Happy belated birthday Q
Happy belated birthday Q

John de Lancie - Wikipedia

Also to me and Mr. Rodgers as well. 🥹
Happy belated birthday Q
John de Lancie - Wikipedia
Also to me and Mr. Rodgers as well. 🥹
the voice of Discord in My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (2011–2019).
Holy shit how did I not put it together when I thought that voice sounded familiar?
More to the point, how did you not put it together considering that Q and Discord are literally the same character in every other way, too?
That's why My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is one of the few kids' shows that doesn't suck: it's like TNG for little girls.
They’re basically the same character.
Holy shit how did I not put it together when I thought that voice sounded familiar?
Apparently they sped up his voice to make it sound higher.
His story of how he got the job is really charming.
Per the Brony documentary, DeLancie's granddaughters were fans of the show, and his wife verbally accepted the job for him before even telling him about it.
Hes a pretty prolific voice actor.