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We should defederate from Lemmygrad.

Might be a bad idea for me to go into this while having ptsd issues, especially when I'm probably about to do a long ass sleep, but yolo.

Basic synopsis on my feelings here:

  • tl;dr: I used to believe we should be federated, but after 3ish years of interacting with lemmygrad on various accounts, I have noticed that lemmygrad is not a place that is safe for transgender people at large. The reason for this is principally their debatelord culture and refusing to comprehend that debating a point against a minority's lived experience, then demanding civility when that minority gets angry, is the same shit liberals do.
  • I noticed instances of reactionary content, such as here and/or comments are not removed or users banned. Lemmygrad seems to prefer to debate reactionaries, and obviously subjecting minority groups to reactionary content for personal fun is callous at best, and reactionary at worst. Its important to make it so that there are designated areas for dunking on reactionary content, as well as nsfw and content tags to avoid it. Otherwise, reactionary comments should be removed and visible in a mod log.
  • I discussed in this post why it is important to remove downvotes to protect trans people. After I noticed people were creating evasive comments to debate me, I pretty much told them to fuck off. This resulted in a ban from their admins and they continued to defend their policy. This reminds me a lot of the struggle sessions we used to have about adding pronouns to the site or removing downvotes. People would be evasive in this same way to give the benefit of the doubt then demand civility when people get angry. Those people are not allies and should be purged.
  • The admins seem to have a principle misunderstanding of why minorities don't want to see any form of harassment or discrimination directed at them and how that is perpetuated across social media sites. They seem to legitimately believe that keeping downvotes means that they will be able to stave off reactionary content or is somehow a valuable tool in responding to reactionary content, when in reality they should be removing and banning reactionary content.
  • Certain users were very keen on civility bullshit, particularly, (an admin), This is honestly the most disgusting behavior I've seen on lemmygrad, and the fact that the admins doubled down on it is fucked.

I can see staying federated to a bunch of very small instances, especially queer focused and hobby instances, but I'm pretty soured on the fediverse at this point.

I'm extremely disappointed in what I've seen of the lemmygrad mod team. Why are they making me into a splitter over such a basic issue of avoiding the harassment of trans people at a systemic level, bastards

I am willing to retract this if the admins of lemmygrad self crit and apologize for temp bans or otherwise of my accounts on civility reasons and make it clear that debating the lived experience of anyone of a minority group is unacceptable going forward. There are positive and proactive ways of discussing someone's lived experience without going into debate territory and trying to find a technicality in lived experiences to support an opinion you already hold. I maintain that removing downvotes is a boon to trans users, if you can come up with something better than that and implement it, I am all ears.

  • A few things about this.

    On the one hand:

    1. I agree with you on removing downvotes being a good change, especially for minorities, and I think the argument that "downvotes help hide transphobic rhetoric" is a "free marketplace of ideas"-adjacent argument that ironically relies on the majority to support the minority.
    2. I agree that the admin telling you "Actually, removing downvotes does not make it a better experience for trans people" does fall into "debatebroing a trans person's lived experience" territory and is definitely worth criticizing.

    On the other hand I read through the thread and think I need to point out some things:

    1. You opened up with "we should do what hexbear does" and when someone disagreed, you immediately went to "So you think hexbear is platforming reactionary content?", which is needlessly hostile and turns the whole thing into a lemmygrad vs hexbear debate when it really shouldn't be.
    2. I disagree with calling this "civility fetishism". Civility fetishism is when people tell you to be calm while you're talking about hospitals being bombed in Gaza or when they tell you to be polite towards nazis, I don't think it's inappropriate to remain civil when talking about whether you should be able to downvote posts on lemmygrad dot ml. Civility is not inherently a bad thing, we only mock it when people tell us to be civil while arguing with people who actively want us dead.
    3. I think some people in that thread are right that you are too quick to assume bad faith from a group of people who, and I can't stress this enough, aren't your enemies. Lemmygrad and hexbear agree on 99% of issues and personally, I have seen very few shitty takes from them. I think this admin was being kind of a douche and a debatebro, but they're still an admin on an explicitly marxist-leninist site that is overwhelmingly more good than bad.

    I think you had an incredibly uncomfortable and frustrating experience because you got dogpiled on and downvoted on lemmygrad and consequently talked yourself into a rage, which I can sympathize with, it's a terrible experience, I've been there. As you yourself said, you're probably not in the best mental state to argue about this right now. I would urge you to cool your head and try to review the discussion in good faith. Assume that other MLs aren't your enemies and they might just be wrong on this issue for normal reasons, not because they're actually a reactionary who wants to suppress minorities. Remember that a lot of people on hexbear also opposed the removal of downvotes before it happened.

  • While I think your criticisms were basically correct and the ban was bullshit, I don't think this rises to the level of defederation for me. The systems and culture we've developed here are a unique combination of circumstance and deliberate policy. I myself argued against downvote removal all those years ago. A lot of people did. If it had just been put to a popular vote, I doubt it would have ever passed.

    Looking back now, history has fully vindicated the mods. Getting rid of downvotes not only had the intended effect of helping to create a safe space for marginalized comrades, but has had so many beneficial, consequential secondary order effects that it's difficult, ironically, to imagine the site with downvotes at all.

    So while I think your arguments to the 'Gradders were correct, I can't really blame them for not being able to take your criticisms on board because we ourselves found a path forward by fumbling forward together. They are Lemmygrad, not Hexbear, and they deserve our pity for that

  • I feel like this isn't enough to warrant a defederation? Like, yeah I get that debating reactionaries and the like isn't something a decent chunk of people want to do, but that would be confined to Lemmygrad spaces. It's still not an issue in Hexbear proper. And there's been lots of great people interacting here from Lemmygrad. I don't think we should defederate.

  • I went and read the thread that no doubt spawned this one and a few things.

    First everything you said on grad is correct.

    Second they can't come here and do that shit because they will be banned, admin or not.

    Third I'm not sure I understand how defederation solves anything. Historically we have defederated because their users were coming into Hexbear and harassing our users or posting shit content to a degree that the our modmins couldn't or shouldn't deal with. Is that happening with grad? If it is, okay then yeah probably defed. I haven't seen it (on Hexbear at least... again you're spot on that the kind of debatelord "respect bad views" shit is happening on grad.) Maybe it is happening here too and our mods are just so powerful that none of us ever see the bad shit. But if they aren't coming here and stirring up shit...then just don't go to their comms? You can just go local only and that solves the immediate harm they're doing to you and other trans comrades in the site. Defederation doesn't remove them from the Internet they'll still be over there with their shit takes. You just won't see them unless you choose to go and engage them... which is exactly the same as just browsing local only or not subscribing to any grad comms.

    If the root issue here is "Hexbear should not be federated with any instance that does not have a 1:1 ideological alignment with Hexbear" then that's a different discussion and one that's probably interesting to have but one that would necessarily result in Hexbear just completely defederating from everyone because there is no community on the fediverse that does a better job protecting minority comrades than Hexbear. Maybe that's a discussion worth having again.

  • Not disputing any points but the vast majority of users on lemmygrad in my experience are true comrades and are very useful in the other instances as backup, they make it harder to accuse hexbears of being a weird abberant view because you see organic agreement from other instances in a heated discussion. It would be a shame to lose all of them because of some debatelords. In my opinion.

  • Wtf, they banned you for "incivility" for your comments in the thread about removing downvotes? I didn't see you make even a single a comment that could even possibly be construed as incivility, I only saw you making reasonable arguments about something you're passionate about it. If that's what they think Hexbearian incivility looks like, then I can't imagine how they'd react to being on the wrong side of the dog pilings and dunkings we give to proper reactionaries.

    If nothing else, I think our admin team needs to make a point to sit down and have a talk with lemmygrad's to hash this out and push for them to unban you and apologize for being overly dismissive of your valid concerns. I don't think this yet rises to level of requiring defederation, Lemmygrad is without a doubt the most similar forum to Hexbear on the entire internet, and it'd be a massive shame to lose all of their cool users. But eliminating transphobia is extremely important to us, and if lemmygrad cares about the union of our two communities, then they should be willing to compromise every once in a while. That doesn't necessarily mean removing downvotes, but it does mean taking a more pro-active stance on rooting out transphobia even if they haven't personally been effected by it enough to notice.

    • I agree with this take. It's not a great situation, but it's not grounds for defederation. I understand that hexbear is a safe space but if we can't get along with lemmygrad, what does that say about us? Who can we get along with? I'm concerned that we're putting ourselves further into an "Us against the world" mindset by isolating ourselves like this, when realistically, the average hexbear user and the average lemmygrad user probably agree on >95% of issues. We're on the same side.

      I think lemmygrad is closely enough aligned with us that we can hopefully influence them to not be cringe debatebros, rather than abandoning the federation altogether. The place was made worse by GenZedong users, maybe it can be made better by hexbear users. Because again, if we can't work together with lemmygrad of all places, is there anyone we can work with?

    • But eliminating transphobia is extremely important to us, and if lemmygrad cares about the union of our two communities, then they should be willing to compromise every once in a while. That doesn't necessarily mean removing downvotes, but it does mean taking a more pro-active stance on rooting out transphobia even if they haven't personally been effected by it enough to notice.

      I definitely agree. I had said my piece about why I thought it helps trans people a lot and tried to be fun about it, what I didn't need is a bunch of people goading me. I would like them to consider what might be better for trans people over vague notions of preserving site culture or whatever, though. If they have a better new idea that they want to try out I'm eager to see how it turns out.

  • I think your criticisms are valid. I also tend to just put all other instances in the same boat and feel like there are a lot of instances I'd rather see chopped before grad, but I understand having strong feelings about it considering they are supposed to actually be principled

  • As someone that owns a now failing web community from back in the days of fark and metafilter, I've been pleasantly surprised by how well removing downvotes has worked for Hexbear, but I think the reason it works is also because we have a strong admin/mod team that's not afraid to bring the hammer down reasonably quick and a user base that largely understands why that's necessary. I'm not sure it would work somewhere where people believe in that 'battling it out in the marketplace of ideas' bullshit, and honestly I'm not sure anything would work in that scenario. Downvotes at least give users the ability to try and repress fash bullshit from taking hold, but as long as we live in a world the vast majority of wealth, power, and resources are in the hands of people who have no accountability to truth, astroturfing and counter-revolutionary like agitation is always going to be something that requires a strong hand to snuff out. We see that out in the offline world with how China has to use the great firewall to handle NGOs and manufacturing consent; Enabling debate bro, 'both sides' bullshit is always going to be counter to safe spaces regardless of whether there's downvotes or not.

    That's my long winded way of saying I agree with you, but I think it'll take more than removing downvotes, and it does seem like you've got valid concerns that make defederating something that needs to be considered .

  • I looked at the source argument. My initial instinct was that maud_dibber, the admin you had a problem with, was not being expressly transphobic or even debatelordy and was coming at you in good faith. Since I'm cis, I didnt want to come at you with that perspective at first, but I ran it by my trans gf and she said she agreed with me. Thats one personal obviously, but full disclosure this girlfriend is a lemmygrad user who will remain anonymous. Maybe its worth considering that trans users of lemmygrad dont feel unsafe with the downvote feature in place like you do? And that its just a difference in culture?

    • He said

      Also, I’m not, and I hope no one else would, go over to hexbear and demand they make changes, and start fights with everyone. We have our own site rules, and one of them is to be respectful to other comrades here. If you can’t disagree without being respectful, we won’t hesitate to issue temp bans.

      I didn't start a fight. I said my piece, and someone came out of the woodwork to debate me. I would like to point out that I was one of many posters that said it was a good idea, and that user chose me, a trans person, to reply to. It is not a good idea to debate someone on their personal experiences of harassment, and removing a potential vector for harassment is good. Another unfun fact, is that this is recurring behavior with this user, where they 'debate' a trans person, make them angry, and demand they be civil. The trans person then gets banned. I'm currently investigating further instances of this, some of which are from other trans hexbear users and even mods of /c/traa.

      The issue is the admin backed up the person doing this bad and transphobic behavior.

      • So, I tried bringing this up with my gf and she got kinda angry and doesnt seem to have much patience for your perspective. She thinks you're ignoring the importance of dialectics and shouldnt have stepped in with your opinion if you weren't prepared to defend it.

        I dont want this to turn this into a proxy fight though (which I'm way to susceptible too) and she doesnt want to hear anymore about this anyway and dont feel comfortable stating opinions from my own angle because it feels like talking over so I'm just going to step out. This isnt a disengage you can still reply I just. Idk I feel very uncomfortable about this and I'm upset both that you're upset and my gf is upset so I need to step back and should probably not have gotten involved.

  • i agree that we should defederate. this shit is annoying and it is absolutely not hard to just have 2 accounts on 2 separate sites you wanna use