To be fair, that's more than two words
To be fair, that's more than two words
To be fair, that's more than two words
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I thought it looked like some form of artilleri but apparently it's just a Högspänningslikströmsöverföringsanläggning (in swedish) so nothing to dangerous.
Hmmm... I wonder what the elevatorpitch for a Högspänningslikströmsöverföringsanläggningservicelektriker is?
Hello! I'm the Högspänningslikströmsöverföringsanläggningservicelektrikersanställningsansvarige. Would you like to work as a Högspänningslikströmsöverföringsanläggn..."
No sorry, I have to go.
But it's a amazing workplace; Steve, our Högspänningslikströmsöverföringsanläggningservicelektrikersarbetsplatssäkerhetsavdelningsledare, will take...
[Screamd while dashing for the elevator exit]
Do you also want to use a language with so beautifuly convoluted words? Then Swedish ™ might be the language for you!
Here are some of the most common words to get you started:
I love how all Germanic languages can pull that stunt. Be it German, Swedish, Dutch, they all have this magic "turn a sentence into a single word" ability.
Haven't you heard there is a Högspänningslikströmsöverföringsanläggningservicelektrikerstrejk going on!