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  • Rouge pretty much sums up most of this episode with this line...

    Like I mentioned last week, I am not going to try to make sense of this story. If you can understand what is going on in this story, more power to you, but I am confused as hell and, judging by both Rouge and Naomi this episode, I am not alone. My running thoughts:

    • I like the cool guy that helps Naomi out by infiltrating the circus through his elite spy technique of...asking to be let in...they don't teach you that one at spy school. Seems like a nice guy. Would be a shame to see Rouge kill him.
    • We get to see quite a bit of Rouge's family and past this week. we? Or is it all a fabricated dream to extract information from Rouge's brain? Only one freaky alien thing knows the answer and he isn't telling us, the viewer anything.
    • So, the alien species, called Usurpers in a previous episode, now have a more formal name of Junoids. I wonder if that name is going to be at all derived from the asteroid Juno. It is one of the largest asteroids in the asteroid belt and was originally thought to be a planet. Maybe Junoids come from the asteroid belt?
    • So, if Rouge's dreams are to be believed, she and her brother are out on a mission to avenge the death of her father. But, everything about this show tells me that the reality is going to be 5 layers more complicated than that at least.
    • Rouge finally got some chocolate again this week! To celebrate, I had a chocolate bar as well. This one's for you, Rouge!
    • I hope we see more of this character in the future, I really like her character design. Plus, dual wielding daggers combined with fighting hair? That's dope. Do we still say dope?

  • That certainly was an episode. That's all that I can really say about this tbh

    • I have had a lot of fun these past two episodes trying to pick a screenshot for the post to capture how I felt watching it. When Rouge dropped this line near the end of the episode, I literally pointed at my screen and said, "That's it!"

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