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  • Uhh if you like your US-backed military dictatorship*, you can keep it.

    *Now featuring totally democratic elections, trust me :obama-socialism:

  • After finishing the vid, I'd honestly say this is an excellent introductory primer into learning about South Korea.

    This should be mandatory watching for anyone that has a remote interest in the modern Korean peninsula.

  • ...if parasite wasn't evidence enough lmao.

    yeah seems fucking awful. much like the US!

    they do have about the highest educational outcomes in the world though. but so does finland, using a completely opposite, humanity affirming approach instead of the soul destroying approach South Korea has taken.

    • Due to the relatively high degree of urbanization and the country's role as cheap manufacturing labor for the imperial core, one could argue that it suffers from even worse conditions than US peers. Certainly, its become a kind-of testing ground for whatever awful new cultural and legal regime imposed on Americans years later.