Metallic Rouge - Episode 10 discussion
Metallic Rouge - Episode 10 discussion
Metallic Rouge - Episode 10 discussion
Alright everybody, I have spent most of my day trying to find some way to be comfortable in an airport or airplane. So, I finally got home and grabbed myself a chocolate bar to enjoy. Here are my running thoughts for this episode:
That's a wrap. All told, I had been trying to have a chocolate bar each time a character had one on screen in this series. However, there was too much this episode. I stopped after two because I just couldn't. Maybe I should have done small pieces rather than whole bars...
In any case, the puppetmaster is the big mystery (among many) that I feel needs more explanation. If he is going to be the big bad, then I feel like we should know something about him...anything really. My wild guess is that the puppetmaster is Dr. Eva or Roy Junghardt. That would mean that Rouge and Cyan really are sisters like Cyan was told. Also, yes, I did have to google those character names because nothing about this story sticks in my brain well.