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New poll finds strong majority opposes gender-affirming care bans for trans minors


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  • I'm going to say something utterly repulsive:

    We should let children have sex with whomever they like if they want. Any age. It's their body.

    Did you recoil when you read that? It was hard to type. Why are we letting a child / young adult make a decision that has no undo buttons at such a young age? Do we not agree that our sexuality and minds are brutally unstable at a young age?

    If you are of age and consent to a change... you do you. It's your body: nobody can tell you what is right for you. Prior to that? It's the job of the parent to protect them from harmful choices... and in the event they are not of sound mind: the job of the government to step in. This is non negotiable.

    Let me be perfectly clear: I get that early on sexuality is confusing, painful, and reality warping. That's universal - regardless of /how/ you identify. We need to teach, guide, and protect our youth at that age... until they are old enough to make those choices themselves.

    Now if you flip the script as an adult? We should be adults and respect that choice. Care should be universal.

    Edit: Use your words folks. I wrote this to be conversational. Internet points won't change reality. I'm pretty sure I made some sound points.

    • I don't understand what is so reprehensible about trans kids being able to socially transition to live as their chosen gender? Social transition is clothing and behaviour, not surgical or medical. If the kid doesn't like it, they tried it, found out for themselves, and can stop whenever they want.

      And what is so evil about trans kids being able to choose to delay puberty till 18, so they can as legal adults, then decide if they want to safely medically and surgically transition, or not and go through the puberty of their birth gender?

      Going through puberty in the wrong body causes unbelievable distress to many trans kids, leading to eating disorders, self harm, suicide, and a whole load of other awful mental and physical problems.

      Why is safely alleviating harm to these children by allowing them to socially transition and delay puberty, a bad thing?

      No trans child is getting surgery. Puberty blockers are safe and entierly reversible.

      Gender affirming care has nothing to do with your disgusting paedophillic fantasies about children, and that you even correlate the two IS reprehensible and very telling of the type of person you are.


      Intersex children (born with undefined anatomy) get operated on at doctors discretion from their birth onwards, but this isn't a conversation about that, however immoral and harrowing it is.

      • In essence you are saying that someone as young as 12-14 should have complete autonomy of their sexuality. I need to be very clear here- everyone seems to breeze by this reality. If it's okay to make a lasting change to your sexual presentation at that age we need to by proxy remove any limits placed on sexuality period. The reason is simple: if you are old enough to choose that then you are old enough to have sexual autonomy.

        You can't cherry pick - one sexual comfort cannot be placed above another. The reason I picked such a strong and universally reprehensible example is because "Of course that is ridiculous! They just don't know better- we need to protect them." We affirm one while slighting the other. Are they old enough to pick partners and do what they please as they please... or are they not?

        Their desires don't have to change but it's our job to give them time to grow into a decision or an identity even - before they make a lasting choice. Being young means making mistakes and trying things. Surgery and chemical therapy are lasting and in some cases permanent. This flies in the face of that reality.

        • They JUST told you, no one is advocating for surgeries in children. What they are advocating for is what has been done for ages - puberty blockers and therapy until they are of the age to make the decision for themselves.

          You keep referring to “surgery” and now “chemical therapy” (I assume you mean hormones), but that’s not at all what is supposed to happen with children, it’s a straw man made up by by the right wing.

          You say “it’s our job to give them time to grow into a decision or an identity before making a lasting choice” and that’s EXACTLY what's been happening and is still under assault by these anti-trans laws that keep getting passed in the confederate states.

          They don’t want them to exist so they are trying to legislate them away.

          • Blockers are still a change. Inhibiting your sexuality at that age drives a bigger rift between you and your peers. More so than feeling a bit different. I was blessed enough to grow up with a profoundly diverse group of friends and we supported each other regardless of our choices in sexuality as we grew into our identity. Choosing to deny a change may as well isolate them further.

            To your point about state laws against trans rights there is a LOT to unpack there but I was very clear about my stance of protect and support but do not intervene (in development.)

            • Puberty blockers are used after talking with a doctor and determining that the benefits of delaying puberty outweigh the potential risks. That's how pretty much everything is prescribed for everyone, including children.

              In a lot of these cases, the risk of not delaying puberty can include self-harm, suicide, adult gender dysphoria, less social acceptance as an adult, and being less satisfied with life as an adult.

            • Blockers are still a change. Inhibiting your sexuality at that age drives a bigger rift between you and your peers. More so than feeling a bit different.

              What’s your source for this?

              Also, I’m not sure I would describe someone going through this process as “feeling a bit different”.

              The great thing about blockers is that you can stop them if they aren’t right for you.

              To your point about state laws against trans rights there is a LOT to unpack there but I was very clear about my stance of protect and support but do not intervene (in development.)

              Am I reading this correct that you seem to think that your “don’t let anyone take puberty blockers” stance is somehow protecting and supporting? And preventing others that from being able to do so is “not intervening”?

              • What's your source for this?

                Growing up. Life experiences of myself and friends.

                Kids are shitty and form cliques. Frequently. If your opinion or (perish the thought) your appearance were to differ - it makes you a far bigger target. Taking something to increase that difference will result in more of that behavior.

                On blockers:

                I won't disagree that blockers are a gentler approach but they are not a magic bullet and do actually run the risk of lasting effects. Very little long term research has been done outside of animals and frankly I don't think testing on children is the best way to go about it.

                Much like steroids or any other drug you can absolutely stop if you don't think it's for you but what of the physical changes that occur in the meantime? Side effects are known and listed on even the mayo clinic website. Ill reiterate: why are we letting children take on these additional risks as if they don't exist?

                • On your first point, does the evidence show that taking puberty blockers makes you more socially isolated? I have seen no evidence of that at all, and instead there's a mountain of evidence that social transition and puberty blockers lower suicidality in trans kids and increase mental health outcomes.

                  We've been using puberty blockers, not just for trans kids but for precocious puberty for decades and have more than enough long term evidence of their effectiveness and safety. No drug or procedure is without risk, but why is that only a problem for this issue? Are you also against kids getting chemo? I mean, they certainly don't fully understand the risks of chemo do they?

                  The question of consent and knowledge of risk is a red herring. Kids can't consent to any medical procedures or sex because we've defined consent that way. But consent from the patient is not always needed for medical procedures, especially when the patient is unable to give consent. Should coma patients still get care that has risks? They can't consent right?

                  Consent is given by the parents and the medical professionals who have the authority to make those decisions. You can ask the kid, and they usually do, but their consent does not matter. That's how all medical procedures work with kids.

                  In reality, your statements lay bare a bias, which is why you're getting downvoted. You only seem to care about risks and consent for this specific highly-politicized topic and not medical procedures broadly. Because this is not about a broad critique of consent, it's about trying to excuse your uncomfortablity with this one subject and trying to justify it in any way you can.

                  You don't have to understand it, and you don't have to agree with it, but you should at least recognize why the majority of major medical institutions make the recommendations they do. And, shockingly, it's not because they somehow forgot it was involving kids, it's because they know a little more about the topic and nuances than you do.

                  • On your first point... [truncated] ...I have seen no evidence of that at all, and instead there's a mountain of evidence that social transition and puberty blockers lower suicidality in trans kids and increase mental health outcomes.

                    Most of those tests you refer to also involve therapy / councilling in combination with the drugs and very few compare the two. Further there aren't a ton of studies that involve blind tests and placebos. I'll stress again that I am not against this therapy - I am against it so early in the adolescents development process.

                    We've been using puberty blockers, not just for trans kids but for precocious puberty for decades and have more than enough long term evidence of their effectiveness and safety.

                    Which is why it's an allowed treatment, yes. But many drugs have multiple usages and in fact multiple doses which affects the end result. Dialing back an aggressive hormonal rush is a bit different than seeking to prevent it outright: which is the goal sought in this case. There are health risks to doing this and as I have asserted elsewhere: urgency is manufactured here. An adolescent needs to feel loved and supported at that stage- not like a mistake that needs immediate care.

                    The question of consent and knowledge of risk is a red herring. Kids can't consent to any medical procedures or sex because we've defined consent that way. But consent from the patient is not always needed for medical procedures, especially when the patient is unable to give consent. Should coma patients still get care that has risks? They can't consent right?

                    This is why I made the example I did. They cannot provide consent (as it isn't informed - even if it is explained to them.) This isn't a life or death decision that needs to be made immediately. It involves the rest of that childs hopefully long life. I see no reason to rush into a decision involving drugs which may impact that. And this is, in fact, how most medical professionals should (and do) approach that.

                    In reality, your statements lay bare a bias, which is why you're getting downvoted. You only seem to care about risks and consent for this specific highly-politicized topic and not medical procedures broadly. Because this is not about a broad critique of consent, it's about trying to excuse your uncomfortablity with this one subject and trying to justify it in any way you can.

                    Please detail how "too early for consent" somehow means "not at all". That's illogical. I support (as I have said multiple times) consentual therapy... but not that early. Consent should be given by the adolescent when they are legally and mentally capable of making such a choice. My statements and stance are very clear. If you disagree with it that's perfectly fine. You are entitled to your opinion as well... but don't go manufacturing some narrative as to what I believe or who I am.

                    ...but you should at least recognize why the majority of major medical institutions make the recommendations they do.

                    I covered this above but most recommended therapy/counseling first then move onto drugs. I'm reasonably confident.

                    While on the topic of what professionals do: My family is littered with medical professionals ranging from people who develop drugs, work with children who need said drugs, are pediatricians and so on. It's a long list. From the development side there are a number of educators as well. K-12, special needs... you name it. I personally travel between hospitals for work and rub elbows with some fantastically bright individuals in many fields. I suspect I may know a thing about what is recommended and how testing is done - but please explain it further to me if you feel I lack perspective.

                    Perhaps some of your preconceived notions about me may be changing? I am advocating for the child, the adolescent, the individual - who needs the proper care... rather than being part of the wailing masses too busy virtue signaling and brigadeing to actually discuss what is right rather than what feels good.

                    • Don't pull this shit again. You are against the use of puberty blockers because there would be no use for them after the person is done with puberty. You want them to wait until they are 18, when they are done with the vast majority of physical effects to start treatment. And the only reason you've given is "I just don't think they need it yet, they need love not drugs." Present evidence of harm or shut the fuck up. You're fear-mongering over something you don't understand and it has actual harm to other people.

                      If you think the use is so different that the dangers outweigh the risks then prove it. The institutions that study this don't. The organizations that make policy based on those studies don't. You don't get to just "but it feels different" you have to provide evidence that it is different and harmful in a way the other studies wouldn't have caught.

                      It's "not at all" for puberty blockers because, again, you want kids to go through puberty before undergoing any gender therapy. If you had studied this at all you'd know why the medical organizations recommend starting before puberty. Puberty is the harm they are looking to alleviate and you can't do that by waiting until after puberty to start treatment.

                      I'll read your intentions as much as I want because you're a fucking book. It's easy to see exactly why you are here and making the arguments you are. Do you really think this is the first time most of us have seen a "just asking questions" and "this is pedophilia" argument? You don't have to tell me you're a duck, you already walked and talked like one.

                      I don't give a fuck about your family or friends. Do you have a medical degree? Did you do any studies on this matter? Do you have any relevant training or expertise?

                      They are changing, but not in the way you think. I've read this book before, I know how it ends. That said, I'm enjoying wasting your time and calling you the bigot you are. I have a feeling you don't hear that enough in your life so I'm happy to provide that for you.

                      You are advocating for your own feels. If you actually gave a flying fuck about the kids this affects you'd follow the recommendations of the people who actually studied this shit. Or at least present even one piece of evidence.

        • Boy wants to be a princess, obviously we should let him have sex.

          You're making a slippery slope argument

          Puberty blockers should be allowed, not making a decision is still a decision

        • No, in essence gender and sexuality are not the same and you seem to be saying they are. If after discussing with a doctor and parents or legal guardian if the best course of action is to prescribe puberty blockers so they can make an informed decision about hormones when 18 I see nothing wrong with that or equivalent to sexualizing children.

          • Alright so let's follow this line of thought:

            If puberty blockers inhibit hormones and hormones are responsible for the development of our brains and identity: how is hitting pause allowing for an informed decision?

            I have more to say on this but I want to keep this discussion focused.

            • If puberty blockers inhibit hormones and hormones are responsible for the development of our brains and identity:

              I'm going to need a source that puberty blockers have negative effects on cognitive development to accept that if. If puberty related hormones were necessary to consider someone an adult then people who are missing those hormones or puberty by mutation, disease, etc wouldn't be considered adults which is not the case.

              how is hitting pause allowing for an informed decision?

              It prevents the acute release of puberty related hormones until they are old enough to be considered an adult under the law and able to make decisions about what they do or don't consent to. The informed decision to prevent permanent changes by taking puberty blockers is made by a medical professional with parental or guardian consent to allow the child to mentally mature and make their own choice about taking hormones. One literary review notes the following positive and negative effects: "Positive outcomes were decreased suicidality in adulthood, improved affect and psychological functioning, and improved social life. Adverse factors associated with use were changes in body composition, slow growth, decreased height velocity, decreased bone turnover, cost of drugs, and lack of insurance coverage. "

              • I'm going to need a source that puberty blockers have negative effects on cognitive development to accept that if. If puberty related hormones were necessary to consider someone an adult then people who are missing those hormones or puberty by mutation, disease, etc wouldn't be considered adults which is not the case.

                This is two different things. It's a fairly well known fact that the maturation of the adolescent mind is during puberty... which is the result of the aforementioned chemicals. I'll further that by saying if you acknowledge someone is chemically different - is stunting that change actually a good thing? The answer isn't known. There are too few peer reviewed studies with sufficient data to provide a credible answer.

                As far as considering adulthood - I'd suggest tabling that as it unwinds into some ugly side conversations all of which have validity ... but doesn't belong here. There is a reason we use age as a generic determinant... and that is tied to general brain maturity and experience.

                It prevents the acute release of puberty related hormones until ... [truncated]

                This is the problem. (I've made this assertion elsewhere in this thread) Those hormones are responsible for more than just sexual development. We can't actually pause our bodies. We are bypassing a part of the development phase and saying "see it started again" when in reality it was just continuing for the remaining period it was supposed to be active for. This has side effects. (which you noted- See the definitions and risks on the mayo clinic site.)

                Physical implications aside... we get very chicken and egg here: So do the parents recognize the child is the wrong sex and bring them to the doctor ... or the child says I'm the wrong sex and the aforementioned happens? Obviously the latter. Based on that the child is making the decision based on minimal experience and should be given counselling and time to make that decision as they develop. Your mention of self image and suicide is not uncommon amongst teens period. Providing guidance and understanding is how that is solved... but we as Americans are very good at throwing pills at that problem... and frequently do.

                • None of the known risks or side effects include cognitive impairment, you are attributing to puberty blockers changes to cognitive development without research demonstrating the causal link between limiting puberty hormones and decreased or slowed cognitive development like the known negative effects. I also wouldn't accept increased cognitive development as a positive effect under puberty blockers without justification either. Until there is sufficient justification for either position we are not justified reaching either conclusion.

                  I am concerned there is and will be increased public resistance to what the medical consensus supports because of the political scapegoating trans people are under, and wonder if we were talking about transhumanism in general instead focused specifically on transgenderism would the resistance be the same.

                  The discussions you've mentioned would likely start with a child experiencing distress reported to an adult or their parents noticing their distress and working with a medical doctor to identify the causes and treatment plans to consider. In the cases where the distress is related to a lasting pattern of gender dysphoria or gender nonconformity that is one of the criteria for prescribing puberty blockers.

                  • None of the known risks or side effects include cognitive impairment, you are attributing to puberty blockers changes to cognitive development without research demonstrating the causal link between limiting puberty hormones and decreased or slowed cognitive development like the known negative effects. I also wouldn't accept increased cognitive development as a positive effect under puberty blockers without justification either. Until there is sufficient justification for either position we are not justified reaching either conclusion..

                    This is a fair point and I will admit I did not have any research in mind when I brought it up... however I believe it's fair to say that of the research that has been done very little focuses on this specific application and it's long term effects.

                    I am concerned there is and will be increased public resistance to what the medical consensus supports because of the political scapegoating trans people are under, and wonder if we were talking about transhumanism in general instead focused specifically on transgenderism would the resistance be the same.

                    I loathe politcs involving sexuality period. It's one more way to splinter a community. We absolutely agree here.

                    The discussions you've mentioned would likely start with a child experiencing distress reported to an adult or their parents noticing their distress and working with a medical doctor to identify the causes and treatment plans to consider. In the cases where the distress is related to a lasting pattern of gender dysphoria or gender nonconformity that is one of the criteria for prescribing puberty blockers.

                    While this is the case care should be given to how that information is interpreted. Toys, clothing choices, even colors can simply be a very neutral and innocent interest and may (from the child's perspective) simply be something they enjoy. We as adults can overly assign meaning and weight to these choices which may impact the child's perspective. Psychology in general can bandwagon quite a bit in this regard. I will say it has improved quite a bit but we're all human. I digress. To your point I still believe that counseling is and should be the first step and medication should be (if used) used sparingly and ideally after some time has passed. I still firmly dislike the "it's just a pause button" mentality people have. It's far more complex than that- it needs to be respected as a weighty decision.

            • If they only knew what hormones do to adults, especially amongst athletes, the psychological changes you could face, including severe depression, anxiety, aggression, and sadly acts of violence and self unaliving. I can't support messing with the natural course of hormones within children.

              If you're an adult, by all means, it's your choice. You've experienced life long enough and should be able to decide what to do with yourself.

        • Are you stupid or a paedophile?

          Gender presentation isn't sexual.

          Delaying puberty and living as the opposite gender for a few years during childhood, isn't permanent and can be fully reversed if the child changes their mind.

          People like you, who keep insisting on correlating prepubescent children's gender presentation with sexual behaviour, are the permantly damaging danger to these children.

          If you ever feel like you're going to harm a child because of these abhorrent sexual thoughts you're having, go to a police station or a hospital and beg them to be locked up and medicated.

          Or do the honourable thing and save everyone the harm of having to interact with a paedophile. Nobody of value wants people who sexualise and hurt children in their society.

    • I have no idea what your point might be, but I'm fairly sure it's as stupid as everything else you wrote.

    • If a kid has a heart condition and they have to have a risky surgery, the doctors ask the parents. Because the child is not old enough to understand the implications of these things.

      I see gender dysphoria as a similar thing. The suicide rate is very high for these individuals so some form of treatment is essential if you care about your child. It's the same as if they had a heart issue with like a 40% risk of dying. It's life or death.

      The transitioning process works best if it happens before puberty. When a child goes through puberty, the sexual hormones start pumping and that permanently changes many parts of the body. Literally the shape and size of bones will change.

      If you catch gender dysphoria before puberty, the end result of the transition will be much more effective than doing it at 18 or 20. By that point there's no going back from puberty.

      So essentially - the child isn't making a decision. The parents are making an informed medical decision based on a diagnosis by a medical professional.

      I really don't see this as any different than any other medical issue. The difference is this is unusual and many people think emotionally.

    • You’re getting downvoted because you’re repeating false rhetoric.

      No, pretty much nobody thinks a child should be having a sexual relationship with whomever they want. However, teens do have those relationships, and most of us acknowledge it happens and are generally ok with it provided there aren’t clear signs of abuse.

      Likewise, no one thinks a child should medically transition. However, many of us think teens should be able to medically transition. In fact, decisions about transitioning are often happening several years later than decisions about sex.

      Your hypothetical example was to give people a mental image of 6 and 7 year olds when you know damn well the conversation is about 16 and 17 year olds. And if you genuinely weren’t aware, you are now, so it’s time to rethink your position.

      If you want to talk about these decisions in the age group where they’re actually happening, then sure, let’s talk. But it’s not going to be conversational if you’re not willing to start from a position of intellectual honesty.

    • In almost all cases the point is to keep things reversible. The problem is puberty. Once the hormone cascades hit, it's far harder to transition. At the same time, fully transitioning is not something many children are equipped to cope with.

      Luckily there is a 3rd option. Puberty can be delayed without permanent issues. This gives the patient and doctors time to figure out what to do long term. If they were confused, they stop the drugs, and puberty happens normally. If they truly want to transition, they are in a far better position to change than if they experienced puberty as the "wrong" gender.

      By delaying the changes, it allows time for them to process what they want. It also lets them experience living as the other gender, in a reversible manner.

      • This is the first half that everyone wants to champion but reality is that drugs of any kind - treatments of any kind - have side effects and lasting effects.

        Hitting pause as everyone so eloquently puts it does actually have effects outside of underdeveloped sexual organs. It's not a magic bullet.

        I'm not against someone being who they want to be but do so after the age of consent when your development is slowing down. It's safer.

        As far as what children are equipped to deal with: That age range is for discovering their identity. Hitting pause is a disservice to that cause. Yes the physical changes are a real thing - but those changes aren't all sexual either and are affected by the drugs we're shoving onto these kids.

        If anything the current culture is forcing them to make a decision on "take these drugs now or you won't be perfect." Fuck that. Pushing a decision on them like that, regardless of our intent, is no better than denying who they are (or who they may become) outright.

        I may not advocate for changing children when they are developing but once they have more time to be certain of who they want to become - I'm all for it.

        • Nobody thinks there's a magic bullet, but you seem to imply that continuing with the wrong puberty will not leave lasting effects. Delaying is the least bad of three imperfect options. You're complaining about "putting a decision on the child", while taking that decision away from them, the parents, and doctor.

          Simply waiting "until they have more time to be certain" is not a neutral decision; it's deciding cis and worsening the consequences if they're not. They're consenting to a medical procedure - not to sex - so the age of consent [for sex] doesn't apply; informed consent medical ethics do.

          Hope this helps!

          • I understand your view however I disagree fundamentally on a few aspects of it.. please bear with this line of questioning:

            Why is it imperative they chose so early? (I know the answer but play along... I promise this has a point)

            If the reason you stated is physical ... why are we discounting the physical risks associated with the side effects? Do those outweigh the safety and healthy life of that person later in life? Are we overly applying weight to physical appearance over safety? It's common in a lot of other scenarios...

            Recall that my assertions are pointed at effectively highschool age and below: not all of a body's development (sexual and otherwise) occurs at this phase. Post highschool the young adult is now able to make decisions (largely) for themselves. Around that time they have a much better sense of identity as well. Is it absolutely critical to force that decision prior to that considering that?

            Why not counseling and emotional support during their early development and let them make the decision when they are more legally capable after that time?

            That got longer than I wanted but I'm curious what your thoughts are.

            • Risks of medical intervention always should be weighed against risks of nonintervention. If there is a significant probability a child is trans, delaying puberty may be the least intrusive option. There is a chance of negative effects, like with all medical interventions, but if they are most likely trans forcing them to undergo puberty is much more likely to have long term negative effects (including suicidality). Why is this specific medical decision equivalent to kids having sex? Do you view other procedures, like deciding to have braces, the same way? What about much riskier treatments with a muddled short/long term prognosis, like some heart surgeries?

              • Risks of medical intervention always should be weighed against risks of nonintervention.

                Agreed. I have expressed as much when discussing adverse effects.

                If there is a significant probability a child is trans, delaying puberty may be the least intrusive option. There is a chance of negative effects, like with all medical interventions, but if they are most likely trans forcing them to undergo puberty is much more likely to have long term negative effects (including suicidality).

                The first statement while correct is ignoring that if they are in fact trans there is a high likelihood of hormone therapy and/or surgery regardless. The statement about the psychological aspects is oft tied to discussions like these: They rarely factor in adolescents in general are an increased risk during this time. Funnily enough councilling and familial support are typically the strongest way to combat most cases which stem from isolation and fear/confusion.

                Why is this specific medical decision equivalent to kids having sex? Do you view other procedures, like deciding to have braces, the same way? What about much riskier treatments with a muddled short/long term prognosis, like some heart surgeries?

                edit: I misread the above and combined it with another discussion from a prior thread. sorry!

                Ultimately because the choice can effect you later in life. This is one of the reasons we apply the gravity to it that we do. There are other parallels. In the end we acknowledge that a more developed mind can weigh those pros and cons and make a (more?) informed decision. I absolutely pushed this perspective to 11 to get a response but I firmly believe it is an acceptable equivalent in terms of weight of decision.

                Hmm... Mostly because sexuality is tied to who we are. Does it determine every aspect of our existence? I'm not freud 😂. No. But it is undeniably a facet in our complex understanding of self.

                Braces are an interesting choice; they have health benefits as well as effect our outward appearance. Surgeries (as I think I've expressed before) don't quite fall into this category but... If you have a low risk heart condition (relatively speaking) you could dive right in and get surgery (risks) or perhaps wait and do more research on it and become better informed. If anything it would support what I am advocating. (Yes I'm aware you can flip the argument the other way.) I think it's worth acknowledging that in that scenario that the latter decision is typically the recommended one.

            • I'm sorry, which of these questions are literal and which are rhetorical? If they are trans, then deciding before a cis puberty is less harmful.

        • We have been using puberty blockers for a long time. They were around when I was prepubescent. They're established medicine, and doctors deem whatever the side effects are to be worth helping the children's mental and physical health.

          All medicine is like this. Very little medication has no side effects at all. Yet we give children medicine all the time. Because it does more good than harm.

          Who decides if it does more good than harm? Medical professionals. Not laymen on the Internet.

        • Hitting pause as everyone so eloquently puts it does actually have effects outside of underdeveloped sexual organs.

          Can you explain what you mean by this?

    • You're totally right! Kids shouldn't be able to acquire whatever drugs they want independently of parents and doctors. Luckily that's not on discussion anywhere

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