South Korea is a Cyberpunk Dystopia
South Korea is a Cyberpunk Dystopia
Hell Joseon
(We need a South Korea burning flag emoji)
South Korea is a Cyberpunk Dystopia
Hell Joseon
(We need a South Korea burning flag emoji)
Uhh if you like your US-backed military dictatorship*, you can keep it.
*Now featuring totally democratic elections, trust me :obama-socialism:
After finishing the vid, I'd honestly say this is an excellent introductory primer into learning about South Korea.
This should be mandatory watching for anyone that has a remote interest in the modern Korean peninsula.
That's true, I struggle to remember the last highschool manhwa I saw where bullying wasn't an integral element, though interestingly there's a much higher proportion of adult-oriented settings for manhwas, whether undergrad or professional or adult gang stuff.
Kids in SK will talk a lot about bullying, which is a very real thing, but at least they don’t have to worry about school shootings.
I only saw one comment and I already hate the comment section
Was it the "Koreans made both a capitalist and communist dystopia" one because yeah same reaction.
To be fair the first reply to that comment is about how NK is better but then the first reply to that reply is someone shitting propaganda out their mouth.
White people stop calling asian countries cyberpunk dystopia challenge
"the Japanese asset bubble crashed" yea the plaza accord had nothing to do w it
Also "the Korean government has no say in what the companies do as their collapse would destroy the economy" is such a lame world view that completely denies the existence of class struggle. "Dystopia" discourse is just a roundabout way of accepting capitalist realism with all of its most brutal elements included.
Also “the Korean government has no say in what the companies do as their collapse would destroy the economy” is such a lame world view that completely denies the existence of class struggle.
Imagine how easy it would be to nationalize the entire economy when it's in a handful of giant corporations...
As we live in a regular dystopia, calling theirs a cyberpunk one is kinda aspirational
The Asiatics are doing Capitalism wrong, we would never do the same
Cant have a cyberpunk without an evil Japanese company.
...if parasite wasn't evidence enough lmao.
yeah seems fucking awful. much like the US!
they do have about the highest educational outcomes in the world though. but so does finland, using a completely opposite, humanity affirming approach instead of the soul destroying approach South Korea has taken.
Due to the relatively high degree of urbanization and the country's role as cheap manufacturing labor for the imperial core, one could argue that it suffers from even worse conditions than US peers. Certainly, its become a kind-of testing ground for whatever awful new cultural and legal regime imposed on Americans years later.
They take Confucius to the extreme. Even China don’t do that crap, lol
Population decline is happening all over east Asia countries. Not sure how to solve that though, even for China it’s a challenge, and for some reason the govt doesn’t make it a priority
I mean, China eliminated their limited-child policies and have those state-organized dating platforms or whatever they are, so I think there's still a matter of seeing how that shakes out.
Well, the dropping of limited child policies and even Financial incentives didn't really help. City folks are overworked and know that it is not financial attractive to raise Children if they don't have grandparents to take care of the domestic aspect of the family (taking the kids to school, homework, food, etc.) there is simply no reason for post-reform couple to raise kids.
You have to give better safety net for people, change the work environment and rethink of the development planning of the country.
The symbol on their flag is Daoism, I don't know if it's really appropriate to set that on fire. There's no burning Saudi flag emoticon for the same reason.
I think that's kind of flattening the yinyang. If anything, aren't the trigrams the most distinctly daoist part?
Anyway, social context is important. We don't have burning symbols of Judaism or Islam because the website is coming from the cultural context where there are strong contingents of people in the same society who in varying degrees support burning Jews and Muslims and their cultural objects. I don't think anyone gives a shit about "eliminating" daoists except for cults like Falun Gong, which should be eradicated (albeit not by immolation). No one is burning Shintoists but Hindus and Buddhists get (and give) a lot of shit in their clashes (or genocide on or by) Muslim populations, so those symbols are also reasonable to protect.
But then I think a burning Torii would be bad for other reasons (not to be confused with a burning Tory, which is good).
Also it's funny I talked about how fucked up Korea's economic system is with the chokehold Chaebols have on the south Korean world.
:astronaut-2: :astronaut-1: