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Bulletins and News Discussion from June 25th to July 2nd, 2023 - The Coup That Wasn't

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Well, Prigozhin gets to live in Belarus instead of being on the wrong end of an Iskander, Wagner forces (in Ukraine at least) will probably get integrated into the Russian military, and SHOOOOIIGUUU and GEERRASSIMOOVV get to keep their jobs. Putin looks like a weak leader but at least things are intact. Also, the front in Ukraine hasn't broken down or anything.

I imagine a ton of things have happened behind the scenes that we either will never know about or will only slowly come to know about in the future.

About as happy an ending to the Wagner saga as we could hope for given the nature and historical horror stories of mercs. Or is it the end...? (Yes. Hopefully.)

And I have it on good authority that Stalin is currently looking down on this situation from heaven and incessantly swearing at these motherfuckers for what they've done to his country.

Here is the map of the Ukraine conflict, courtesy of Wikipedia.

Here is the archive of important pieces of analysis from throughout the war that we've collected.

This week's first and only update is here, because I am on my regularly scheduled week-long break that I forgot about until now given all that's going on. Next update will be next Wednesday.

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  • All this coverage of the ukrainian counter offensive made me curious how previous failed offensives have been covered, specifically the Battle of the Somme in 1916, so I took a trip down to my local public library (we love our librarians!) to poke through their newspaper archives since the br*tish papers all want me to pay for access (bastards!).

    Turns out nothing ever changes. Allied (british, french, etc) casualties are downplayed if ever mentioned at all, German casualties are described as "fields full of dead germans", "tremendous losses for the Boche", capturing a thin strip of land or a single village was lauded as the next step to winning the war, and you even had "feel good" stories about blinded soldiers beating a college team in a rowing race. I also came across an article that claimed german gunners were chained to their guns to prevent them from running away, which actually comes from reports of allied soldiers finding dead germans with a sling system that made moving machine guns easier that they misinterpreted/twisted to serve as propaganda for the homefront. The more things change the more they stay the same.

    Also beside the point, but the humour section was either indecipherable without researching what the joke was supposed to be or just a joke about drunk irishmen. Oh, and there was one anti-car joke which I found interesting, I'll post it here

    Mendicant(Beggar,someone down on their luck)- Sir, I have paralysis, six children to support, my wife is sick, and we are about to be dispossessed!

    Stalled motorist- Piffle! Did you ever try to run a second-hand automobile?

    Edit: Effortpost here

  • LULA: They accuse us of being communists, as if we would be offended by that. We are not offended.

    We would be offended if they called us Nazis, neofascists, terrorists. But never a communist, a socialist. That doesn't offend us. It makes us proud many times. And many times we know that we deserve to be called that."

  • Edit: FUCK ME I MIXED UP JULY AND JUNE. Please don't ban me for fake news.

    Today marks my 3rd year on this account. Hexbear has changed a lot since the Chapo sub first got banned, and of course so have I. During that dual process the news Megas have become my favorite place on the internet. Y'all are smart, funny, well-considered people, and I enjoy reading what you have to say.

    Thank you to all the big beautiful wet news posters.

  • It's so funny that Sweden is so racist that they're sabotaging their own NATO application. When it came to sending refugee Kurds to guaranteed imprisonment in Turkey, they chose the racist option and granted that request. Now when the Turks told them to stop allowing weirdos to burn the Quran in public, they just can't overcome the racism and do the logical pragmatic thing and ban that shit, so they keep shooting themselves in the foot every few weeks.

  • The succdem-led right-wing government of Denmark wants to fix the economy and get more young people to choose to go to vocational schools and learn a trade. How do you do that? By gutting university education, of course.

    A new compromise between the government and a bunch of shitty lib to fash parties has resulted in the following changes:

    • 8% reduction in the number of undergraduate intake.
    • 10% of post-graduate programmes will be cut from two years to 15 months
    • 20% of postgraduate programmes will be "vocational graduates" where students work in addition to studying

    Allegedly this will "increase labour supply" (the lib weasel term for making sure supply and demand in the labour market favours employers).

  • The Ukrainian counter-offenseive and Wagner coup 4d psyop road trip detour to Minsk seems to have had a marked effect upon the American public's support for continuing aid to Ukraine, as is alleged by a reuters/ipsos poll

    The two-day poll that was concluded on Tuesday charted a sharp rise in backing for arming Ukraine, with 65% of the respondents approving of the shipments compared with 46% in a May poll.

    Eighty-one percent of Democrats, 56% of Republicans and 57% of independents favor supplying U.S. weapons to Ukraine, according to the latest poll.

    The survey was conducted just days after Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of the private Wagner mercenary company, launched and then called off a mutiny over what he charged was the Russian defense ministry's mishandling of the war in Ukraine.

    This goes to show that the American public's understanding of the war in Ukraine is largely divorced from actual battlefield realities, and is instead mostly based around their perception of the war being an unwinnable quagmire or not. When things are happening that can be sold by the media as Ukrainian victories (ie: fractures in the Russian military and Ukrainian offensives) support for aiding Ukraine increases due to a perception that the momentum is on their side, when such events do not happen (as they didn't between the fall of Kherson and the launching of the counteroffensive) support deteriorates.

    Of course the media inventing reality does not mean that public support for Ukraine is destined to remain forever strong. If after months of stories alleging Rusia to be on the verge of collapse their military was to launch a strong attack proving that to not be the case, we might well see a "Tet Offensive" like effect upon public confidence in Ukraine.

  • in more personal news, reading too much telegram has altered my grasp on grammar and outside of shitposting is making me default to writing english in the style of google translated russian

  • Apparently the US embassy in Moscow contacted the Russian government to tell them they had nothing to do with the Pringles putsch and US diplomats worldwide were told not to make any remarks about it other than that the US was "closely monitoring the situation".

    To me it seems like they were afraid of what could happen if they somehow got blamed for the putsch. That's a good sign as it suggests they are not yet too high on their own propaganda to still be aware of the dire consequences of direct US-Russian conflict.

  • France, you have the opportunity to do something incredibly funny and based. Do it.

    This wont wash away

    crimes in Vietnam, Algeria, West Africa, Haiti and whatever territory had the disgrace of seeing the french set foot. But it's something.

  • After a little bit of a dose of reality caused by the spring summer offensive going badly and NATO weapons not literally being blessed relics of the end of history that will crush the Russian army, the failcoup has straight up convinced libs that Russia is on the verge of collapse again, the western media is completely telling the truth about everything and American hegemony is here to stay.

    Prigozhin must answer for the cringe he's unleashed.

  • I'm getting worse and worse vibes about the ZNPP. Ukrainians seems very adamant about changing the post-March 2022 status quo of the power plant and their western backers are definitely psychotic enough to encourage something disastrous at that plant. Russians can't also just withdraw to avoid disaster if the Ukrainians approach, because they 100% know that they will never capture it again without a major incident. Something big feels brewing and I don't like this feeling, the timing with NATO summit is bound to deliver bad news.

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