other instances: why do you hate us?
other instances: why do you hate us?
other instances: why do you hate us?
So what big boy books do you like to read, then? Give us your top recommendations.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Harry Potter, Turner Diaries
Hot take: I thought 1984 was somewhat alright, but I haven't read it in a while.
I liked it, but it's not really a book I think "says a lot about society" or whatever, which it is to a lot of libs
I think it does say a lot about society, but about capitalist society as opposed to the USSR which it was trying to criticize. It's a masterwork of projection.
Ultimate liberal
I agree. It's just a solid work of fiction. I think a lot of people probably actually haven't read it or don't really think about the story deeper. A lot of people don't seem to read much.
I'm packing my bags for the gulag for a bit.
Read that one Isaac Asimov review of it, it’s hilarious. Here I’ll pull it up https://www.newworker.org/ncptrory/1984.htm