Everything going on has got me down, I need a break. What's something good that's happened in your life recently?
Everything going on has got me down, I need a break. What's something good that's happened in your life recently?
Everything going on has got me down, I need a break. What's something good that's happened in your life recently?
Me and my wife finally got an apartment after being homeless couch surfers for 6 months
That's wonderful! Congratulations ☺️
Happy for you!
I was on Lemmy and saw a post where a user named TooManyPancakes (which is a lie!) asked everyone for some uplifting news to brighten their day.
It was a wonderful exchange! This caring person, with the poorly chosen user name, took time out of their day to reply to as many comments as they could, with uplifting affirmations of their own.
Completely made my day to see someone ask for help and then return it in kind, many times over. ❤️❤️❤️
Aw, you're sweet! I just figured I probably wasn't the only one that could use some positivity today
And for the record, it takes a lot of pancakes 😉
I crushed it in a job interview
Nice! I hope you get it, crossing fingers and toes for you
I got hired!
Granted, my bike was stolen pretty much immediately, but still! I'm exited to potentially not be broke anymore, once that first paycheck comes in.
Boo on the bike theft, but getting the job you were shooting for is rad as hell!
Gotta get that big motorcycle U lock, anything else gets wrecked by bike thieves. Kudos for the job!
I’m taking my health a lot more seriously now, and haven been able to lose 10kg since may.
Damn, that's some good shit
Keep up the good work!
Found a woman that is exactly as weird and different as I am, which I thought was impossible, I was already fine with staying romantically alone my whole life :)
Hell yeah! Fingers crossed for you!
It's when you become comfortable being alone that you find the right person. I think it's because the right person would never be interested in someone who is desperate.
My life happened to end but I came back.
Additionally, since I'm from Europe I am not bankrupt due to that.
Congratulations on your next chapter! A friend of mine had a freak cardiac event where his heart stopped for 7 minutes and they brought him back. Says he doesn’t remember anything except being home and then waking up in the hospital. Wild stuff.
For me it was almost 30 minutes but under low flow. The root cause is still unknown and I am neither the age nor in any risk group.
When the defibrillator is used you get medication that causes memory loss for around a day before so theres no memory for me.
Also got some wild medication and there's a lot more to it but sufficient for now.
Best wishes to your (too) undead friend.
My post-surgery biopsy says no cancer, we removed the sad stuff just in time.
That is good news, indeed! May it always be so.
I finally unlocked the confidence to be the version of me that I want to be. Got the haircut I've always wanted, have it dyed the colour I want, I'm getting a new piercing soon, and I'm planning out the tattoo I'm going to get once I have some spare money. It's been a journey to get here, but I'm so fucking happy with who I am and I no longer feel the need to apologize for being comfortable as my self.
Shit yes! Be unapologetically you, you deserve it. I'm super curious though, if there's any more detail on the piercing and tattoo you wanna share (totally no obligation)
My partner and I replaced the broken kitchen faucet all by ourselves, which might sound lame, but neither of us is a plumber, and it's glorious to have running water in the kitchen again.
Not lame at all, that is improving quality of life. A leaky faucet is just agony, especially if you only have one sink.
Well done!
It always gives such a sense of satisfaction to do that kind of DIY
Cheers to you!
That’s fantastic. Theres nothing like the satisfaction of a job well done, especially if you’re still learning. Keep it up!
My sickness is finally clearing up after weeks!
Fabulous to hear! Feel better soon 💜
I just grilled a nice steak.
I can’t afford them too often so when I do it’s a great day.
It feels good when you get to treat yourself, doesn't happen often enough for sure!
Ohh man i reward myself with a weekly steak it usually ends up being like almost a quarter of my weekly food budget fuck a good steak is a godsend.
Hell yeah. Prioritize enjoying life.
Yesterday my toddler comes up to me and says, "daddy, build block tower?" So I tell her to go get her blocks, which she does. We built a block tower, knocked it down (which makes her giggle), built it again, etc.
A decade ago I was in a horribly toxic marriage and honestly didn't think I would ever have kids. Today, I have an awesome wife and three kids. I love all of them and I enjoy getting to spend time with them. I never would have imagined myself being where I am today and I am reminded often that I am a very lucky man.
I would just love to see your baby giggle at knocking the blocks down. Congratulations. That's super cute.
My partner of 12 years and mother of my children got citizenship in my home country a few days ago. It's been a long and difficult road to get here.
We got a new puppy, and he's smart, and sweet, and goofy, and cute, and we love him.
Pet tax 🥺
I earned a certification last week for work!
Hey congrats, that's awesome! Hope it leads to a pay bump for you
I hope so too lol
I was awarded a big scholarship on Sunday that happened to be the exact amount I needed to pay for my first year of college. The rest of my years are mostly paid for. I've always want to go to this college. I was excited about going, but now I'm even more excited now that I've earned enough scholarships to pay for it.
I might have made a new friend in the real world! It’s quite exciting as that doesn’t happen often and I feel very lucky, if the friendship sticks.
Oh that's exciting! I'm super happy for you, I hope they're a good friend for a long time
Thank you! I hope you find good friendships along the way , too.
Thank you for this thread. Nothing particular I can share right now, but I needed this.
I'm on the same boat. I needed this and was about to write similar post yesterday (but got too tired).
This year has been pretty rough at work for me with today being the worst (so far). My best office buddy/colleague left for another company last week - good for him as he is now in very friendly space, it's hard work, but whole different league in terms of company level. So we're one person down, more work to do and no replacement in sight. I still have two other colleagues which I like as my siblings, but... Our boss is such a trash person! He's selfish prick with unsatiable god complex, never admits he's wrong and boy oh boy, he's wrong a lot. And it's getting worse and worse as he gets older.
So thank the OP for good read of some positivity, which is pretty much lacking in my day to day basis.
My son had one question wrong on his mathematics final exam. He noticed that the grader took the point off on a question that he had originally wrong but had corrected. The grader fixed it when my son pointed it out, so he got a perfect score!
I love it when teachers admit mistskes
Am performer. My performance career is finally starting to take off doing what I love, and I'm now a frequent flier at a historic venue
I tried making mango sticky rice for the first time, and it came out great!
It's a really nice treat/dessert. It's a sort of very sweet rice pudding made with coconut milk, and rather simple to make
Oh that sounds delicious! I'm totally gonna try this
Just notice you have to soak the rice the day before
My daughter just started school. She's pretty stoked about it, and so are we.
Best of luck on a huge step. It’s incredible to watch their brain development during this stage. Volunteer at the school if they’ll allow it, and you won’t regret it.
Good luck kiddo!
built some Z-Frame patio chairs last week. Was (is) pretty baller
Right on, hope they're comfy!
Reasons to be Cheerful – news site founded by David Byrne
I just had my first serious art show. Not solo, but still.
Here are some sites to remind you that not everything in the world is bad, friend:
My sister changed her doctorate focus this year. Since then she has enjoyed her studies and lab work more. I am going to visit her since her professor sent her to a prestigious university for continued education becuase of her lab work.
I'm proud of her.
i fought a traffic ticket and won lol
Our second wedding anniversary is this weekend!
Congratulations. Just had our 26th. And she still makes me laugh.
I have a surprise day off coming up.
Days off are the best, hope you do something fun and/or relaxing with it!
Just beat Elden Ring shadow of the erdtree... Feeling great
Two specific things.
Congratulations. Please be very vigilant about monitoring GI side effects though, my SO was hospitalized because of Ozempic and is now in a class action lawsuit because the manufacturer did not reveal it can cause gastroparesis.
Im specifically on zepbound which apparently has less side affects. But damn that first week was a literal shit show.
I did not know hypo caused that, I’ve been trying off and on for years to drop weight. I was diagnosed years ago. I did see my weight go up but I assumed it was because I left the service and wasn’t doing PT regularly anymore. I’ve been stuck at -16lbs for months now. Awesome to hear that, might peruse a similar angle myself now.
My doc was telling me that people with hypothyroidism dont have a “set weight” or a weight that your body is comfortable at because everything is broken and terrible. So yeah. Definitely ask.
Wait, how. Why can't you loose weight? How does it come, that you can't loose weight with a calories deficit? I'm really curious.
Gosh I totally feel that. Maybe something is going around.
I got to spend some time with my big sister. We had tea and talked awhile, then played Smash Bros. She apparently loves to spam Falcon Punch, so I got to see a lot of very entertaining slo-mo finishing blows. Like p-p-p-PAWWunchhh...
Good question, I feel slightly better now.
Very fun, sounds like a lovely time!
My union renegotiated our contract and it means I have enough coverage to get a crown for this tooth I just broke, the coverage literally doubled.
Nose surgery to remove polyps and correct a septum deviation. I'm getting out of the hospital today. It's going to take a few weeks for me to fully heal but being able to breathe through the nose again is luxurious.
I had similar done a few years ago, and it was just awful. So much more painful and uncomfortable than I had expected. I hope you heal up quickly!
Thanks. The pain is very moderate for me but yeah, there's layers to how uncomfortable it is. Still totally worth it.
My dad has had good health news recently and is now retired. All this wasn't a given just a few years ago... I feel happy and relieved through him. I hope you do too
My BF and I are getting married soon! :D
I'm super excited. We live across borders, so I will finally be able to live with him. So much more time for fun stuff like camping and climbing, and even just normal stuff like reading or cooking together.
Thank you!
After a long recovery I can finally start working out again
Also I have an amazing dog that I love and I'm thankful for him every day.
Friend I'm at the end of a two year long recovery to be able to use one of my arms again. It's amazing to be able to do things with my upper body
It is joyous
I'm happy for you! Keep going strong!
Two years ago I had to miss a biennial hacker conference I'd been going to (and helping out on) every other year for over two decades, something I love a lot and always deeply look forward to attending, because I'd finally got hit with my first case of COVID. The virus hit me hard, and not only did it make me miss the conference but it left me with heavy long COVID effects which knocked down my ability to do a lot of things for a long time.
Last week I had a checkup with my doctor who congratulated me on how much I've come back from the long COVID. That hacker conference is happening again next week, and I'm extremely excited to see everyone again! (I'll be masked, of course!)
I'm glad you made a recovery.
Thank you!
Did my yearly testing for my job. Last year for some reason it went kinda rough, left feeling like I didn’t do as well as I should have even though I passed. Was kinda worried about this one. It went great. Pretty much nailed it all, learned some new things too. So headed back to work tomorrow feeling pretty good about some important skills.
My haphazard kid driven fish tank has babies somehow
On Sunday, my family and I watched 3 dolphins play in the boat wake, 5m away, for 4 minutes, as we came back into dock.
A pic of dolphin surfacing (not potato, just compression artifacts)
Love watching dolphins play!
Can we get this thread like once a week or every other week or something? This is awesome
This is what Elmo wanted from us.
I can only sympathise, and thank you for posting this because I need to hear good things right now too.
I just started working after years of covid reclusiveness. Almost 3 months into wotking and im physically feeling better.
This is a nice thread. I don't have any big achievements recently but I'm doing alright. Hope you are too.
You achieved positivity for others this week. Win in my book
I'm getting a lot better at not being so serious all the time, it's difficult but possible to change oneself.
I'm going to visit my sister soon and I haven't seen her in years, she doesn't know I'm coming so will be a fun surprise.
We bought a house with some farmland and moved in a few months ago. My farming ventures have been hit or miss ("learning how not to do it" as some might put it), but we had some fruit trees/bushes. We now have ume (plum) jam and are still into fresh blueberries and biwa (loquat). It's really nice to be able to eat things from our own land when they are most fresh and delicious.
Ume sounds so good.
my birthday :)
went out for a lovely dinner and got nice presents afterwards
Right now it is a beautiful day in Denver.
My favorite charging spot had a car there when I arrived, but the driver walked up and unhooked it the moment I arrived.
I met this really cool vegan online and I talk to them on the intenet
Meeting people that share common interests, especially as an adult, is great! I always enjoy getting to know people and hearing about their life.
Cooked my first beer can chicken today and it turned out great! Two whole chickens and a cast iron pan of cornbread on the smoker, cucumber salad, watermelon, and lemon bars for dessert. Had the ex over for dinner and she brought ex—MiL, but it was fun
Kill it! That sounds fun as hell. Added challenge; there is a dope sandwich to be made from those ingredients. Make it for your future ex.