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How did you get kicked from social media?

I got a ban from a group because there was a lot of horse posting. I basically commented that "hey there's a lot of evidence that horse riding causes permanent injuries", and "who here can actually afford this posh hobby". The admins were rich as fuck. Somehow rich people tend to have more time to do this shit. Anyhow, they said that I was being personally insulting because "posh hobby".

I was also kicked from a

sub for reporting obvious Islamophobia. Fuck that place.

I got a two week ban from Facebook for anti-white racism. And I'm officially the whitest person on Hexbear.

Maybe I'm a lib or too damn civil, but I haven't yet been kicked from a site yet

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  • Pretty predictable bans in certain groups in reddit for calling US troops monsters. Beat around the bush in a way saying Zionists should kill themselves and got a temporary mute for that. Not surprising. You can incite violence and throw around slurs, just not fascists. Got a couple permabans in r/gamingcirclejerk due to some honest misunderstandings. Eventually lost interest in trying to fight the bans.

    • Beat around the bush in a way saying Zionists should kill themselves

      That's what got my OG twitter account with several thousand followers banned