I'm re-watching The Magicians with my wife, since she's never seen it. It's been long enough since I watched it last that I don't remember a lot of things that happened, so there's a lot of "I forgot got that!" moments for me, which is fun.
Just finished rewatching The Magicians recently! The last season is so bad and cheesy lol. But I love it still. I’ll never not love Josh. I don’t know if you are at his introduction yet, but it’s so good, I always laugh so hard.
Currently I’m rewatching The Expanse. I’m having the same reaction, from the first season. Like I don’t remember anything basically, it’s great hahah
I gotta say I never “love” Kady, but I do love all the others in different points. They change a lot. Some I love all the way, like Elliot. Some are harder at the start but get much better at the end, like Penny.
I do love them all as characters all the way through tho, even Kady. She’s just a bit triggering for me lol, always storming out of places, never being able to talk… and by the end when she starts to get better in that regard she practically disappears.
But something that I really like about the show is how all of them are at one point or another really unlikable as people. They really just suck sometimes, in major ways. But it makes a lot of sense in the universe, given how magic works etc. I also guess this is one of the reasons many people hate the show and can’t get into it. Like in season 1 most of them are just terrible people hahahaah