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Will c/Food rate my pantry planning? FOOODDD!

Staples Item (aiming for ~75,500g of food per month),In Stock,Date,Store?,Packaging,Preferred,Backup,Priority,$/g,g/Month,Monthly 46,969,$149.37 Various Veggies/Herbs/Spices/Beans/Grains/etc,Yes,8/22/2023,N/A,None,My Garden,Generous people,4 (Vital),$0.00,37750.0,$0.00 Black Walnuts,No,No,Plasti...


This might be a weird post, but I'm getting the impression that in these early days, content is content?

The idea is to prioritize some combination of foods that 1) are native to my area, 2) are available locally, 3) form a complete diet, and 4) have sustainable packaging. You'll notice a disturbing lack of fruits, vegetables and spices/flavors, but those are the things I can most easily get from my garden and local food pantry, so they're all covered by line item 1. See the second tab for stuff that's currently growing. It's still a work in progress, so I haven't yet accounted for all the calories one would need to survive. Does anyone have any suggestions?