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They didn't gotta do us like that tho
From: https://old.reddit.com/r/TrueAnon/comments/17rn5j7/the_subreddit_has_gone_public/k8kurwb/
It's really strange how that sub has such a problem with this site.
Reddit doesn’t like non-Reddit, blackwolffeed Hated us for vague reasons
It really is just this.
You don't see this behaviour about other subreddits, unless there's like a genuine reason for it like fascist-adjacent or liberal. These people won't shit all over a random left subreddit, which is essentially just a different community run differently, the same thing. It's entirely because it's non-reddit that there is a different set of behaviour is applied.
Inter True Anon drama. We think Yung Chomsky is the star of the show, they prefer Liz.
Down votes don't even exist here. They're the fucking cowards that went private
Hexbear should only allow people to downvote, combat liberalism
That actually would be fun. A site where you can only downvote, the popularity of you posts/comments will be judged simply by how close to 0 they are.
They did exist in the beginning. People (including me lol) got banned for down voting posts by transcomrade69
lmao what a bunch of whiners. clearly my memory is spotty, but if our trans shitposters were actually successfully baiting transphobes into showing their ass and balls on Live National TV, then frankly I think that's a skill issue and the posting kulaks deserved it.
theres loads of terfs showing up from stupidpol and redscare in that place
Welp guess I'll just be the only Hexbear user in there correcting the record
Day 1 is earlier than day four, ‘punk’
You’re just a poseur ass that wants to defend the toxic hellhole that site became because people like you turned it into that
I got ganged up on multiple times until I just stopped showing up. Came back once, made a post and was immediately accused of being an interloper of some type, despite creating my account on the site the first day it was opened after we floated from Reddit to discord to the site.
Defend it all you want, the place turned into a shithole.
New site taglines, this user is absolutely just telling on themselves lol
lmao still can't believe that dork called me a "poseur" and why on earth spell it like that? Just amazing how unserious and online brained a person can get
The feds finally got to them smh
I'd like to be ganged up on... We got a special com for that?
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