I’m building my first keyboard (a dumbpad), and I have a basic question which should be easy to solve when you know how to do it.
I’ve choosen to socket the microcontroller (in case of error, bad choice…) but I have now a question for putting the screen above: what kind of header should I use ? Is there high profile header or should I stack multiples headers ?
I see. So you have two sets of sockets: soldered ones (those on your controller) and hot-swappable ones (those on your board), and you've stacked them. It will probably work fine, but the usual approach is using only one of these.
Thanks ! I understand what I did wrong. I do not have the motivation to remove the header from the controller and put them in a proper way. I will keep it as is — as the result from my first attempt to solder my keyboard!
Now I have to find a way to stack three layer for the screen!