Colorado Supreme Court says Trump is ineligible to run again
Colorado Supreme Court says Trump is ineligible to run again
It ruled that Trump engaged in an insurrection by stoking the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021.
Colorado Supreme Court says Trump is ineligible to run again
It ruled that Trump engaged in an insurrection by stoking the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021.
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• 1. Pointless gesturing, Colorado would never have gone for Trump anyway
• 2. If he engaged in insurrection, charge him. Do it. Charge him for treason in the state of Colorado. Otherwise shut up.
only the federal DOJ, the president, or congress can charge someone w treason. this might be the most Colorado can do, as milquetoast as it is
edit: on further investigation, some states do have laws against treason and people have been tried for treason by individual states’ courts
John Brown was hanged, for treason against Virginia
It's not pointless, it's a test case.
Why would Colorado be able to charge him w treason?
States can charge individuals with it, I'd assume mostly stemming from Civil War related nonsense (like someone else pointed out, John Brown was charged with treason by Virginia, not the US at large)
Colorado's statute on Treason
A person commits treason if he levies war against the state of Colorado or adheres to its enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless upon the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act or upon confession in open court. Treason is a class 1 felony.
I'd think a fairly easy argument to make would be inciting revolt against US Congress fits the bill of 'adheres to enemies, giving aid and comfort', but we all know libs are scared to go the whole way against their fashy friends
America if it was based: