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Amber Diceless AMBER Diceless Role-Playing

AMBER Diceless Role-Playing is a system set in, and designed around Roger Zelazny's Amber universe. It features a unique (for its time) diceless resolution system; and a attribute auction character creation system. Many aspects of the system are designed to replicate aspects of the Amber books.

AMBER Diceless Role-Playing

This is the sound-off thread for anyone interested in Amber Diceless, which was the creation of a long-time Palladium Books contributor, the late, great Erick Wujcik. Although it does not use the Palladium rules, its nature and theme are highly germaine to the Megaverse concept, and can be run seamlessly over the top of just about any TTRPG.

If you’ve played the game or are interested in learning about it, drop a simple post here.


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