Something you can be proud to tell your grandkids about one day. "Kids, a storm be a brewin' - I can feel it in my bones. Because I once broke my hand on a Nazi's face."
I once bruised my hand badly enough to need a brace. Another time I broke my forearm and mostly lost the use of my dominant hand for a couple of months. Trust me, it's not worth it.
I’ve broken many bones in just my hands in the 40+ years I have been on this earth, from soccer when I was a kid, to fights as a teen, and tools as an adult. I’m not afraid of hurting myself on a fascist nazi.
Maybe I’ve been bit by the clip one too many or maybe I just love heeling the mag into the well. Dealers choice I suppose, I somehow both love and hate taking apart the spring assembly under a 1911 slide
Either way, if it’s killin Nazis it’s doing it’s job