German couple face life in prison for killing Ukrainians to take baby | dpa international
German couple face life in prison for killing Ukrainians to take baby | dpa international
German couple face life in prison for killing Ukrainians to take baby | dpa international
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Gotta say, 7 days from murder to jail and then a year to be sentenced is pretty fast. Good work from the cops and court.
Gotta say though inviting two people to somewhere and then murdering them, plus having the baby with them, but not having contacted the police...
This has to be one of the most stupid murder plots in recent history. Of course police would show up to the location of the last people the victims met before being murdered.
I suppose because they were refugees they trusted the couple who had been helping them. But yeah it wasn't a complicated plot.
I mean, without any suspicions, police will ask everyone who recently saw the victim of a violent crime like this. Also the baby must have been registered at birth, so police knew there is a baby missing. At this point it is like a two peace puzzle.
Unfortunately it is not the only dumb murder plot i have read about in the news over time. I remember one case form like a decade ago, where some guy and his mother tried an insurance fraud with murdering the girlfriend/wive of the guy. So the murderers made multiple life insurance contracts with different agencies and murdered her a few months later.
If these kind of people had 5 brain cells more, they might see how retarded their plans are and not murder someone over it.
I wouldn't underestimate bad cops from messing up 2 piece puzzle cases. It becomes especially apparent when you read stories of serial killers who got caught 10, 20 years later of how common it is for cops to fail to investigate simple cases. Some people do get away with dumb plots.