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Professional Wrestling Star Maxwell Jacob Friedman Joins Adam Sandler In ‘Happy Gilmore 2’


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  • Why?

    • Bet ya dollars to donuts he'll be the modern day version of Richard Kiel's character as someone (new) in the audience Happy pisses off who chases after him onto the golf course. That or take the Barker spot for giggles (but if they're doing this godawful idea of a shitfilm I'd at least hope they'd get Drew for that spot for the extra lulz).

      As for why him? /shrug

      • I meant why are they making this?

        • A boatload of money, and given it's Adam Sandler, I'm guessing they'll also film on location in an exotic locale so he and his friends can have a nice vacation on the studio dime.

          The Sony Open is in Hawaii, maybe it'll be about Happy competing in that or something.

          • Everything you said, plus: It's 2024 and Hollywood hasn't had an original idea in at least 15 years lmao

            • Yes and no. The audience is just as much to blame because we keep eating what we're fed. Why risk something original when people will show up opening weekend for "Sequel McReboot: Part Eleventy" and make you half a billion dollars? Everything is so money focused that if we want originality, we have to support it. Hollywood (and media in general) won't change until the audience does.

      • hopefully he plays ben stillers character and just spends the whole movie yelling at old people

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