Daily Discussion Thread: 👻🩻🎥 Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Daily Discussion Thread: 👻🩻🎥 Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Daily Discussion Thread: 👻🩻🎥 Wednesday, July 17, 2024
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Pet shop won’t let me place an order until I create a pet profile with my cat’s name, breed, birthdate and gender. As in I’d be forced to fork over those details to buy the items.
What the hell
Has anyone else run into this?
Enter name as 'Vogon', breed as 'sabre tooth tiger', birthdate as 1/1/1900, gender as 'undefined'.
Doesn’t let you put joke answers and I wouldn’t want to comply even that far
identifies as predator of my house, pronouns are "OHDEARGODNO"/"HE'SEATINGMYLEG"
edit: thats not in bad taste right? We're talking about a fictional sabre tooth tiger here...
name and shame! Pet circle nag gently at me to finish my profile, but I order gaily away without entering a damned thing
It was Petcircle. I’m not sure if that’s why it wasn’t letting me order but it really did seem to be
There were asterisks on the fields and the Place Order button was grayed out
weird, lemme check my login
...yup it popped up with that stupid pet profile shit, but there's a DO LATER option that makes it go away - are you on mobile? Maybe try viewing desktop version of the site
I am on mobile, I’ll check on the laptop. Still a scummy move on their part. Massive side eye
TBH i'd put it down to bad coding that renders fucked up on a mobile. Lotta sites guilty of that shit.
worst I ever got from them was the repeated ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT THIS FOOD ITS VET ONLY for Punkin's renal and that wasn't a dealbreaker
Being how greedy and unethical a lot of companies are getting in regards to data these days I really wasn’t sure
the stupidest thing about that data collection is they have no fucking idea what to do with it. They just keep selling it to each other like it's goddamn NFTs until someone breaches, but they don't actually generate anything of worth out of it. ooo you wanna target ad me I HAVE ADBLOCKER YOU IDIOT
I'd be boycotting that
I’m checking out other sites as we speak
Is that petbarn? Because I noped out of their website last week for something similar.
Petcircle. Is it a new change?
I've not used petcircle before.