Yeah, wikipedia editor is weird and has long history doesn't come as a huge shock to most people (im looking at it from the neutral side here). Doesn't help that the format is a hugeass long blog, and Rationalist writing tends to feel very off-putting to normal people ("Feels obsessive if you need +20 pages to make a case."). Think people would care more if this wicked editor was the head of some group which feels like a large cult, and has weirdly large influence on the tech industry, or linked to a large scam. TWG is also quite a weird guy himself. Or this part of his defense "Sure. Given that, do you endorse the choice of outlets like PinkNews and Huffington Post as reliable sources given their history of fabrication and errors, as discussed in the article?" Being against PinkNews makes you look weirdly anti-lgbt, and being against the huffington post in the current year is weird as their era of clickbait bs articles is long behind them and they actually write news.
So yeah no big surprise that when it breaks containment nothing happens and nobody really seems to care. There is a funny parrallel between TWG's post and our sneering at LW. If you forgive me quoting Gaiman: "It it is the prerogative of the fool to say the emperor has no clothes. But in the end the emperor is still emperor and the fool is still a fool."
E: It prob also doesn't help TWG's case that when people look up David they see he is an anti-cryptocurrencies person.
E2: what is interesting is that this place seems to be the best documentation of all the different arguments going on about the post. We seem to link all the various places it is talked about, none of them seem to actually point back. (And of course it was posted on r/destiny and r/kotakuinaction2 (no idea why it is nr 2 now). And remember how we joke about how Rationalists have high school traumas?
The most interesting thing about the HN comment section is the link to a post about rumors that wIkipedia has its own sexual harassment scandals wherein checkusers have abused their power to see IP addresses and stalk other editors, supposedly in one case sharing a female editor's location to her stalker. That said, this is all hearsay of hearsay. Still... oof.