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I'm seeing a lot of AI apologists in here. I want the leisure time required to create art, instead of being fucking burned out from working multiple jobs and spending all my available free time doing chores. Fuck AI, fuck the uncompensated artists and illegitimate theft of those works used to train the AI, and fuck you for normalizing it.
AI apologists
Im not an "AI apologist" because theres nothing to apologise for.
Much like im not an "automatic loom apologist" or a "steam engine apologist"
Apologist comes from the greek word "apologia", which means "speech in defense." Apologetics isn't apologizing, it's defending.
Huh, well TIL
Yeah let me just sit down and look up the etymology of literally every single fucking Englush word 🤓🤓🤓
Who said anything about etymology?
Literally the guy I first replied to?
Okay, so instead of looking up the etymology of every single word you just want me to look up the definition of every single word? Oh yeah mate, thats completely reasonable actually 🤡🤡
Just suck it up and learn, buttercup. You were wrong and are now doing a really bad rearguard action.
God I feel bad for whoever knows you in real life, if you're this insufferably smug over a stranger getting the definition of a word wrong, I cant imagine how much you have your head up your own arse in person.
Don't be so bitter dude. Go out and be the change you want to see.
What does the even mean? Like what are you even trying to say?
Fuck AI
be the change you want to see
Obviously this means AI sex dolls.
This right here will be our species demise
I want to be able to create all the things Ive dreamed of creating my.whole life without spending 4-8 years in fucking art school, saddling myself in debt for a skill that was virtually impossible to make a living off of. and that was BEFORE ai. AI has enabled me to create things that would have been fucking.impossible for me to.create on my own and and absurdly.expensive to have commissioned. Its allowed me to create things that would be literally.impossible without it.
I had ideas. I just couldn't afford to make it real. With ai I've been able to.
I never would have paid an artist to do what I've been able to done for myself. Even if I could have afforded it.
Ai may commodotize creativity but it democratizes art.
Jeans Pierre can still build a lifesized model.of Donald trump.out of tampons and I get an to cover my walls with viking chicks with huge fits that look like they're painted by van Gogh, and oil paintings of my face instead of whoever the model.was on history's greatest works.of art.
If you're an artist pissed off about ai taking your money: you probably wouldn't have made much anyway. Being an artist was always a reckless gamble.
That's sarcasm, right?
You do have more than 2 braincells, right?
I hope.
Look I got nothing against y'all drawing shit or putting together low fi hiphop beats to shit and piss to or writing some waluigi yaoi or other content production, but it doesn't exactly put men on the moon, kapische?
The only reason any of you earn money as is is because advertisements can be served embedded into content, while corpos earn money mostly from landlording over IPs. Like all of marketing, it's a drain on society from an economic standpoint.
I think you have some real mental issues and you are feeling some sort of disconnect from the world. I'll leave you be, you're freaking me out.
Yeah scadoodle luddite
I hope you get the help you need.
Let me make it clear first. Generative AI is not art. Prompt engineering is not a real job.
AI is just a tool. It is still waiting for an artist to use it to create art, just as a Photography or Photoshop image is not an art by itself.
But... training with images is the same as humans learning how to draw, though..... I know it's boring but what you said is boring too. We could fall back to the same conversation over and over because you start with the same conversation again and again.
FUCK AI, and also FUCK PEOPLE AGAINST AI, Good thing I hate everyone!