both pretty extreme
both pretty extreme
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both pretty extreme
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Sorry, but you're just uneducated on the subject.
Claims the clown spouting "Hitler was a socialist". xD
Also the clown whose name is literally "proletarians must suffer"
Any reason to suggest he wasn't socialist?
He persecuted socialists (basically the first people sent to concentration camps) and had capitalist policies? Any reason to suggest he was fond of Marx?
But Mr (assumed) "proletarians_must_suffer" probably thinks that "socialism is when the state does stuff".
Go bother someone else in some ancap forum, where you belong.
He persecuted socialists
Are bolsheviks socialist? Bc they also persecuted socialists, communists, anarchists, etc, etc.
and had capitalist policies
He literally limited the profitability of companies to 6%.
Any reason to suggest he was fond of Marx?
He's non-marxist socialist. Not all socialist are Marxists. Btw, fascists are Marxists. They're what you call "revisionists".
Go bother someone else in some ancap forum, where you belong.
I'm not an ancap.
Are bolsheviks socialist?
No. They were state-capitalists.
He literally limited the profitability of companies to 6%.
You agree that companies made profits. That's a capitalist policy.
He’s non-marxist socialist. Not all socialist are Marxists.
I didn't say whether or not he was a Marxist. All socialists apply Marxist analysis at least partially. Even Bakunin agreed with Marx's theory.
Btw, fascists are Marxists.
I’m not an ancap.
You're enough of an ancap for me to care how you define yourself. You've proven enough how little of political/historical understanding you have.
No. They were state-capitalists.
You agree that companies made profits. That’s a capitalist policy.
Considering what was before, it was a gradual step towards socialism. Nazi Germany existed for like 30 years. Not everything can be implemented immediately.
All socialists apply Marxist analysis at least partially
Uhuh. Is Charles Fourier socialist?
You’re enough of an ancap
What is that even supposed to mean?
Considering what was before, it was a gradual step towards socialism. Nazi Germany existed for like 30 years.
Ah, yes. And Hitler clearly stated that he was a socialist... somewhere. You have to read between the lines of "Mein Kampf", where he clearly states that he's right wing. And all the companies who profited immensly from all that slave labour where juuuust about to be socialised. /s
Uhuh. Is Charles Fourier socialist?
Got any proper points, or are you just gonna "umm actually" me to death?
What is that even supposed to mean?
You're a weirdo who deserves to be ridiculed for having such a stupid worldview.
Ah, yes. And Hitler clearly stated that he was a socialist… somewhere
I didn't say it. Although he did.
You have to read between the lines of “Mein Kampf”, where he clearly states that he’s right wing.
Btw are bolsheviks communists? Bc they clearly stated they are. No need to even read between the lines.
And all the companies who profited immensly from all that slave labour
And what's the relation between capitalism and slavery?
Got any proper points, or are you just gonna “umm actually” me to death?
The point is that socialists can be socialists without applying Marx works in any way.
You’re a weirdo who deserves to be ridiculed for having such a stupid worldview
What worldview? What is my worldview?
I didn’t say it. Although he did.
Where? Here, maybe, where he ridicules the people who think the Nazis were socialists?
Wie oft haben wir uns geschüttelt vor Lachen über diese einfältigen bürgerlichen Angsthasen, angesichts des geistvollen Rätselratens über unsere Herkunft, unsere Absichten und unser Ziel. Wir haben die rote Farbe unserer Plakate nach genauem und gründlichem Überlegen gewählt, um dadurch die linke Seite zu reizen, zur Empörung zu bringen und sie zu verleiten, in unsere Versammlungen zu kommen, wenn auch nur, um sie zu sprengen, damit wir auf diese Weise überhaupt mit den Leuten reden konnten.
Btw are bolsheviks communists? Bc they clearly stated they are. No need to even read between the lines.
They stated that as their goal. The Nazis stated a Reich enuring 1000 years as their goal. Did those succeed?
And what’s the relation between capitalism and slavery?
They're compatible.
The point is that socialists can be socialists without applying Marx works in any way.
Name one socialist that came after Marx that doesn't agree with him in some manner or the other.
What worldview? What is my worldview?
Please, enlighten me. I could do with a bit of absurd fantasy worldbuilding.
In some interview or article, I believe.
They stated that as their goal. The Nazis stated a Reich enuring 1000 years as their goal. Did those succeed?
So unless someone achieves communism, they're not a communist? Btw, since 3rd Reich didn't follow all nazi tenants and didn't achieve all nazi goals, maybe they weren't nazis?
Name one socialist that came after Marx that doesn’t agree with him in some manner or the other
Sorry, but you've set up this perfect punchline yourself.
Please, enlighten me
Oh, so you don't know what my views are, but have already concluded they're absurd. Well, jokes on you, I'm an anarcho communist (no)