Guess who's back
Guess who's back
Guess who's back
Literally in a car with an immigrant right now who voted Trump because things were cheaper before covid.
So sad that dumbasses who think the President controls grocery store prices and gas prices have done this to us all.
I voted for Harris and my state went red for Trump as usual. Just sad and disgusted at it all today.
I don't expect everybody to be politically aware, but there's "not politically aware" and then there's whatever that is.
Instead of mocking people like this, us on the left really need to understand them and how to appeal to them better than Trump. Dude is a billionaire and managed to convince working people he's on their side. He's winning the populism game because no one else is even playing it. Time to beat him at his own game
How do you get the Democrats to run somebody like Sanders when they don't even have a primary? The DNC boned the entire country. Again.
I don't pretend to know how to accomplish this. I may be completely wrong here, but two things that have to go:
There's almost certainly more to do as well, but those things stand out to me. Also, it seems hard to believe that we could make any progress on these fronts given the current situation.
Just wait until the leopards start eating their faces. Act surprised.
Honestly, I'm going to try and leave.
So guilliani is gonna be bailed out, Vince McMahon is gonna get a pardon too, same with Elon for whatever he wants to do, and pretty much every evil billionaire out there. I also think Trump has no interest in governing, and this administration will be Vance and his project 25 people running the show
Regarding Elon, it's even better than that: he's probably getting a cabinet post. Say goodbye to the free and open internet where people are mean to him and daddy Trump. Goodbye encryption, and the "unauthorized" websites/web services. Hello tracking, dynamic pricing, and compulsive service use designed to drain your wallet.
Americans chose fuck around, and now we get to find out.
Can he get Joe exotic Pardoned so at least we get some entertaining train wreck to keep our long off the politics?
Fuck this shit
It's 80 degrees in November. America has reelected a climate change denier. SUV sales continue to rise.
4 more years? Nah. 6 months before they turf him.
This'll be a Vance presidency.
To what end? He'll do what billionaires and the project 2025 ghouls want him to anyways. He doesn't need to be turfed. They want to keep him there soaking up all the media attention and hate while they do their evil shit in the dark.
yes. the real life zaphoid beebelbrox.
My point exactly. Trump has served his purpose. Now for the new puppet.
And it won't end after 4 years.
If they get the supermajority with the house, it's game over. They'll spend the next two years shoring up their power to where they won't need elections anymore.
They wouldn't need to bother. High risk for relatively little benefit over him nominally being in the position.
If they are going to sideline him in practice, I'd expect more of a Dick Cheney. It's not like he's going to stand in the way as long as he gets personally enriched/protected.
I've been wondering if this is one of the unwritten plays of Project 2025.
Vance would be as bad or worse.
I really wished what little labor protections we had could have lasted my lifetime.
America was an "At-Will" Democracy
What devil has this guy made a deal with? No matter how stupid, obnoxious or abrasive he is, people worship him. He constantly screws himself over and then before he has to face serious consequences he trips on a rock and somehow everything's alright again for him. At this point he literally can shoot someone on 6th Avenue and get away of it. I think Trump is solid evidence that we're living in a simulation and somebody is fucking with us, because life just doesn't work the way it works for him. Somebody's thumb is on the scale.
What devil has this guy made a deal with?
He cut a Faustian Bargain with the soul of America. And like Faust, he gets to spend his days capering and clowning about his social superiors, making unholy mischief in a kingdom that is itself revealed to be terminally corrupt and wholely damned.
Trump took the Objectivist philosophy that's guided this country for a generation and embodied it. He is Reaganism in its manifest state. Just a guy entirely out for himself who has convinced 71M other people to do the same.
The day after he was convicted on his 30+ felonies, he had the biggest donation day of any politician in US history, probably Human history. Jeff Bezos prevented any news outlet he owned of endorsing Harris, Elon Musk Did a million dollar raffle for Trump voters. They DO NOT WANT to pay taxes, and they DO NOT want to pay people who make their money. That's all this has ever been, and they know Trump would fuck his mothers corpse for a nickle and will absolutely shift the tax burden to the poor and middle class as hard as he can, and he has a majority in the legislature, and full stop OWNS the most extreme and corrupt Supreme Court we've ever seen, and he will stack it even higher this term. It is a GREAT time to be a corrupt politician in America, no one is going to taste a single consequence for this fuckery.
Yeah I know he got help from various billionaires, but Mr. and Mrs. Middle America ignored stuff that goes against their own character. Most people don't associate with anybody who's on trial for multiple felonies. They disapprove of guys who cheat on their wives. They would frown on a grown man saying "grab 'em by the pussy." Trump is not a person decent churchgoing Americans normally idolize - let alone pastors and ministers. He has an uncanny charm with these people, which I chalk up to his con man ability. But even a con man loses his audience when he drops pretense and acts like an asshole. The Orange Sack of Shit seems unnaturally immune to that.
The Supreme Court knows he can't be elected again and they already have their seats, they don't owe him anything anymore
Jokes aside, he was heavily supported by Russia and Israel who do have quite some influence through social media
That thumb has a name, Putin
Putin didn't GAF about Donald Trump until he became useful enough. By that time the Orange Sack of Shit had already been stiffing creditors and skirting the law for decades, somehow living a life of abject luxury anyway, when if nature had taken its usual course he would have been a bankrupt nobody hustling $10 bar bets.
A friend on FB asked his friends why they voted for Trump. One woman responded 'because he loves all of us and wants nothing more than to make our lives better."
What. The. Actual. Fuck?
Yeah I think that's the core problem - too many Americans have shit for brains. Either they develop a religious faith in a con man or they petulantly cross their arms because nothing on the menu is good enough. Pure stupidity either way.
Diabetes, please do your job.
trump may very well die within the next 4 years, even 4 weeks after all that campaigning strain, but I am just no sure if JD wouldn't make everything worse if he got hold of the reins?
One thing is sure President Vance would be a total shit show.
Thiel is Vance's backer. Vance would be a competent Trump. Much more dangerous.
Vance would just run everything according to Project 2025. I think he'd be like Trump but more competent.
but I am just no sure if JD wouldn’t make everything worse if he got hold of the reins?
Honestly, it feels like the only hope is that things get bad enough for enough Trump supporters (and non-voters) to wake up to reality. And since Vance himself doesn't seem to have the moron-whisperer charisma that Trump has, they may be more willing to turn on him.
JD Vance is a more effective stooge, because he does what he's told without question. Trump at least has his particular brand of self-defeating chaos.
Vance is the Project 2025 guy, not Trump. You don't want him as president, either.
I have to remind myself that the only silver lining of being Californian and unable to really effect this outcome of this race is that we're also least likely to pay any personal consequences. Still bad, but I feel for people in states with less protections for LGBTQ and immigrants, and especially for people in countries that are completely fucked right now unless something crazy happens.
I know already that my state and several other blue states have been working on a contingency plan ever since Biden looked like a certain loss, months back. Then again, might make little difference if he goes full fascist, but a silver lining is a silver lining none the less.
Over here in Florida where they're banning books and censoring LGBT from schools. All my family (besides my parents and siblings) are Republicans and are actively voting to the person who is trying to legalize murdering me (trans, closeted) 🙃
My teacher is also an anti masker.
Send help pls.
When you're 18, you're more than welcome in the New Mexico/Colorado coalition. New Mexico is more affordable, FYI. Until then, there are good people on Lemmy you can lean on.
I noticed that... Redder than ever as I watched the polls. I guess at least it'll be under the ocean in a few decades. Amazing how it changed since 2000, though. My PhD is in education policy, and also someone who dated a trans woman, I know exactly how fucked y'all are.
If only California could fix it's housing issues, we really should be a refuge for cool folk like yourself. People used to flock here, for better or worse. state and several other blue states have been working on a contingency plan ever since Biden looked like a certain loss, months back.
Can you expand on this, in eli5 fashion? Curious foreigner here.
Oh that part's easy.
California has economic power over the rest of the US because of the money that flows through it.
As they said, money, but I'd say there are a few safeguards. On obvious issues like reproductive rights, we can hold out on "states decide" until there's a federal ban, and even longer with legal challenges. States that rarified it in their construction have a similar setup. We also have organizations in place to help undocumented immigrants so much so that they can get drivers licenses and insurance, etc.
As for things specific to Trump, it's mostly a matter of having a lot of lawyers ready to challenge things and purposefully not following federal law if needed. 4 years is a remarkably short time to hold out, assuming again they don't just go full fascist and arrest our governor and state Congress. Technically shouldn't be possible even with the supreme court but who knows.
Speaking of which, that's the real problem-- federal appointed judges. So all together we'll just have to see. States rights is a good thing when you've got a good state, though.
yeah, thats all fair. it is ignoring how california will be uninhabitable in short order if we dont take immediate steps to curb climate change, and trump has vowed to undo the little progress the biden administration had accomplished, and to "drill, baby, drill"
Yeah, that's going to be a world wide problem in any case. California can also keep doing it's green push too, but just like with countries, it's a moot point if your neighbor is mucking everything up.
Still bad, but I feel for people in states with less protections for LGBTQ and immigrants, and especially for people in countries that are completely fucked right now unless something crazy happens.
Your state just voted to keep slavery btw.
I heard. We weren't immune to the low turn out, and if anything we had a lot more protest votes since we're a "safe blue" state. Actually I'm much more concerned about how it impacts some house races. We might be a bit screwed, and lazy Californians might be why.
Shithole country.
The entire rest of the world needs to be on watch, trump is a potential threat to other countries
Lol and go where? From what I can tell, Canada has a housing crisis and is tilting right. Western Europe is already getting sick of immigrants and dealing with the far right.
Exactly. They're DEALING WITH the far right. They haven't just handed they keys to the country over.
There's still a chance for them.
Canada has a housing crisis and is tilting right
Yeah. Trudeau's not super popular anymore because of all his scandals, open corruption, and his handling of the economy and immigration (I expect the Trump win will probably solidify his base somewhat, though, once people start comparing the opposition to Trump) and the NDP's never going to win a majority with Jagmeet at the helm (NDP voters aren't too thrilled about how far up Trudeau's ass his tongue regularly goes). That basically leaves the Bloc (which only cares about Quebec) and the Conservatives. No one outside of Quebec votes for the Bloc (no one serious, at least).
The most damaging thing Trump ever did was show the politicians of the world that you can pretty much just do whatever the fuck you want if you spread divisive hate and propaganda hard enough. The Cons weren't anywhere close to what the Republicans were before he got into office. In our case, the economy usually did get better under them. Unfortunately, they've been steadily becoming more and more extreme over the past couple of elections. It looked like they were trying to be more moderate when they had Erin O'Toole, but there were still some morons among them that were eager to show that they'd gone batshit insane, so they're back to doubling down on ol' Canadian Ben Shapiro now.
My wife and I have considered shoring up in Baja. We have quite a few friends in a well insulated community down there, and it's a 12 hour drive from where we're at, assuming they don't lock the border from the inside (which they probably will at some point).
You realize that unless you have a second citizenship it's not easy to just up and leave for another country?
Even that isn't enough unless you have a lot of money laying around and some kind of support network in whatever country you plan to escape to.
Most people don't. I really didn't get the whole scope/big picture until my wife (who immigrated as a child and now works with immigrant families) explained the whole process and gave examples of things she's seen at work and with people in the community. Last night we got dinner with my mom and she asked "OK where are we moving to?" to only get a lengthy conversation of how it's works and how hard it is. It's not as easy as buying a plane ticket, selling all your stuff or shipping things to where you are going and then picking up life as normal. I hope most people here realize that, but I felt like it needed to be said.
I've looked, it's also incredibly expensive, outside of many people's means, mine included
What I kinda hate is the liberals who act like they want to help but are actively planning to leave the country.
If they are brown or queer, sure. It's needed, seek asylum and live elsewhere. If they're white cis liberals who happened to have a back up plan and just abandon the people who thought they would save them?
"I'm here to help. Oh we lost despite me browbeating you and tokenizing your life. I'm off to England and Canada, bye! Maybe I'll give some bucks to a random gofundme."
and move where? to another country electing fascists?
Yeah now that Russia has bought and paid for the US they can focus elsewhere.
I'm thinking South America is the play. The anglosphere is all facing similar problems, the northern hemisphere is starting to really feel climate change, and the food is incredible
They have their own political issues, but they never shook the idea of socialism.
The quality of life is rapidly improving. They have tons of natural resources, great soil, they'll be less impacted by climate change in the southern hemisphere, and most importantly they have Internet
As for me, I'm doubling down on my Spanish practice
I can't even afford to live HERE, in the country I was born and raised in. How do you expect me to move somewhere else and gain citizenship there?
How about illegal immigration :D
I'd love to leave, but it isn't feasible for me. I'm absolutely terrified and have no way out.
What is so fucked that the US isn't an anomaly. Authoritarianism has been on the rise since the 90s and we don't really have any more true democracies. The crazy right-wing jackasses that people back in 2000 and 2005 thought were just kooks and nutjobs are now 100% mainstream and they're taking over their respective countries... We are not in a good place.
we don’t really have any more true democracies
What's a True Democracy and when did we originally have it?
Is this where we blink past Jim Crow and put blinders on during the Nixon/Reagan years to pretend popular politics was a real thing prior to Clinton?
Or are we going to claim 1976 was the only truly free and fair election in IS history?
maybe it's not time to run, maybe it's time to fight.
Fuck that, I love this country and I'm not ceding it to a bunch of stupid bigots. They're the ones that should be leaving.
I thought the same except he won the popular vote too. I'm worried this isn't a minority of people with loud voices...I think this is America.
I've been duped or in denial or something.
It blows my mind you can still love this country after last night. Dude, we just ceded everything to the bigots. They've overwhelmingly achieved all their goals.
What if I told you that the bigots made America into the hellscape you have Stockholm syndrome for?
Because the founding fathers certainly didn't like non-whites. Or even a lot of other white people.
Easier said than done there bucko. Most of us are just going to have to live here and take it because legal immigration into another nation is just as bad in most countries as it is here in America.
Oh it's worse, the Immigration system for America is actually easier than Canada or Europe
Ahhh yes, it is so easy to pick up and move to another country. Why didn't anyone think of this earlier?
"If you don't like America, leave!" Was what Republicans said for decades.
Now we're expecting the poor and disabled and BIPOC to just do it because Harris failed. Unbelievable.
I'm not leaving. All my friends are here. We don't run from danger.
Counterpoint... If you leave, you're leaving the most power arsenal of doomsday weapons in the hands of a moron death cult.
Stay, and become ungovernable.
always has been.
trump is a potential threat to other countries
At what point in the last eight decades hasn't the US posed a threat to almost every other country on the planet?
There is a saying...
Make a mistake once and you can call it learning, make a mistake twice and you are eh... not so smart
Americans need education.
Didn't dubya say it best?
Fool me once, shame on... shame on you. A fool me can't get fooled again.
Something, something won't get fooled again?
Go blank at the podium? Why not just randomly quote The Who?
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
And you hit the nail on the head - Americans absolutely need better education. Unfortunately, it's not a priority, nor is it funded adequately.
Americans absolutely need better education. Unfortunately, it's not a priority, nor is it funded adequately.
In related news:
“We will drain the government education swamp and stop the abuse of your taxpayer dollars to indoctrinate America’s youth with all sorts of things that you don’t want to have our youth hearing,” Trump said.
And you know what? They will probably get less of that now. Yay!
Time and time again I remember this meme
Basically democracy is government after the people, by the people, for the people . . . but people are retarded . . .
Lets discuss the "we're really Republicans, so you Republicans should really vote Harris who will now ignore all leftists who intended to vote for her until they feel like shit and stay home instead of electing her!" strategy Harris tried to use just like Hillary tried to use that also entirely fucked up her voter base because the Dems DON'T want to vote for a Republican in disguise, and SHOCK the Republicans DO NOT CARE if you are 100% identical to their candidate, or ever MORE of a Republican than their candidate they are playing sport politics, they would elect a child molester, convicted felon, calling for ethnic cleansing, and removing all human rights of Women, they DON"T FUCKING CARE! They have no idea what politics, policy, or governance even is, they just want to WIN! Go RED Team!!
Note that the strategy of courting conservatives didn't move the needle even an inch. She got the exact same percentage of votes from registered republicans as Biden did. And yet Democrats are already busy setting up the narrative how this is the fault of unelectable left-wing politics (lmao) and they need to move even further right. It's sickening.
It's more like: wut! I gotta get off my couch and what in line. Fuck that. It can't be that bad.
Oh it's going to be bad now but don't worry about voting again. He said so. You can stay on your couch and never vote again...even if you really want to.
And he'll hand this country to the rich in a silver platter.
Either party was going to do that, unfortunately. But this is definitely worse with Putin being invited to take the VIP seat at the table.
wonder how long itll be before he vacates all his convictions and suit penalties
While he can't legally vacate his state felony convictions it will either go:
John Roberts will be remembered for plunging his knife into America's vulnerable.
They should throw the book at him and lock him in solitary (because gen pop is too dangerous for a President Elect).
Yeah, SCOTUS will bail him out saying the President has to government, but he's not President for 2 more months and the conviction is for crimes prior to his guest presidency, so Executive immunity doesn't count. Let him rot for 2 months.
I'm from the other side of the world, and when I was a kid, we were taught the story of Abraham Lincoln in school... how he never gave up. Lincoln grew up poor, his business failed, his wife died, and he lost elections again and again. But finally, he became the president. So, what lesson do we learn from this, kids? - like that.
Now it feels like we’ll be teaching kids about Trump—34 felony counts, 6 bankruptcies, 2 impeachments, 1 violent insurrection, and a couple dozen rape accusations... but hey, he didn’t give up either! xD
As an aside how was the fact he used to fight bears for fun not in a school book? You want engagement tell them Abraham Lincoln used to drop haymakers on bears for fun.
Did none of your classmates point out that Lincoln's bad luck was terminal?
Our embassy would be calling for our citizens to leave USA now if not the pesky international relations.
Goya is back in the White House ugh know...Biden will lose his record for oldest president ever and the gerontocracy continues.
Gotta think 2029 brings the biggest drop in age for a long time, JFK was 26 years younger than Eisenhower. We could beat it with a 56 year old in 2029. Vance would break that record if by election know...but I think Whitmer would be 56 exactly. Wes Moore, Buttigieg, Josh Shapiro would all break it.
You're assuming you have further elections
And that the USA exists in 4 years. Not saying it won’t, but the chances are disturbingly higher than 0%.
He looks like a cartoon demon. An exaggerated 90s gross-up cartoon demon. Wtf do people see in him* except for their ugly-ass selves?
Even Klasky Csupo demons look better than this.
i don't think posts about him are appropriate here. the kind of dystopia wants to bring is not the boring kind. it's straight up cartoonish shit, like the government from v for vendetta
I thought you said "the government from V" at first.
them UFO show?
Those of us who gave it our all don’t deserve this.
God what an ugly bug he is.
Biden must be laughing his ass off right now. Should have let the old guy run. Turns out no one really cared about the presidents age.
The old guy should have never run for a second term so we could have had a chance at an actual full dedemocratic campaign out of someone.
Or just let any white man run. I’m sad to say it but this country hates women and it hates people of color.
Real Vanity Fair image, in case you were curious like me. From this article, about a quarter of the way down (on mobile at least):
I just don't get why they never learn. I thought you were saying this is spoofed and the real cover was in that article....but nope that's the really real image. The right LOVES images like this, it does nothing to inform the base besides giving a "cool counter that he's beating". Show pictures of him going down on the mic on stage, show pictures of how old and fragile he is, anything but the stupid mugshot/he's a bad guy motif that's done nothing for the past year.
Kudos to them for having the courage to put this out
More like you, again.
A few thousand years ago the ancient Greeks said:
"δὶς ἐξαμαρτεῖν οὐκ ἀνδρὸς σοφοῦ".
Roughly meaning: A wise person doesn't make the same mistake twise.
But again some people keep doing it
I think you're understanding it the wrong way. It does say "A wise person"
People need to stop blaming voters, we all need to start understand why this happen more and more in the world and not judge the voters for their decision. I have some theories but its not the time or place, but stop say "people are dumb" or "People need educations"... 100 million people cant be all dumb or uneducated, go deeper!
Both can be true.
I also think part of the problem is that with the internet, we may just have a lot of data readily available, so much so people are overwhelmed they just tune it all out. We can spend a lot of time wondering why people vote the way they do but if the losing party doesn’t take the time to be retrospective and humble as to why they lost then I can’t blame people for that too much.
You're telling me... There's multiple issues and reasons in play... At the same time????
This is getting entirely too complicated for me.
Yes, yes they can.
They've been conditioned for 8 years that any negative thing they read or hear about their leader is "fake news", and likely their own pride of not wanting to consider the possibility they could be mistaken has made them easy targets for the misinformation machine at Fox News to avoid telling them objective facts to instead pander to their emotions and tell them what opinion they should have. Mass manipulation by biased media.
Im sorry, but if Gaza, egg prices, and Harris not havjng a Y chromosome is enough for a magat trifecta, the voters are the problem. Not just the ones who stay home or vote third party, all of them. Americans are whats wrong with America
It feels so fucking obvious to me and it has for the 20 years I've been voting, I fucking voted for dennis kucinich lol. There's a reason Bernie was able to cut through the noise. He had a blunt and obvious, class based, economic ideology. That's where he planted his flag.
The 'third way' Democrat machinery seems to plant it's flag on reactionary culture war issues. Even if that's only the perception, not reality, they always take the bait.
AND WHY THE FUCK DID IT TAKE SO GOD DAMNED LONG FOR TRUMP TO BE CHARGED FOR J6? If you want to call them Nazis you have to do Nuremberg when you have the fucking chance.
I'm blaming voters. 100 million people can be all dumb, and the results of this election is the definitive proof of that.
If people in America were actually smart, actually cared, and actually knew more than the the colour of their front lawn, they'd have voted Green.
trump may be the iceberg that sinks the ship but people must not forget that it was obama that steered it so expertly there.
whatever he has done in his eight years to engender such deeply entrenched hatred within the populace -- so much that even morons like mr. 47 can exploit it so readily -- needs to be studied so that it can be avoided in the future.
Obama didn't start Fox news bro. Obama didn't defund education and get rid of civics classes. Obama didn't cut taxes on the billionaire class and corporations. Obama didn't sell those same billionaires and conglomerates the major news outlets. The voting population in America only know what they're told because they're never taught to think critically. Look at the rise of disinformation regardless of political ideology. Look at the rise in scams.
Not if we decide to not let it happen.
Bit late for that is it not?
Barring something extreme, probably so. There might be legal challenges available but it does not look like Pennsylvania was close enough to possibly flip.
Democracy and fighting fascism doesn't happen once every X years
Mans might be implying something a bit more kinetic, nahmean?
Can we at least get a thorough recount to be sure this election wasn't tampered with? It's a dream scenario with 15% less voter turnout even for the right (more on the left). They'd call for one if Harris won, they got one last time.
It will take significantly more pain for the fat and comfortable imperial core that is the continental US to be open to such things. Incidentally, it's that exact pain Trump appears eager to inflict. So we'll have to wait and see.
Somewhere in the long line of military people and internal operatives who condemned him, someone...somewhere, will take the first opportunity to Kennedy his orange ass.
There's no way a man this hated, in a country as divided as the US, lasts a full four years.
With how things have been going the past few months for him, he has to be sweating pun intended
He honestly doesn't look happy at all about winning. The guy isn't really capable of being happy anyway, but he looks even more miserable than usual.
Back again 🎵
Slimey's back!
It's the end.
Not much vanity there
Are you sure? I can’t think of someone else more self deluded
This is so disgraceful. Usa. Seriously.. Wtf
I’d have used his garbage costume picture.
I can't feel as bad as I once did about mass shootings anymore. It's what we asked for.
By any chance, is there a way to impeach someone before swearing in?
Which cabinet position is Elon vying for? Commerce? Transportation?
My bet would be a new position created for him with nebulous purpose and high authority.
Trump called it the "Secretary of Cost Cutting".
Is this real? I might go out and buy a copy if so.
Enjoy the shitshow for 4 years now, americans
With the Republicans holding all 3 branches of government?
There's an outside chance that they lose the House. I wouldn't bet on it, but there is a chance.
Hopefully dems nominate someone who actually has soul instead of a walking checklist like Kamala. Oh, who am I kidding? They won’t learn anything from this either.
Was that really the issue? She felt pretty "souly" to me. I'm wondering if it's more voter turnout and people not being ready to vote for a woman (for whatever reason).
I mean was Biden really above and beyond Harris? He beat Trump, and Trump arguably has even less going for him this election.
It was Martin Prince vs Bart Simpson.
She ran a traditional campaign on issues, Trump got them chanting "More asbestos" difference is they voted.
The Dems need to realise that this is now a popularity contest and you have to fight a cult of personality with a cult of personality.
He beat Trump,
Yes, but after four years of being traumatized by Trump voters would have turned out for a blow-up doll. The same will probably happen in four years' time, I reckon.
I'd say Harris actually had a lot more "Not Trump" energy than Biden could ever muster, but her inability to promise the voting anything other than just more of the same and the fact that Biden and the Dems have actually done zilch to stop the right-wing insanity in the past four years just demoralized the voting public.
It’s certainly how it feels to me when she had a worse turnout than Biden of all people. People truly don’t care for her.
Vanity Fair trying to top of the list for targets of a drone strike, kristallnacht 2024 edition is going to be via reaper
In case you think thats outside of the realm of possibility, I would redirect to you to some recent supreme burrito rulings
Back Again
Donnie's Back
Let them eat cake.
He will have the biggest ego in the history of the world.
Always has been
Are there betting markets for when that turd drops dead?
He will live through his term. Watch.
Billions saved in free advertisements
I, for one, hope that this is exactly what we needed. Shit has to get dark before the light can return.
Now I can watch terminally online lefties lose their shit and seethe while knowing it's not going to be nearly as bad as everyone says. It's going to be entertaining to watch everyone freak out over nothing.
Trump already killed millions during COVID. Remember when a deadly disease broke out, killing millions, and the Republican stance was both "It doesn't exist." and "China did it."?
Literally a global pandemic and these people can't even focus on a solution.
It was 5 years ago.
It killed hundreds of thousands, not millions, but your point still stands. If I were Harris, I would've made a bigger deal about Trump's COVID response, because I'm pretty sure that's why he lost last time. Perhaps she didn't want to do that because Biden wasn't much better.
1.2 million estimated in the US, especially if you track the "fell off a ladder, definitely Covid" stuff.
Your myopia is untreatable.
Have you read Project 2025? Your country will literally have a government that can implement all of this without resistance. If a group of people had enough fervour to write such a document, do you honestly think that with all this power they wouldn't implement anything from it?
On top of that, while the US pulls into itself and has a less global presence, it's going to affect the global economy very negatively as the balance of power shifts. With DT at the helm, the balance of power will tip towards China being the next biggest economy.
Anyway, you may not notice a big change unless you're wealthy. Under DT, the poor stay poor but the rich get richer.