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  • I don't think there was anything good in Steam sale for me for something like decade by now. Or rather, that sale never look like real sale. They really fucked it all up when they removed regional pricing in Poland.

    Hell i didn't even know the sale was up until i read this post. And looking at my wishlist around half of it is in the sale, but never more than 30%.

  • I've got it on decent word that, Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery, Pixel Cafe, and A Space for the Unbound, are nice games

    I haven't played through all of, A Night in the Woods, For the People, but i enjoy playing them

  • Shadow Man Remastered has been living rent free in my head thanks to Thumb Cramps so I might have to get those dark souls or the world is gonna end

  • Let's see. Of the ones which haven't been mentioned yet...

    Since Resident Evil hype is up again because the original trilogy just dropped on GOG, I'd recommend the line-up on sale right now on Steam except the one that came after RE5 and before RE7. For games one should start with (in order from "traditional" survival horror to the more action-y titles), RE1 is 5, RE2 is 10, RE7 is 7, and OG RE4 is 5. RE4R is right now discounted to 30.

    Doom 2016 is 5 while Eternal is 10. You've probably heard about them.

    The Wolfenstein reboot games are around 5 a piece and, aside from Youngblood, are all great.

    Command and Conquer Remastered Collection is 6 and is amazing if you don't mind some early 90s RTS jank. You can also get the entire series aside from the RC for just 10.

    Persona 4 Golden is 11 while SMT3 Nocturne is 15. Both are good games to start with for Megaten games.

    Stardew Valley is 8 and I've been revisiting it lately (owned it since it first dropped).

    System Shock 1 EE is 2.50 while 2 is 5. The remake for 1 is 17.

    • I'd recommend the line-up on sale right now on Steam except the one that came after RE5 and before RE7

      As the resident RE6 apologist, I firmly believe that it is easily worth $5 for a somewhat janky and extremely campy action co-op experience if you have a buddy to play it with. And yeah, there's no "survival" aspect--this is definitely the game where they turned the dial too far to the "action" side, after which they swung towards "survival" back past RE4 for RE7 (excellent if that's to your taste--incredible atmosphere), and finally landed back in the crowd-pleasing sweet spot for RE8 (which I absolutely adore and beat like half a dozen times).

      RE2R and OG RE4 I could easily recommend to anyone; perhaps not the latter if you're completely allergic to tank controls, but the game is tuned for that playstyle and it makes the encounters very intense. I also enjoyed RE3R, although it's not quite as good as RE2R and a bit on the short side. And I hear RE4R is great, but I haven't yet played it myself--would definitely recommend giving the OG a shot first, since the new REngine games have a different tempo and feel to them and the original holds up completely. I'd also recommend installing the RE4 HD texture mod if anyone goes for OG RE4--truly an incredible labor of love by a pair of dedicated fans.

      • All I'll say is that RE6 is definitely a game for one who's already neck deep in the series as opposed to a relative newcomer who would get a better first impression with RE5 if they're looking for raw action. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Part of RE's charm is that it actually feels like a universe where straight survival horror a la RE1/RE7 and the pure campy John Woo-aping goodness of the CGI movies can coexist. Only that RE6 is weighed down by other things which might get tiring.

        and finally landed back in the crowd-pleasing sweet spot for RE8 (which I absolutely adore and beat like half a dozen times).

        Funny thing is that I actually prefer RE8 to 4 (though I played it first). I would consider close to perfect if it were a good bit longer and didn't kill off the entire villager cast in the first 30 minutes.

        I also enjoyed RE3R, although it's not quite as good as RE2R and a bit on the short side.

        It's a fantastic game on its own merits. Maybe it can get a rerelease pumped full of content someday and people can appreciate it...

  • I'm looking at Axiom Verge 2. I just did a cheatyface playthrough of the first one(first playthrough was years ago and no cheatyface).

    I also just got introduced to Balatro from a friend and now I really want it lol. I'm a fan of Roguelites but don't play them a great deal(do have like 200 hours in on Isaac) but I used to play poker and also enjoy card games, not so much deck builders. I played Slay the Spire a bit and own it on 2 systems but I'm just not great at those types of games. I figured maybe Balatro is the best of both worlds. What I'd really like to see is a a trick taking mechanic combined with meta-progression but idk how that would look.

    Jedi Fallen Order is $4 but just saw yesterday that it's an EA title so that was an easy decision.

    Not sure what else to get. I wanna play through New Vegas and also the Mass Effect trilogy a second time but both games are dicey on if they run well on Linux. I don't even know where to begin with modding Bethesda games on Linux in 2024 lol.

    • Oh shit, you just mentioned my hyperfixation. Or at least, one of them.

      I have had success (after a bit of finagling for the 4GB patch and whatnot) with running Viva New Vegas on the Steam Deck, and imagine that if you try to keep a tight control on what you add beyond that and check regularly you'll be fine. Essentially, any mod circa ~2016-2020 or below should be heavily suspicious, and anything from 2010-2016 should be ignored pretty much entirely.

      You may have to use a Linux compatible Mod Organizer 2, but just ask questions in the Viva New Vegas discord server if you're unsure, the folks there are very helpful.

      Modding has come a long way for New Vegas.

      Let me know if you have any questions! I have been modding and remodding New Vegas for a decade at this point

    • I’ve tried a few different scripts and manual installation, and imo the best solution for modding is to use mo2 through steamtinkerlaunch