full image backup…. But I also hafta use it to put my music on my phone. D:
If they had full support for side loading, and supported the thunderbolt standard I feel most of my hardware problems could be solved with a type c case that's adds it a headphone jack and SD card slot
My list of problems: Too expensive, no 3.5 mm Headphone jack, no expandable storage, lack of foss apps and stores like f-droid, and the lack freedom to install and do what I want with the device I payed for.
To be fair most android phones fit this description also.
And this point is more hardware-related, but I've started to really love my Nothing Phone and its LED lights on the back, which produces amazing photos because the light is much softer than the small flash used by other phones. There isn't a single Apple device with a feature like this. You could probably get a case, but it's nice to have this integrated into the phone.
This guy phones
Sideloading apps
Paying x4 times the price for a device
iOS is trash. Simple as that, my parents have iPhones and I'm like 'oh you can just do X', then I go to look, get lost in menus, then find out the basic feature doesnt even exist. I can't sideload apps, I can't customise my UI, it's just incredibly limiting. iPhones are for basics, calls, texts, web browsing. If you wanna do anything else you are better off with an Android.
User error
In all seriousness, the biggest benefit of apple products is that the user experience just does not change over time. They are very conservative with the changes they do make, even though they will hype them up as the next big revolution in computing. It just seems arcane to you because you aren't used to it. Apple is great for old people because things stay the same forever
Edit: I reread your comment and realized I completely misunderstood you. Yeah, apple is super behind and is lacking basic features for the reason I just mentioned. For a while you couldn't even copy/paste on the iPhone. Really dumb imho. But the good thing is that things look the same forever, so you never have to be confused by your phone's layout changing when you get a new phone.
I don't like Apples attitude. And I want control of my own phone, not just whatever crumbs Apple will allow me.
File level access to files. I would love to have the option of moving files in folders and connecting it to a PC to drag and drop files.
True multi tasking.
Ability to install apps from other sources.
I feel like I'm using a toy phone I bought for a 7 year old.
Apple's walled garden is anti-consumer, anti-developer, and pretty much anti-everyone-but-apple.
It just doesn't make sense to me to use or develop for Apple under those conditions.
Why would I pay more than 3 times more for a Brick, that gives me less freedom to do what I want and doesn't have app support and features I require.
A central nervous system
Much like many of the iPhone users when you asked the converse question, it's not so much that something is stopping me, but that I have no interest in it. I don't see any benefits that I care about, and it would cost time and money to switch.
Let's pretend for a moment that I did have some desire to switch, perhaps due to some new hardware from Apple or changes to Android I found unpalatable. Here are some things I'd consider major barriers:
That's... basically it, but those are big things and Apple's position on them is so opposite mine that they're risking severe sanctions from the EU to comply with the EU's sideloading regulations in the most useless way they can.
Thorough and many good points.
I think sandboxing the filesystem by default is a good security measure. For Android it makes sense since you can sideload an app and that always carries risks. I think it can be improved on the UX side without compromising much on security but that is not my expertise. And note that I have not used iOS devices in ages too so I don't know how they handle the filesystem now.
I'm a developer and android is more friendly to developers, i have more control over my device. I can use any browser without being stuck with Safari. If i don't like my phone i can choose from many more manufacturers without losing my apps and subscriptions.
I think most of all i have problem with Apples culture, their smugness and acting like they invented everything. I don't think I'm their target audience.
I've owned apple devices in the past. The thing I hate most is the ecosystem, it's so limited and simple to the point of frustration. They are missing basic features and customization options. Apple has the worst settings menu of any device I've ever used. If that wasn't bad enough the devices are incredibly over priced.
The phones being worse than the ones I prefer to use.
Like, they’re objectively less functional devices. I can’t pretend the features drops for every new model/OS aren’t just things android has has for years.
Battery life. Forced ecosystem. Lack of options. Apple watches suck. I love my s pen. I can watch YouTube for free with no ads. The refusal to integrate the messaging system compatibility. How they refused to move to usb-c until they were literally forced to by Europe. Spearheading the removal of audio Jack's and micro USB slots.
I dislike Apple as a company. I'm still miffed that Bill Gates bailed Apple out and saved them from bankruptcy in the 1990's. All he asked was that they would be more charitable if they got back on their feet. They obviously did that, but then proceeded to continue being one of the least charitable companies in the fortune 100.
Then there was the crap with forcing an update to underclock their iPhones in order to hide hardware issues causing reboots from their still under warranty batteries failing to provide enough voltage to supply the apu. Or the time when they told customers they were holding their phones wrong when they designed the antennas in a way that would kill their reception if part of your hand was on the side of the phone.
All of that I feel you on these points, but it seems like the iPhone nowadays has better battery life than a lot of phones. Not all of them obviously, but a fair amount.
That's just it though. It's may have a better battery than many phones, but there are still other options that handily beat iPhone if you want that feature.
It worked out well for Microsoft since Apple dropped their lawsuit over QuickTime code that made it into Windows via an Intel contractor.
RCS is in iOS 18, but “integrate the messaging system compatibility” really means “use Google’s RCS”.
I want to be the owner. <--- see the period there?
I want to own my phone.
Etc etc.
Apple with its love of walled gardens with no keys
The biggest issue is Apple and their closed ecosystem. I can modify, remove, or disable most of the apps and settings I don't like on an Android phone. I can even load a different OS if I want. With Apple most of that isn't even possible.
Notification light. Repairability (I can practically op this thing open like the hood of a car). Far cheaper options. Headphone jack. Side loading. Fingerprint sensor. Dedicated shutter and focus button. Non proprietary charger that isn't terrible. Emulators. Firefox plus adblocker. Customisability (least important for me honestly).
I am just happy that I have options. I can do whatever I want with this hardware. I own this device and have complete freedom. I work in repair and I am thoroughly aware of apple's anti-consumer practices and it disgusts me. I could never buy a device from apple out of principle.
It sickens me when I have to tell customers "your totally repairable device is fucked because apple makes it arbitrarily impossible to repair.". It makes me even sadder when they just buy another apple device, rewarding them for their behaviour.
Surely the other way around ?
But why ?
Plenty of useful apps that cannot run on iOS. Mostly Termux and SDR-related apps (rtl_tcp server, SDR++, SatDump,, SDRAngel, Dump1090,...)
I can run full-on desktop in Termux and access it via VNC server. I can also access it via SSH server. I can run a web server, HTTP proxy server, Kiwix server, Navidrome server, Jellyfin server, port-forward using socat. And that's just what I use or tried. In the past there was someone on Reddit running a public BBS server on an Android phone in Termux.
There's likely many other apps I use not available on iOS.
So if I'll be switching to a different platform, maybe PinePhone running Arch Linux with Plasma mobile? Probably only as a secondary phone for now though.
iPhones are too close to feature phones for me. Best thing they can run is probably a browser.
I used to use a Macbook daily before I got a Windows laptop.
The way Apple designs their products is akin to how parents treat their toddlers. You aren't allowed to do anything that Apple hasn't graciously allowed you to without painful workarounds or loopholes. Plus, whereas Android and Windows have janky solutions that still work, Apple refuses to implement something unless the masses can use it. The result is that Apple's software is years behind, and there is very little you can do about it.
Needless to say, after a few years, I just installed Windows on that Macbook, and eventually I got fed up with the bad drivers and got an HP Spectre instead.
Which is ironic since macOS is much more modifiable than windows
I am using it for work for last two years and I can say that I never worked on worse O/S. Even Gnome shell is more customizable than MacOS' GUI.
Can you turn on natural scrolling for a touchpad and disable it for a mouse on MacOS (without using external apps)? Can you work with two or more monitors with multiple spaces without going mad? Is there even basic focus stealing prevention?
I have a really, really hard time navigating an iPhone. Whenever I take my girlfriend's phone, I'm lost. Their type of ergonomics doesn't fit my needs.
im constantly asking her where the back button is
Me in the 90s as a kid. My uncle had a Mac. One button on the mouse. I'm like wtf is this? Two buttons too complicated? Never looked back.
Same thing the other way around. It depends on what you're used to.
I agree.
I had an ipad pro and it was an awful experience for me. Lack of customizations I deem normal, lack of real choice, limitations at every step. The walled garden felt hostile to me, the user. I sold it and got a Samsung tablet instead and it's been perfect. The only thing missing is procreate, but I have alternatives that do 99% of what I wanted.
Simple. I don't want to. I like android phones. Do I need another reason?
The question is framed such that it implies an iPhone to be the better choice. Most people don't even consider switching to iPhone because it typically is a lot of effort for the average person who already has an Android. IOS has worse app support, it is more restrictive, with fewer features than Android typically has. Many people stick with what they have because it is what they are used to.
I personally don't use an iPhone because I use root and terminal tools often which aren't available on iOS and also don't want that Apple spyware in my life.
Hate how they handle photos. You can't easily download your pictures like with Android you can just plug your phone into the computer and it becomes a hard drive you can mount and download them.
Or at least you get a dialog to allow you to transfer the pictures.
I categorically refuse to use anything made by Apple.
Choosing my own default apps, getting apps from other locations (like F-droid), adblockers. Those are the big ones.
If I pay for something, I want to do whatever the fuck I want with it, so a big NO for apple devices.
no interest
on my android, I can install any os I want, install apps from anywhere, not just the app store
android gives me more options with hardware, from 200 to 2000 dollars
I have too many brain cells
More expensive. Less (no?) emulator support. Inertia. Don't care for apple interfaces or ecosystem much.
At this point you'd have to shoot me to go back to a junk drawer of apps. I like my alphabetical list on Niagara.
I have no reason to switch. Android is generally better and upper-end android phones are much better.
I have tried Apple products before (2 iPods as gifts). All the good memories I have are from pirating them, the bad ones are from the base operation of the products. An Apple product on its own is a terrible experience. Only together with other products of the same brand is it worth it. But to achieve that you have to pawn your whole life and almost join a cult.
Besides, I'm not willing to pay a crazy amount of money for a device that does what my current phone already does but better (for my needs).
YouTube Vanced and Red Reader
Apple products are terrible and overpriced. I don't understand why anyone would ever use one.
And that's been true since before the year 2000.
There are some truly great apple products, so I don't think it's fair to dismiss them all as terrible. But they are overpriced across the board. They also have a habit of anti-consumer practices like giving you a worse experience if you don't exclusively use apple products.
Can't run GrapheneOS.