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  • I really enjoyed this episode. I think that their chase sequence was incredible. The animation this episode was captivating. The action sequences were awesome, but so were the slower moments. I absolutely loved all the effects animation and colorwork that was done when Crab Granny crossed the city boundary and exploded into schoolgirls and sea foam. Just a great sequence that felt like it came straight out of a movie.

  • I like their rendition of William Tell Overture.

    • That was great. The animation through that whole sequence was almost interpretive the whole way through, but went by so fast that your brain doesn't have time to register it. That was the standout sequence for me this episode.

  • So, I went back and rewatched the final parts of the chase sequence and wanted to make a post about the show's use of color. As we have seen up to this point in the show, Turbo Granny's color is red. So, we start the final part of this sequence with nothing but a lone red spotlight.

    From there, we go through some twists and turns and find ourselves tumbling through the air. If you look in the distance of the cityscape in the background, you can actually see where Turbo Granny's red comes to an end. A nice visual indicator of the extent of the location bound spirit's domain as well as a clue that we are getting closer to escape.

    The next change that happens is when Turbo Granny combines with the crab to become the Turbo Crab Granny. With this fusion, we actually see the sky itself change to Granny's red. It really makes the Granny-ness of everything feel even that much more oppressive.

    Finally, we cut away to Seiko where she has set up a trap at the city boundary. Other than her saying something, we can also visually tell the boundary due to the colors. I absolutely love the way this was done in shots like this.

    Finally, as Momo keeps Turbo Crab Granny in place as the train crosses the border, we see the color rapidly wash over the screen as the red is displaced. Also, Granny Seiko is actually hiding over to the left side of the frame. I had missed her originally.