Guess who's back
Guess who's back
Guess who's back
People need to stop blaming voters, we all need to start understand why this happen more and more in the world and not judge the voters for their decision. I have some theories but its not the time or place, but stop say "people are dumb" or "People need educations"... 100 million people cant be all dumb or uneducated, go deeper!
Both can be true.
I also think part of the problem is that with the internet, we may just have a lot of data readily available, so much so people are overwhelmed they just tune it all out. We can spend a lot of time wondering why people vote the way they do but if the losing party doesn’t take the time to be retrospective and humble as to why they lost then I can’t blame people for that too much.
You're telling me... There's multiple issues and reasons in play... At the same time????
This is getting entirely too complicated for me.
Yes, yes they can.
They've been conditioned for 8 years that any negative thing they read or hear about their leader is "fake news", and likely their own pride of not wanting to consider the possibility they could be mistaken has made them easy targets for the misinformation machine at Fox News to avoid telling them objective facts to instead pander to their emotions and tell them what opinion they should have. Mass manipulation by biased media.
Im sorry, but if Gaza, egg prices, and Harris not havjng a Y chromosome is enough for a magat trifecta, the voters are the problem. Not just the ones who stay home or vote third party, all of them. Americans are whats wrong with America
It feels so fucking obvious to me and it has for the 20 years I've been voting, I fucking voted for dennis kucinich lol. There's a reason Bernie was able to cut through the noise. He had a blunt and obvious, class based, economic ideology. That's where he planted his flag.
The 'third way' Democrat machinery seems to plant it's flag on reactionary culture war issues. Even if that's only the perception, not reality, they always take the bait.
AND WHY THE FUCK DID IT TAKE SO GOD DAMNED LONG FOR TRUMP TO BE CHARGED FOR J6? If you want to call them Nazis you have to do Nuremberg when you have the fucking chance.
I'm blaming voters. 100 million people can be all dumb, and the results of this election is the definitive proof of that.
If people in America were actually smart, actually cared, and actually knew more than the the colour of their front lawn, they'd have voted Green.
trump may be the iceberg that sinks the ship but people must not forget that it was obama that steered it so expertly there.
whatever he has done in his eight years to engender such deeply entrenched hatred within the populace -- so much that even morons like mr. 47 can exploit it so readily -- needs to be studied so that it can be avoided in the future.
Obama didn't start Fox news bro. Obama didn't defund education and get rid of civics classes. Obama didn't cut taxes on the billionaire class and corporations. Obama didn't sell those same billionaires and conglomerates the major news outlets. The voting population in America only know what they're told because they're never taught to think critically. Look at the rise of disinformation regardless of political ideology. Look at the rise in scams.
you're mixing up trump's eventual misdeeds with the fact that the usa has undergone a massive transformation towards the right under the eight years of obama.
i'm talking about the seeds which were sown, you're talking about the harvest which followed. these are two separate things.
each of your assertions have flourished under the manure of the obama tenure -- even if they didn't happen during his presidency.
but, sure. live in denial and give him a pass. just don't moan when history repeats itself. as a non-american, it's no skin off my back.
So Reagan's two terms and his VPs term had nothing to do with it? The creation of the CNN 24 hour news cycle and the need to fill it had nothing to do with it? Decades of attacking public school budgets had nothing to do with that? Why the focus on Obama? These problems started 30 years before he was elected.
Why the focus on Obama?
The reason is likely skin deep. Literally.
Counter-point: the biggest thing Obama did to enrage the right was dare to be a successful black man. They’re the ones with the issue, man.