Letters: Readers respond to an article about quitting the rat race, with some saying their generation was handed an untenable position and others saying the struggle is nothing new
Okay, I can't actually get work at the moment, I've ended up in the "precariat" despite my MSc because I didn't understand what would be helpful in the labour market when I was younger. Didn't have a supportive family, to make something of an understatement. So my question is, shall I kill myself? I've worked very hard in physical jobs so it's not laziness, the labour market is just very cruel and is happy to kill me.
Deaths of despair, you know? I just want something productive to do that doesn't destroy my mind and body and actually pays a proper living wage. I feel like I've got a lot to offer but I'm not able to work the system like some people. Or even navigate it.
i'm reading your comments and i don't have an answer for you. you sound really discouraged. i hope you will find a reason to stick around, and i hope it gets better for you soon. ❤️
There will be more jobs. Or we march in the streets. Don't let the capitalists win. They want people to take the easy way out. Every time they see an article about working class suicides they smile because it means nobody will quit their jobs just for the abuse.
You can't predict the future, you are not a far seer, you are not a fortune teller. You don't know if life gets better or not. The only way to find out is to keep hanging on.