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  • Too many to list.

    They all either:


    Got cancelled

    Pandered to a younger audience of which I am not.

  • Lindybeige was a formative part of my early nerd life. Unfortunately he's a conservative and it's a big part of his personality. I do totally agree with him about the British pound being superior to the decimalized euro though. I would literally beat someone to death if it would give me the opportunity to rearrange the values of dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies into something based around a highly composite number like 240 or 360

  • Two Best Friends Play / Super Best Friends. Because some of them stopped being best friends and only pushed forward through a professional working relationship until even that became too strained for them to continue. 😥

    • man, that was such a bummer. when they got along well, they had such amazing chemistry. People change. sometimes it's good, sometimes it sucks.

  • Forgotten Weapons: Used to have videos on very cool old guns with interesting historical backgrounds and whatever. Then he made a series of selfish decisions that demonstrated what kind of person he really was, and I no longer had any interest in even helping him through the algorithm.

    • made a series of selfish decisions that demonstrated what kind of person he really was

      What'd he do? I also used to watch that channel some time ago, but just kinda ran out of interest and stopped. Seems like I've missed something important

      • Off the top of my head:

        -Sold a bunch of merch that was comically oversized and left everyone stuck with unusable product.
        -Tried to arrange a deal under the table on an auction gun he got a look at before it went up.
        -Doesn't help his teammates reset stages when at a shooting competition.
        -Failed to stand up for Karl when ARFCOM was making up lies about him.
        -Failed to give IRTV credit for organizing a 2GAC match, when that's basically the only request they make for media.
        -Took on Lucas Botkin as a sponsor.
        -Copy-pasted brutality rules for his own spin-off match after falling out with Karl, and doing such a poor job he left in references to the venue or IRTV (I can't remember which).
        -When asked why he was selling merch with a picture of himself that he hated, shrugged and said "money."
        -Treats his wife more like "the help."
        -Generally just thinks he's better than you and you don't deserve his respect.
        -Abuses copyright takedown requests.
        -Removes comments critical of him on his YouTube channel but claims doing so for other people was not possible (Karl, when ARFCOM happened).
        -Has expressed deep distain for his own audience.

        There's more but that's all I can remember right now.

        Edit: I should say that he's generally pretty good at keeping this stuff out of the public eye, these are mostly only things you hear if you know the right people.

  • @zachimusprime44

    Crazy-Russian-Hacker was one of the first ones I saw. I remember one of the first things I searched on YouTube or the internet was "science experiments" and he had some pretty interesting ones back then. Later though he went on doing product and MRE reviews then I stopped watching him after a while.

  • Something kind of ironic, is that a lot of the YouTube channels I used to watch have at some point had some pretty terrible things come out about them, mostly after I had already stopped watching them. Boogie2988, Mini Ladd, GeePM and Rooster Teeth are some of the ones I can remember.

    For Boogie and Mini Ladd, I don't remember the specific reason I stopped watching them but I do know that I stopped watching them well before all of the information about them was released.

    For Rooster Teeth, there was only two things I watched them for and that was Fails of the Week, which they silently canceled and never gave a reason why, and the other was RWBY which they decided to move it from YouTube to their own website which was so terrible that the episodes would have severe buffering issues at 240p. I don't remember what the last volume was that I watched but I know I never watched everything.

    For GeePM, I watched him pretty much up until the day when he tried to cancel Vinny (Vinesause). In response, people were quick to bring out information about some pretty terrible things that GeePM was doing behind the scenes. I don't think I've ever seen a YouTuber just completely vanish from the internet that quickly.

    I know for sure that there are more but those are the ones I remember the most and think they are the most notable.

  • Jimmy Diresta. I'm a huge fan of makers, and the maker movement in general, and there was a time I just couldn't wait for Jimmy's next video.

    Lately, I've come to feel that he no longer lets his work speak for itself. His videos used to just be really well made time lapses of him making a thing. But, for the past couple of years now, he feels the need to narrate just about everything. And there's the faintest whiff of semi-arrogant self promotion about it, which just puts me off every time.

    Don't get me wrong. Talking through the making process is 100% OK with me. I watch plenty of makers that talk through their videos (Pask Makes, Wesley Treat, etc) but something has changed in Jimmy's style, and I just don't like him any more.

    Shame. Arguably, Jimmy is the one that (re)ignited the movement's popularity on the internet, but it just kinda feels he's let it go to his head somehow.