I love the bumper sticker but this is definitely something the asshole driving under the speed limit in the left lane with 20 people behind them would have on their car.
Right? I love the sticker (minus the random capitalized words), but I've never been honked at in the 15+ years I've been driving. I feel like if people are honking at you, you're probably not paying enough attention.
I've been honked at multiple times by people who feel I am not going fast enough when I am driving a good 5 miles over the speed limit in town, but the drivers here are fucking awful.
Around here being honked at usually means, "Why are you not running that red light!? I would run it right now if you weren't in front of me!! It just now turned red! You got AT LEAST another three seconds before you gotta worry about t-boning that Buick! C'mon! Why TF aren't you going!?!?"
I'm not talking about looking at my phone. I'm talking about the light turns green and I start moving immediately, but because I don't peal out of there with the pedal to the floor, I'm going way too slow, so HONK HONK!
One of my favorites - I’m crossing the street as a pedestrian, a car waiting to turn is waiting for me to get across, and everyone behind them (who still have a clear view of me) are honking at them for not going.