Self Checkout
Self Checkout
Secret panel:
Self Checkout
Secret panel:
This went from "unrealistic situations that only spergs make a big deal out of" to "gross... but 'heh'" real quick.
You're selling this shit in your shop and I'm paying full price buying this shit. I'm not embarrassed one bit.
We were cracking up last time at Safeway because it announces everything you scan.
"please put your bulk potatoes in the bagging area"
And the voice changes when it says the item name, no idea why we thought it was funny but we were losing it
I love the voice change, it makes it sound like it's saying the item with massive air quotes so suddenly everything sounds like a euphemism for something terrible
The one near me just says "please place your ITEM in the bagging area" for everything. Everything is just "item" and it says "item" is in a different voice that's louder than the rest of the sentence. What.
When you stop giving a shit about stuff like this, are you officially "old"?
Uhhhh asking for a friend...
Its more like adult i'd say. When you realize noone cares lol
Exactly, I've worked checkout and the only time I cared or even paid attention to what someone was getting was when family or friends went through my line
Some people do care… but then you eventually realize that doesn’t matter, either!
Not old, it's called being emotionally mature (may depend on how you are processing it).
Make a mantra out of IDGAF.
Oh wait, it's right there. Also deals with 'old'
Reminds me of when, much younger, my wife was going into a store to grab pregnancy tests. She was very shy about it but quickly grabbed them, played it off cool with the cashier and left. When she got home, I had to point out the error she made in her haste: instead of pregnancy tests, they were tests for vaginal bacteria!
Not only did she boldly look the cashier in the eye, she was ultimately saying "oh ya, you know it stinks down there and I will not be ashamed". Which good on her except she was so embarrassed when she found out.
(Real talk though, no shame of you do need to test your pH down there, or doing a bit of family planning)
assert dominance
Bruh who the fuck says that
He meant saying that non-verbally
Please enter your phone number so we can sell this purchase record to our 9473 partners.
That's my biggest problem with self-checkouts. There's always a weird payment service provider behind them who wants to share whatever they can with their 3621 partners. I guess the same is true when you use anything but cash, including card payments at regular tills, but at least they give you the option to pay with cash. Self-checkouts usually don't (but a few do!).
My wife once sent me to the shop to pick up some hand lotion, a cucumber and a box of tissues.
The 16 year old girl behind the counter gave me a weird look.
I recently went to the grocery store and before I started scanning at the self-checkout, I realized someone else had scanned a box of “Men’s libido max” pills and apparently left as it required ID or something to buy, and I guess they didn’t want to look someone in the face and buy it.
So then I had to look someone in the face while they cleared it from the register, probably thinking that I was the one who had the change of heart.
Should have just stared the attendant in the eye and said "False alarm."
Do people actually get embarrassed buying things?
Yes, people get embarrassed when buying things for common human conditions and events all the time. There are even commonly shared jokes about it, like this comic.
I never knew.
Do people actually not?
If you want to pass the pain to someone else you can order it on Uber or whatever and specify they go through human checkout lmao